Universal SimCity BuildIt (by Electronic Arts)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    I don't use the trade depot, so it hasn't affected me thus far. I was at lvl 16, and decided to delete the game, restart a new "city".

    I'm doing much better at lvl 11 now. I have much better planning.
  2. FriedSushi

    FriedSushi Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
    #142 FriedSushi, Dec 31, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    Its so easy to make a profit off of it, it just takes some time/luck to actually be able to buy what you wanted before somebody else does. For example, I just found 10 dozer wheels for 4000, and I somehow managed to snag it. I will then put it up for 8000 (or split into 2 groups of 4000) and make 4000 profit with minimal effort. The market in this game is extremely easy to merchant off of for some reason.. People end up buying everything even though its at max price

    Its just annoying because when you click the item, it loads the persons city, and then it needs to load their depot before you can click the item, which once again has to load/process. By that time, its a toss up on whether youll get the item or not. Combined with the unorganized exchange screen in the first place, it can be a huge pain sometimes
  3. xjav8r

    xjav8r New Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I resolved my issue with removing one item for a simbuck and relisting a single advertised item. The new listing was spotted and someone came in and cleaned me out. I too was surprised that my initial listings weren't purchased as they usually are bought within 1-3 minutes and I staggered advertising each item. Oh well. Maybe they should incorporate an auto-renew advertisement timer set at an hour or two.
  4. Tizona

    Tizona Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
    "100% happiness challenge" part 3

    I'm at level 13 now with 95000 pop and 11000 tax. It seems tax increase slowly now despite population boost in recent days with High School 30%+. Is there some hidden formula for calculating tax or something? 20% of 95000 is 19000, not 11000.

    Right now I have bought Police precinct and Deluxe fire station, both are the biggest and cover all of my 25 residential areas. Seriously. 25. I also have a lot of parks, a Heliport, Library, and High school to help boosting population, but to have so many pop from only 25 areas is mind-blowing.

    Seriously, this game is anti-expansive in the most brutal way.

    The first rule for expanding your city should be "upgrading you current house to max first. ONLY THEN you expand."

    Regarding trade depot, I use it regularly to export my highest price product, currently chairs, shovels, and vegetable. This is how I have enough money to by a lot of expensive stuff I said earlier. Also , you must have patience like a buddhist monk or hindu priest or something, because you only get 4 keys max per day. I have used 20 keys for Heliport, 5 for Library, and 7 for High school, and I only fetch 3 keys per day at most.

    Right now, I am rearranging my city to get more space and spending a lot money to upgrade roads. Storage space is an even bigger issue now with a lot of disaster item occupying the space and almost no one want to buy them!!! I have to hunt for storage item with crappy global HQ since citizen thought bubbles appear only 2 at a time. 2 This is another reason you should not expand too much since you have to find the bubble before they disappear and you have to wait for a few minutes for another one to appear.

    Luckily, I have other things to do, otherwise, I would be very frustrating.
  5. FriedSushi

    FriedSushi Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
    #145 FriedSushi, Dec 31, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    Easy money haha. Ive had this game for 5 days now and spent no real money on it, trading helps you progress so much quicker.


    Unfortunately 64K of that is gonna have to be spent on a hospital in 2 levels

    Agreed, I have 30 residential areas and dont plan on adding more until I make enough gold to set up the largest police/fire departments/hospitals in places I need, as well as the other services like water/waste/power
  6. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    A pause button is missing. Every sim game has a pause button, this one needs one. So that I could move buildings around temporarily while redesigning without having to deal with instantly antsy citizens and a decline in happiness.
  7. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Regarding keys, it's much easier to get keys once you unlock disasters.
  8. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Im trying to fit as many residential zones around a small fire/police/clinic combo. Ive managed to get 11 residential zones and a 2 square park in there so far
  9. Tizona

    Tizona Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
    Ah, that reminds me of those "hay day" time when I hunted down cheap egg and bacons and then sold them to AI.

