Hey just started the game near enough and on my ipad1 it won't work on Facebook for some reason so I'll use this Add me: Spladdock Cheers
Auctioning podium I need help with having a neighbor with an auction podium if there is anyone that has one please add me dakotajade26 or just add me to get another neighbor
Btw. I've sent add friends requests to a few of you thru Game Center but haven't received any replies. Maybe I'm not doing it right?
Freeplay friends needed!!! I need more friends for the sims freeplay game! Add me please in game center!!!! My username is : kristinamg9513
Hi, my town is worth 25.6 million, have a few nice houses and play everyday...add me on gamecenter: MicaDuca
Help! Hai, i started playing simsfreeplay for a couple of days im in level 15 and i need neighbors anyone care to add me on gamecenter please do so. Username: nesseh93 i very much appreciate the help. Thanks!
Please add I am a frequent player (daily) level 40. Please add me as a friend in Game Center. My username is sweetniq Thanks!