Didn't quite go that far. I'd imagine that would be brain meltingly disorientating. But did recall the dev posting early and mentioning the update last Thursday or Friday (?) and just had a read through their post history. Quoted the post directly just so others who had missed them could do the same. As I'm sure most know, but I'll say it anyway, a users post history can be viewed by tapping on their username and one of the options that comes up is view all posts by. Very useful for context.
Here's a video for the original un updated one. http://www.appspy.com/news/7616/sine-mora-update-adds-new-control-options There are more environmental particle effects added in the update but I haven't found a new video yet. I know its only half of what you requested but if I come across an updated one I'll link it in for ya. Edit. The video quality is better/clearer on the YouTube app/page. When you search for sine mora iOS, about five or six decent videos, including the linked one, come up at the top of the search. And be sure to change the settings to 720 for best viewing. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x8cH_-WfVps Another decent length video but still pre update one. Sorry, not having much luck finding a new one.
Is there some reason why health has to be deducted from the clock automatically AND when you get hit? And are there any theories as to why these buttons are so small, but the area utilized for the controls is about 3/4'' thick (playing on 4S)?
Yeah, pretty much. Here is SumoSplash's Pro and Con Sine Mora List, for anyone interested or for those thinking of buying. Feel free to add on. Played on a 4S: Pros: 1) graphics are decent, even though they have been reduced significantly 2) environments, bosses, attention to detail are all pluses 3) slow pacing, horizontal scrolling--this type of shooter naturally draws you in, usually more so than vertical shmups 4) you get a slice of the console versions in your pocket Cons: 1) firepower deduction/loss of tokens due to damage taken 2) token reacquisition unnecessarily difficult due to numerous factors 3) points 1 & 2 lead to generally underpowered weapons on a relatively consistent basis 4) time/health reduced after being hit AND automatically 5) tiny buttons that do not utilize the space available which in turn forces the player to miss button presses completely 6) questionable controls 7) graphical reduction to fit iOS platforms 8) small playing screen size/difficult to see what is going on, making immersion more difficult 9) you get a slice of the console versions
Im replaying this on vita right now and its really a delight, its rather difficult for me even with those excellent physical controls so I can see and understand why it must be frustrating for some people on touchscreens but imo not every shmup needs relative touch to work and in some cases it does take away the fun and feel specially of older games and ports like in snk's blazing star where the fast touch option killed the pace of the game for me so I ended up going back to the v stick. Back on topic, does this game looks better on ipad 4 than vita? I might double dip if theres actually an improvement. That would be sweet taking into account that the vita version costs a couple bucks more than the ios one.
Derailing the thread once more just to say that I am watching some video of both R-Type Final and G-Darius to set my mind straight. *drool* Can you imagine those titles on iOS? Even better, re-done with updated graphics? *double drool*
There is so much drama in this thread. Drama from people I once had much respect for. This drama needs to end. State your opinions, that's fine. But for everyone, take what you want to say and speak it aloud to someone else in the room as if they are that person. If you aren't comfortable doing that, please reconsider posting. I know I've been outspoken in the past and have been brash at times, but this thread has gone so far off the rails, even I'm gobsmacked. Please. Stop. Comments have been made about the controls and the game. And while I respect everyone's opinions, there are two FACTS that are indisputable: The game is not going to ever ever ever fill the screen. It's how it was designed. It doesn't fill the screen on the Vita, or on a widescreen tv. It is frustrating and it would be nice to see everything, but that's what people said back when widescreen movies came out, and is why tvs are 4:3. This was a specific design decision, and asking it to fit would be like telling Kubrick to force his films into 4:3. Next, instant relative touch. It's nice in Flyro and the various cave shooters, but this isn't either of those. It wasn't designed for relative instant touch and if they made that happen, it would be like constantly having Mario able to fly. It would bastardize the mechanics to a ruination point and remove all balance. The only solution would to redesign a new game for iOS, and that won't happen. Beyond that, the controls are what they are. I can struggle through them on normal, and I made it through the garbage chute prior to the update. There have been considerations made to adjust to touch screens, and I think those are good. Had this not come to iOS, I probably wouldn't have considered it, even with the fact that I've got a console and a controller. So from someone who: Sucks at shooters Hates almost all touchscreen controls I enjoy the game. I'm not good at it, but I compare it to being similar to my typing skills on a touchscreen. It's doable, it works, but it's not preferred. To the awesome dev that has given us way more than we could have asked, please think about iOS 7 and controller support. That would be absolutely amazing. Though, wonderful dev, I can appreciate if you have extricated yourself from this thread, it's turned into some political meeting of a 3rd world country.
You have my respect...was it on challenging? I thought it was impossible on challenging to beat Domus with RT. I switched back to the floating stick and beat it at first try. BTW...if anyone has completed the game with the alternative storyline and care about discussing it, I'm all ears.
You know what? I don't even know. I went to the end, beat the game and then changed modes a couple times. I can't remember what I had it on. Regardless, it was tough. It is a major strain on the fingers doing that on an iPhone with these tiny graphics, etc.
I will say one thing about this update: THANK GOD for the addition of relative touch. The joystick is unusable for me, to the point where I feel like I am flying drunk. I wouldn't have bothered past the first board if I had to use the joystick and the game would have been dead in the water. So, yeah, the addition of RT wasn't just some magical 'gift' given to us. It was a necessity. That probably makes me getting past Domus with the RT not as impressive, considering it is obviously my control method of choice.
Well...if you pause the game it tells you, along with how many hours you played. Also...you are near the end...I've no doubt you will complete it soon. If it tells you you have unlocked the alternate story mode, you played it in challenging
I've already beaten the game, but yeah, I would assume so, since I didn't change the settings intentionally.
Alright, FINE. Maybe I am being too harsh. I know the dev is a cool guy, etc, but for me personally, RT is the only way to play this, unless you like flying around after drinking a fifth of Jack I use my forefinger to the side of my phone, similar to how one would play Shellrazer on the phone. Using my thumb is too cumbersome. The forefinger is the only way I can control the ship and maintain some sense of accuracy.