I too play on my iphone 5s and have logged plenty of hours without thinking the text is tough to read.
I get that it might take awhile to fix. I'll check back in after the next update. I'm on a 4S. The conversation and in combat description text is 1/32 of an inch tall, which is usually regarded as 2 point. I am very happy for everyone whose vision allows them to read this comfortably, but with my glasses correcting me to 20/20 vision I cannot.
Just to say the slowdown when exploring the realms is getting worst. Maybe it is because I begin to have a lot of items too ? I have noticed some realms are really fluid while others are very slow. Maybe it comes from the tilesets ? Still enjoying the game though. I'm creating my second nether creature. I find the process of upgrading gems very very slow compared to activations of the orb and the enchantements of gems. I long to see what will come to make the gems leveling process less frustrating.
I did not know Pandemonium Tokens could change the gems level. I have used about ten and have not had any event about the gems. The Gem Boxes is a reasonnable solution but overall I find that leveling the gems take a lot more time than all the other steps of the nether creation process reunited. This is in my opinion a balance problem.
@dude: Any chance you took a screenshot of the message after scrolling down as well? It is unfortunately hiding a large portion of the really important stuff @Bewi: Can you name any specific realm types that you notice the slowdown in? It's possible that certain realm-specific events are causing the problem and I could more easily pinpoint which events are causing the problem if I had a few examples to work from
Here's a list of the first half of the ability changes coming to patch 1.0.12: http://thylacinestudios.com/forums/index.php/topic,252.0.html
Gosh I'm so stupid I didn't know you could scroll those... I'll purposely try to fight pand. Bosses and try to recreate it. Sorry On a side note those spell changes are sick!
Anyone have a list of the power spell creature particles? So far I have: Abaddon Guard Amaranthine Cafard Banshee Enclave Amaranth Giant Mangler Hammer Lord Hunter Director Mite Interloper Pegasus Storm Lord Sunclaw Gargoyle (not positive if it is power spell or not) Anyone else have others?
New golem sprites: http://i.gyazo.com/f871d66904820745ce6fc5e7e2e69f3a.png New unicorn sprites: http://i.gyazo.com/06a7932e630ab3cc4f2fde0dab703e3e.png The unicorns' tails finally move, so I count that as a victory.
Thanks for the screenshots! I'm pretty sure your Nether Demon's (Dargagog) ability will cause that crash if the ability kills an enemy. I'll fix this for the next patch, but unfortunately, your best bet is to not use that creature for now.
I've seen this before after again fighting the pandemonium king. I think it happens only after I accidentally open a chest at the same time the fight begins.