Sorry I didn't understand...did you complete the alternate story mode? (all descriptions are different plus many new cutscenes, expecially towards the end). If yes, we need to talk
Ah ok, thank you If you do, be sure to read all the brand new written cutscenes plus hear the all new dialogues. It's pretty cool imho, expecially the ending. Sooooooooooo many questions!!!!
Will do Pitta. I have to pay more attention to the original story line first though. I ended up skipping a lot of it and focusing on the game itself thus far. Jesus, Casket! This Vektor has enough riffs in it for ten albums! No, make that 20. No, wait... 50. 50 albums of pure riffage. My ears are bleeding riffage. Definitely one of the most aggressive thrash albums I've heard in a long while, maybe ever. EDIT: Yeah, really appreciating these riffs. My complaint with it is that there are SO MANY and so many transitions that it is hard to keep up and discern an actual song from them. There are so many riffs per song in fact that I am not sure if I am even hearing any one of them repeat back on itself! LOL. That may be a first, haha.
First of all, thank you, everyone, for your valuable feedback. Your opinions, positive or negative, do matter to us, after all, you're our players I'd like to answer (or re-answer) some of the issues raised in this thread Controls: no new touch methods will be added, but i'm looking into the ios7 controller support. Instatouch is not possible, it'd require a big rewrite of the collision detection in the game, not to mention breaking other aspects of it, so we chose not to do it. Graphics: aside from the cursed water , the IOS version is identical to the Vita one, but in higher resolution. I'm still experimenting with optimisations, but IF it ever makes it into an update, i'll concentrate on making the framerate higher rather than replicating the PC features. iCade: i'll be honest with you, i haven't even heard of it until now. I'll check if it's available in my country. Widescreen: as i mentioned earlier in another post, this has always been the target of critisism on all platforms. The 21:9 ratio is part of the design, and the whole game is timed/marked around it. If i were to open the borders, you'd see glitches like objects/enemies/bullets appearing from thin air. The only option would be to zoom in, but then you'd lose visible playarea - i'm not sure how that would go down with the community. Gameplay: we felt it was important to leave it as it is - some of the original design decisions may seem unorthodox, but they're part of what makes Sine Mora Sine Mora. We hope you still find the experience valuable, even if you don't agree with some of the choices we made. Gamecenter: this one pretty much depends on our other projects. No promises, but if we finish integrating it into our framework and find a way to migrate existing facebook scores into it, then Sine Mora will be retro-fitted with GC. We're preparing for release on other platforms, and as a consequence, the ios version might get another update too. If you have any suggestions or remarks, please PM me.
Well, my experience went like this (I *LOVE* the game, both in gameplay and in story). First time I didn't understand a single thing about the story. My fault is that I didn't focused on the characters names, plus obviously the dates (the internal game encyclopedia helps). Second pass (on challenging, to unlock the alternative story line) was much better and I did appreciate all the efforts they put in the convoluted and dark story. The alternate storyline is imho awesome, filling many gaps in the original one, but opening a whole new it would be interesting to compare impressions.
Obviously I have my issues with the game, but I will be the first to say that you are one hell of a developer. Responsive, accommodating, honest. For that alone, my hat goes off to you. I look forward to someday playing this on the 360 or PS3.
Hi thank you for sharing, for listening to the community and above all for having ported this awesome game!!! I have one question...not really related to Sine Mora....but I NEED to know. WHAT NEXT? I mean...are you working on a sequel?Prequel?Anything similar? Because I loved Sine Mora and I need more (on iOS). Any plans you can share? Also...congratulations for your tech efforts. I'm not aware you did anything else on iOS before, but you managed to display some impressive graphics on the platform...much better than almost anything else and with an impressive framerate too.
As we've already covered, the above is only part of what you have freely stated on the matter, and to be perfectly honest I'm not particularly interested in your rant or attempt to shift the goalposts. Attempting to deliberately cherry-pick three specific posts in which you didn't say a particular thing doesn't negate the fact that you did say that same thing in numerous other posts, and is a bizarrely dishonest tactic on your part; I'm not sure why you thought it would work. Or are you claiming now that you didn't ever make the above statements at all? Your claims were untrue when you initially made them, and they remain so: at no point in any level is damage and powerup loss inherently unavoidable. Feel free to give specific examples to the contrary if you believe otherwise. Oi, lumpy. You don't get to talk about respect until you stop letting all those SW2 matches time out. You're spoiling things for 2-4 other people. /shakes fist
Always good to see a developer taking feedback, and I'm always especially happy to see one who is willing to put their foot down regarding the division between implementing new features and maintaining the integrity of their original vision. This can often be tougher on the iOS platform, where the audience has been conditioned to expect developers to try to bend over backwards to accommodate their every request, and often becomes hostile when a developer finally says "No". Congratulations again on the positive reception; I'm looking forward to SM's potential updates and your future games. ^_^
Those were the only three posts I made that included impressions about the game, so cherry picking the three posts I made is logically by default. I'm in a much happier place now, so I'm no longer paying attention to you
The Sine Mora IP is owned by Digital Reality, so we're unlikely to make another game based on it. As for other iOS games, last year i've ported Imperium Galactica 2 (4X RTS) under DR's label, and my new company released Rescue Me - The Adventures (casual free-to-play game) a few months ago. We're working on multiple projects at the moment, and hopefully you'll hear about them soon And no more self-ad posts, promise
Thanks, I wasn't aware of it, checking them right now. I understand you ported the game...I hope you collaborate again with Digital Reality then, possibily on something in the same vein. Thanks for replying, looking forward your new projects.
