Universal Siralim (by Thylacine Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. NightmareCC

    NightmareCC Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2014

    Ok thank you
  2. Rattyfus

    Rattyfus Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    #682 Rattyfus, Nov 1, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
    Erm, is it me or are the A and B buttons invisible? They are on my iPod Touch 5g. What gives?
  3. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Try going into the options, then disable and re-enable them. They should appear.
  4. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    New Nature realm graphics:
  5. Bewi

    Bewi Well-Known Member

    When will all those new tilesets come live ?
  6. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    #686 ThylacineStudios, Nov 4, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
    The goal is to get them out before 2015. They'll likely be released at the same time as the UI overhaul.
  7. NightmareCC

    NightmareCC Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Yeah I got the pumpkin!
    His ability looks great.
    I hope to get the crafting material too
  8. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Just like with how sigils work, the deeper the realm you're in when you fight him, the greater the chance you have to find his crafting material.
  9. NightmareCC

    NightmareCC Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Wait a moment I thought that I need to solve the quest to get it.
  10. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Wow I just got this and I haven't even left the castle yet.
    I'll have to rush down the street and get an iTunes card for the full game for sure!

    Just a note to the dev, in the room that is one down and one left from to the war room is a snake. When
    Ever the snake is facing left his sprite keeps swapping in between the snake and what looks like a tiny garden gnome, which I think is a bug.

    Well done creating a cool as game! Although I would suggest moving the text boxes that appear when talking and when In the tutorial to the top of the screen, so I don't have to move my hand to read it.
  11. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    @NightmareCC: Sorry, I misunderstood you. There are actually two legendary crafting materials you can get during this event. One is from the quest and the other is from the Pumking. Then of course, there's a rare crafting material that you can find in breakable objects.

    @Duivs: Thank you! I'm glad you like it. There are a few sprite glitches in this version that will be fixed in the next patch. Sometime before the end of this year, the UI will receive an overhaul and I'll be sure to keep your message box suggestion in mind. At the very least, maybe I could add an option to determine where the message box opens.
  12. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    ^awesome :)
    I like the mobile analogue stick idea as well
  13. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    New Sorcery tileset:
  14. Bewi

    Bewi Well-Known Member

    Please stop torturing us with those screens and get back to work so we can have those tilesets as quick as possible :D
  15. AlteaineDranix

    AlteaineDranix Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2011
    I'm considering getting this, but I'd like to clarify something first. Are the event items limited edition? Or is there a way to get them after the event ends?
  16. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    The only event items that you can't get after the event are those for Holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, and other medieval holidays. The same items will be given out each year though, and they aren't by any means game-changing. For example, beer is just a consumable item that gives you a temporary buff to make your creatures drunk. The only item that is really game-changing is one crafting material, but with the way crafting works in the game, it'll become obsolete after awhile anyway. You're not really missing out on anything permanently, and that is by design. :)

    @Bewi: Don't worry, I'm just taking screenshots of mockups that the graphics artist sends me. Switching the new graphics over from the old will take me probably an hour at the most. I just have to wait until they're all done, because obviously it would be pretty strange if some of the realms had updated graphics while the others did not.
  17. AlteaineDranix

    AlteaineDranix Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2011
    Thank you for the reply! I'll go ahead and get this now. :D
  18. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    We're currently testing the new patch 1.2.0, so if anyone is interested in helping out, please read this post on our forums: http://thylacinestudios.com/forums/index.php/topic,335.msg962.html#new

    The test version is only available for Windows, but if you've already purchased the game for iOS you're more than welcome to test it out for Windows as well!
  19. EnGeneral

    EnGeneral Member

    Mar 24, 2013
    Excellent game, whoever made this.

    Thought I'd seek a bit of counsel here from seasoned players:

    My chaos mage is level 90 something, my party consists of a Twisted Devil (lv.110) Iron Golem (lv.109) Unicorn Villifier (nether, lvl.60) Mouth of Hell (lvl.100) Lich King (lvl.96) and finally a Shogun (lvl.92)

    I've made it as far as realm 26 but seem overly reliant on the Mouth of Hell's self destruct ability to defeat packs and clear floors. My Unicorn is focused on durability (for its ability to revive) and my Mouth of Hell on speed - to provoke early, and also gain Taunt when hit. While artifacts for the remaining creatures boosting predominantly attack and speed (and luck in the Twisted Devil's instance) and a few 'Grant Condition: Harm' abilities to augment damage - seem to have hit a bit of a wall, though. Wondering if I need to experiment with a different party setup/artifacts etc. - currently in the process of powering a White Nether Egg for an attack-minded Blademaster to replace the Golem, maybe? Nether creatures take forever to build, however.

    Any advice on strategy or team setups with good synergy? Perhaps specific creatures to aim for which you've found tremendously helpful? I might have a hit a wall in battling creatures beyond my ability and stumbling through floors with the self-destruct but it feels like I've stagnated lately.

    I tend to not use spells except in rare/desperate scenarios and/or if I'm battling nether creatures/sigils. Currently doing the ritual for More Creatures - Tier 18 and was wondering how many tiers there are, also? I'm assuming it must, at some point, stop. I don't know if I should venture deeper with a team too dependent on the Mouth of Hell's ability, or grind - if that would even help?

    The game is incredible though. Stolen a lot of time from me.
  20. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    You're definitely getting to the point where you need more Nether Creatures and need to utilize spells more often. The Iron Golem also might be a little out of place, since its ability caters to a party that focuses on survivability so it can stack its Attack up in longer abilities, then quickly kill off its opponents once fatigue sets in.

    There are 20 creature tiers right now. More will be added in the distant future. :)

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