Looks pretty rad, man! Looking forward to it, whenever that may be. It's just icing on the already tasty cake.
Thy; Patch submitted? With the lag fix? It's actually so bad for me right now I've stopped playing Just loading the game and going from room to room in the castle takes so long. Hoping the patch doesn't take all week! Thanks in advance I love your dedication
The patch will be submitted tomorrow. I've been testing it along with a few other people all weekend to make sure no bugs/crashes slipped in. Not that the delay matters anyway, since the people in charge of approving apps at Apple don't work weekends. This patch won't fix any lag that occurs due to having a ton of items in your inventory. It only improves dungeon performance. It's possible that this will help your problem as a side-effect, but it won't be the final fix for it. Your best bet for now is to discard items that you don't want to use, which is most easily accomplished by salvaging unused artifacts, destroying excess consumables, ensuring that you always turn in your Exalted Emblems to Bynine, and use your sigils/tokens when you acquire them.
Unfortunately that's easier said than done. Currently I have 67 pages of consumables 97 pages of scrolls 25 pages of sigils 13 pages of particles 10 pages of misc. These are the big ones. I'm trying to do sigils battles but they are so slow...to load, to reward, and then to send me back to dungeon screen when complete. The negative to this is I gain more items than I could ever get rid of. A discard all feature would only be harmful, there needs to be a slightly better inventory management if this is going to cause so much lag.
Coolguy: good luck clearing your sigils. I seem to hover around the same number after rewards for the past 20 battles. Are there any improvements planned to reduce battery usage? The game seems to really drain my power somehow.
@dude: Better inventory management is definitely something that will come soon. I'll make that a priority for the patch after this one. Several items will stack such as Pandemonium Tokens and consumables, and believe it or not that will actually help with the delays a lot. I also want to add an interface for discarding multiple stackable items at once. I think you'll find yourself burning through scrolls pretty quickly once they're actually worth using, so that'll help a lot too. You'll also find that you won't be able to last nearly as long in the arena after this patch and the realms will ramp up in difficulty much more quickly, so you won't acquire quite as much loot as before. @neobloodsin: I'm pretty sure any battery draining that is to be blamed on Siralim has to do with how poorly optimized the dungeons are right now. That should be fixed for you in the patch which will be uploaded today and should be released within a week.
THIS! I thought it was just my phone getting old or something but Siralim drains my phone extremely quicker. Any idea why the game causes this?
@thy Tried using reawaken (I think that's the spell) that should refresh the shrine in a dungeon and it doesn't seem to work it just tells me the shrine has already been used. I tried portalling in and out to test and same message. I assumed 1. I could get multiple shrine enchants 2. OR once I portaled out and back in I get receive a new enchant from the shrine. Either way it doesn't work.
I just tested Reawakening and it seems to be working properly. You should first interact with the shrine to receive a buff, and then if the buff you received isn't the one you want, you can cast Reawakening in that same realm and you will be able to interact with it again. It will have no effect if you have not already used the shrine anyway.
Yeah tried it again it still says unable to interact with that object or something similar. Need that resource gain! On a side note if I'm at realm 120 when patch hits am I going to get demolished? Is the resource gain going to increase greater with realm level now tha the difficulty will be higher?
I'll see if I can reproduce the bug then and fix it. Sorry, guys! The good news is that I just uploaded the patch. I can't wait for you all to see how much better the combat is now. @dude: Yes, you'll get absolutely obliterated, haha. I just did the math and the enemies will be around 400 levels higher than your team at realm level 120. It was never my intention for people to so easily get to that point, which also explains why you have such an insane amount of items. Arenas have a similar difficulty scale, so you won't be yawning your way to round 100 anymore. The rewards have not been increased because they honestly weren't meant to be given out like candy to begin with, but the poor difficulty scaling allowed that to happen. Of course, I'm completely open to seeing what you guys think about how the game plays now and if adjustments need to be made to the reward structure, that's definitely a possibility for the next patch! Speaking of which, the next patch won't take anywhere near as long to complete. Here's what I plan to include in it: - Nether system will be reworked so that the amount of gems you use is based on the amount of Nether Orb activations. - There will be a Major Sigil for every creature in the game. Each one will drop that creatures' respective legendary crafting material. Legendary crafting materials can still be found in other ways too, of course. - You can combine two identical gems to level them up. - More items will stack. This will reduce clutter and even reduce delay when saving/loading the game. - You can select the number of items you wish to discard rather than only being able to discard one at a time. - New alternative touch controls. The A and B buttons won't be on-screen buttons anymore, and will simply be activated when you touch the top-right or bottom-right region of the screen. The directional pad will become circular and will be a lot more responsive. You can toggle between these controls and the classic controls at will. This is just a list of things that I have planned for now. Some other quality of life improvements and other suggestions you guys submit can be added as well.
Man sounds awesome! And like a challenge... 400 levels higher well here's to the new and improved spells helping me out!
The final patch notes for v1.0.12 can be found here: http://thylacinestudios.com/forums/index.php/topic,275.0.html
I want to name some of the Major Sigil bosses after members of this community. If you'd like to name a boss, post a name here. Some restrictions: 1) The name must be 16 letters or less in length, and cannot contain any numbers/punctuation. Letters only. 2) It must be one word in length. 3) It must be an original, roleplay-esque name. It's fine if it's from some kind of obscure fiction or something like that, but nothing too obvious. Names like Obama and Charmeleon won't work. Jorlen works great. 4) One name per member only. 5) If you want to be named after a specific creature, specify that as well. I can't make any promises, but I'll try.
This is an interesting initiative, I would like to give my nickname to a boss. Hrsta is viable? It's a sanskrit word http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=hRSTa&direction=SE&script=HK&link=yes and even a band name. Maybe after the Berserker Fiend, my first creature. Anyway I can't wait for the Update!