Thanks very much for that massive influx of info, much appreciated. A lot of it was re answers that had gotten lost in the thread a bit but is very relevant. Keep up the good work. Its a type of shooter that I'm not normally a player of but find this one a lot of fun because the character and atmosphere add an awful lot to it. That it looks amazing also helps If you get a chance, could you explain the visual effects difference the update added please? Redribbon had a query about it earlier but I can't find a newer video to highlight it and I'm pretty sure you'd explain it much better than I would Thanks in advance if you get the time. And thanks for taking on board all the feedback and reacting to it. That's simply too rare these days and well worth a big thank you.
@rept Hey man, thanks for the kind response!!! I played your game last night, and have to say the adding of relative touch was a great addition. Thank you so much for your explanation of why instananeous touch could not be put in, the same answer was given to me when I helped alot for Syder Arcade HD, luckily in Blazing Star, Dotemu was able to get it in. I can see you are trying your best, and seem like a very cool developer, that is what is most important here. Never heard of icade??????????? Well, that's one of my roles in the ios echosphere. As you can see in my title, it is my job to be a pest to represent all joystick loverz on this planet (hehe, well at least the numbers are growing everyday of various joysticks on ios). And ios 7 will be coming out with joystick support, and apple too wi be coming out with their dual stick analog joystick. This game would be perfect for joystick control, totally awesome. Do yourself a favor and get an icade core joystick. My buyer's guide The HDMI and icade and joystick thread The icade thread Ion's official page And a picture of what an icade core joystick looks like. Whirl the Squirrel with not yet implemented icade support (just a wishlist game for now, though the developer is considering it) If you need any help, just ask, I've worked with tons of developers to put into icade, plasma sky, the other bros, impossible road, bellyfish, fangz, delta-v racing, are just some that I helped with recently. Please consider our humble consideration for icade support, thanks.
Sine Mora really would suit the iCade system particularly because it does feel like a game you could have found in an actual arcade, and the movement scheme the game uses favours such physical controls perfectly.
I know I know! I had to go away to a doctors appointment 600 miles away. My personal hotspot wasn't working for some stupid reason and the wifi in our hotel sucked beyond belief, and even if it did I spent all that time sick beyond sick when we were to turn it into a vacation, too. Beautiful weather, and I got to go in the pool but once and regretted it Anyway, I am back and ready to lose some more. I guess they don't sub bots in for loses like me, eh? Oh, and if you think I was talking to you, then we clearly need to have a talk. We may have butted heads in the past, but your contributions in this thread, while maybe a bit more stern than most people, it is who you are and I'll always respect you for that My only concern regarding physical controls is that the work the awesome dev has done making the game a bit more forgiving for the obvious issues with the touch screen, those could end up screwing over the balance of the game. Maybe if you set the control scheme to a controller, it amps up the challenge a bit? I would totally play this with a controller though, to be able to play it and have some crappy show running in the background is how I like playing games now, I'm spoilt (yes I know that is grammatically incorrect so, there. Sic me all you want!)
Absolutely no concern. All the games that I have helped icade with, most were retrofitted in, I shall use Plasma Sky as an example. Nothing changed in the game, nothing, the dev made that a requirement for me, so I suggested having multiple sensitivity settings which tied to the vstick sensitivity settings. Nothing was added not even on screen help menus, nothing. We had a hard time at first cause his game was written in Marmalade, so I asked a bunch of dev friends to help us, 5 dev friends helped, bam, the actual implementation took about 3 days, then I helped him with all the sensitivity settings. Cause I wanted sensitivity settings so the game would play in 5 different ways (speed of ship, cause some players like slow, med, fast, hyper, etc, hope the dev sees this if he can do it too). But anyway, it is very easy to do, icade unfortunately is just a bluetooth keyboard hack, very easy to minic keystrokes for joystick inputs, not the best way done, but it works. This game seems well suited to add joystick support, yes, it would be nice to take off the controls from the screen (disappear) but other than that, there would be no difference in the game.
See, I told you the remote volcano lair had its drawbacks. Unfortunately, at the moment the match just ends and vanishes when the time expires, which doesn't seem to be the best solution really. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of playing boardgames asynchronously, and the above is one of the reasons why. Heh, don't worry, I wasn't thinking that. I was just using your post as a fantastic excuse to poke you regarding SW2. ^_- Despite the disagreements, this discussion has actually been quite civil on the whole, with the exception of Sumo who is now in time-out after deciding the most appropriate thing to do was to start sending me abusive private messages. Well, something along the lines of an "Original Difficulty" mode for physical controllers that uses the standard console/PC balancing should deal with that in short order. ASIG was referring more to the fact that the game's difficulty has already been deliberately rebalanced for iOS to take the touchscreen into account, and he was concerned that just adding physical controls directly back in would end up making the game easier than intended. That'd be pretty easily solved by simply rolling back any iOS-specific balance changes for an "Original Difficulty" mode, though.
The ship movement etc would work fantabulously well with iCade - and I'd quite like to button mash with this.