Sorry for what seems to be a double post. But I just got a notification from my TA App --- Sine Mora on sale again for $ 2.99.
I would hold off on buying this until others can confirm the game works on their phone. I have an iPhone 6+ iOS 9.1 and game crashes to home screen. Reviews on App Store say it crashes on iOS 8.4 as well. Bought this on a previous sale and it's been in my backlog. Might not get to play this one.
On sale again at $1.99. With the crash issues - can anyone confirm it is working with iOS 10? And, is it still worth getting?
iPhone 6+ iOS 10.1.1. Downloaded earlier and played through a couple levels. It did crash on the initial launch but then ran fine for the rest of the time. I was also concerned about the crashing issue as the 6+ seemed to be the most effected based on App Store reviews. I don't seem to be having any problems though.