Any plans on implementing an auto fight option, I'm getting tired of clicking so much just to get through battles, status effects, resource gains. Could u add an auto button or enable a "hold A button option"
You can already set the message speed to "instant" and then just hold down the A button to quickly cycle through messages. I don't plan to add any sort of auto-fighting capabilities because that's horribly boring and really cheapens the game. If you're at a point where you can just spam A over and over and win, one of two things are happening: 1) You are fighting at too easy of a realm level. 2) Combat just isn't strategic enough to merit doing anything else. This part of the equation will be address in the next patch since all the spells and abilities are being revamped.
Sweet good catch it's definitely the chest! Thy big suggestion; can you show the enchantment affect / description when applying an enchantment. Right now it simply shows the name of the enchantment but no affect and most of the time I have no idea what the enchantment does. You have to exit the enchantment window and search thru materials to find the name and then try to remember that one when applying. I have so many materials I cannot keep track So far I've summoned my first 2 pages of creatures. Each week I'm going to summon another entire page... Lots of resources this takes time!
Yeah, I agree with DUde's suggestion. Anytime there is an effect on an artifact, or when applying materials to enchant, the effect description should be present. It would make crafting much more seamless. It's already great, but it would be even better
Yeah, unfortunately the only reason that this isn't implemented already is because there's just not enough room in the UI to display a lot of ability descriptions. This is the type of thing that will be addressed when the UI is revamped later on
Hi thy: I have some thoughts. I just did a 100 level arena. It was a breeze. Am I over powered, yes but I think te reason is scaling. I have 5 nether creatures and 1 normal. My normal guy is at lvl 189. My 5 other creatures are less than 85. I think this created a bad scaling issue where it's simply to easy. Since nether creatures are so powerful I think the levels of enemies creatures should scale with them and not the normal creatures level. Or something of that effect. At this point I don't even use useful enchantments - I have my artifacts loaded with resource gain enchantments. All 6 of my artifacts have ALL resource gain, chest loot, player / creature bonus etc. I stack up the remaining slots with speed, luck, attack and hp. Since my gunslinger has so much speed and attack in basically going first each fight and killing everyone with one attack. On a side note - the ability "hail to the king" I would love if this was reworked. I find that my lich king one shots almost all creatures but since the death knight "doesn't get to attack" his damage is not applied and therefor the heal affect to my team is not applied either. I think this should be applied regardless. But I think you consider the death knight a seperate character almost and I get that... Also, I've noticed that using gunslinger if I target a creature that has super low defense (ie pandemonium boss minion, and NOT boss) the damage gets calculated much much higher for all hit. If I target boss the damage is much lower across all attacked. I'm not sure if this was the intention but it kinda makes using the gunslinger somewhat a cheap way to do higher damage than should be done to creatures with higher def. Thanks! Still loving it!
Arena balance is something else that is being addressed in the patch. The difficulty will scale on a curve rather than being linear like it is now. It was definitely never intentional for people to be able to clear out 100 arena battles in a row, at least not practically. There probably won't be enough time to address other forms of difficulty in this patch, but eventually I want to make enemies scale with your Nether creatures as well. Obviously I don't want to make Nether creatures obsolete or pointless, but I think enemies should have a *chance* to be a Nether creature if you already have one of your own. Their stats may or may not be as good as yours, so it'll still feel nice and dynamic while remaining challenging. An alternative (or maybe supplement) to this change might be to have enemies scale with your Nether creatures based on experience points rather than level. For example, if a normal enemy scales to your level 50 Nether creature, it might be a normal level 100 enemy instead. Hopefully that makes sense. The Gunslinger's ability works the same as many other abilities that hit multiple creatures - their damage is calculated based on the amount of original damage dealt. I think that's fine for now, since it forces you to think about which creature to target even though the ability can hit all enemies at once.
InLove! So I've been lurking this thread since the beautiful game that is Siralim was released. Normally I'm not one for posting in forums as I'm not much of a word smith but I couldn't help myself. I love Siralim. Wait, no... I'm IN love with Siralim. I've followed each patch and watched the changes. I've read the forums and implemented strategies I've seen in here. Every game mechanism only makes the game better. I don't want to talk about what I've loved in the past but hopefully I can actively post here and leave some helpful feedback. @dudecoolguyman - How many hours have you played the game? I'm currently at 26. Main lvl 63 and I haven't found any nether orbs yet = ( I'm only up to level 7 as I tend to just start again from zero and I'm not a fan of party wipes. I was just curious to see how I was going timewise.
I really like this Game! The way the developer is interacting with the users is impressive! Thank you for this. I have one question about the Game: There are some slowdows when outside the city. Is this device related or could it be improved? I use an Ipad2
Hi Nightmare, thanks for playing! Part of this is device related, and part of it involves some optimizations that I can make to the game itself. I believe the iPad 2 has only 512MB RAM which can cause some minor slowdown, but I am also working hard to optimize the game as much as possible to reduce (if not remove) slowdown. I try to include a few optimizations in each patch to make it better, and the next patch will be no exception
Here's a look at the new Hunter overworld sprites:
The new sprites are looking good, Thy! Regarding the slowdowns - I am using a device with 1GB RAM, even when I force close everything and use airplane mode, I still get some slow-downs. It's worse in some realms than others, and it's not too bad, but I can imagine on slower devices it would be worse.
Just wanted to let you know: I have a bug where the arrow keys and a and b buttons keep disappearing. It normally happens during a fight and they reappear at the end of the fight.
This game half reminds me of the MTG microprose game (shandalar), with the walk around run into creatures map overview and then duke it out in a duel, earning drops (coins or cards as it was for shandalar). Great game you have here. I'd speak for many in saying with what you have here, you could apply this to your own port of shandalar if you'd consider that in a future project.
I think 70 hours. You'll see more orbs as you pass realm 30ish. If you use a group of diabolical creatures your chances will be even greater
Hunters were my next nether group target now it's totally my next target especially with the poison changes!
Good news - I finally found out what was causing all the lag. There will be a performance increase of over 2000% in the next patch, so I'd be amazed if anyone experiences even a single second of slowdown at that point. And it looks like we have some new Gargoyle sprites on the way, which is a great thing considering they are hardly even animated right now. I'm expecting to upload the patch on Friday.