    Sadly, my iPad 2 battery and current job is no longer compatible with that play-style. I usually just produce stuff and sell them regularly.

    Current Export = Grass, Chair, Brick

    Come to think of it, trade depot and shop in hay day add a lot of dimension in this game.

    As an exporter, I import mineral and plastic sometime when I think I can't produce them in time. Then, I use that to produce brick and shovel and sell them at higher price.

    Profiteerer hunt for item which is not sold at max price, buy them and then resell at higher price. In hay day, that was a gold mine since AI buy a block of stuff from you every day and money is not an issue when your level are high. But for low level and beginner, money are everything in that game.

    But then, there is a grinding method in hay day. I got a lot of expansion item from farming which net me an item every 2 minutes.

    This game doesn't have that.
  10. Tizona

    Tizona Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
    Quick post ->

    How much six-laned road upgrade cost? I am not sure how much money I should prepare for the level 15.

    Also, it seems no one buy stuff on working day. No one buy my grass and bricks today.
  11. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Yeah, I dunno what's up with tax income but I've been disappointed. I have a population of about 196,000 and my taxes are only 13,765, a tiny increase from when my city was half the size.
  12. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I just built the community college. It only costs 10 keys and basically covers the entire starting area with +40% population. I need the university to get the fusion plant, but im probably better off building a ton of community colleges.
  13. chicago1271

    chicago1271 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
    How do I get to 40,000 Coins to build a department of transportation. It impossible to do. Any tips?
  14. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I sold stuff to the cargo ship, sold goods to the random coin quests in the city, and the rest was taxes. Took me about a day to get 40k
  15. Ozes

    Ozes Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2012
    "This Item Is No Longer Available "

    Please fix the trade depot! It's such a waste of time to be clicking on items that are not there!!!
  16. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    My annoyance with the depot is that I'll sell things for five minutes near insta selling everything and then suddenly nothing sells for six or so days.
  17. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    This game is still buggy but it's been my go to game everyday since release.
    The biggest bug right now is your trade market. In which at points your items won't sell. I'm not talking about basic items, I'm talking about items that you either can't make or is essential to building other items that take awhile. I sell mine at 50% off what it suggests insuring they get sold fast but still don't. But once it allows my items to sell they sell quick. Once they fix this bug you will be making a lot more money faster and keeping you playing longer.
    I play about 2 hours a day and checking back about 2-3 times a day recieving my items.
    TIP: if you plan on not playing for awhile don't build items that take 1-10 minutes to build, make the items that will take hours. This will help you out a lot.
    I like building roads and preparing for an expansion by building my Fire, medical, and police before I put houses down so my satisfactory level doesn't drop.
    I also see a lot of people talking about the population only brings so many taxes. This is only part of what raises taxes. You need to keep your satisfactory level high to recieve more taxes. I keep mine above 97% the entire time of playing. You will see a huge decrease in tax money the more it drops.
    TIP: whenever you get a coin offer on a building , if it's not a huge lowball, always sell your items. You will see your bankroll go up more and more the higher your level of items.
    The global market is also great especially early mornings when the traffic is low. I tend to get 50% of the items I try buying.
    These are all the things I am doing and their are more tips I could give to help out but some things are little secrets that shouldn't be told so they don't totally fix the game of it's fun and quickness to earning money .
  18. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    They r suppose to do a update soon
  19. rlankine

    rlankine New Member

    Jan 9, 2015
    I can get up to 16-18 residential zones under one small fire, small police & small health center. Heres how: Create two 2x4 residential blocks (=4x8 squares) which both are surrounded by road and placed side by side with the roads on their long sides 1 square apart. Small police and fire combo in the centermost two squares of the resultant "alley" are able to cover both blocks. A health center covers a bit wider area, so place it a bit off-center in the square adjacent to police or fire.

    Connect the sides at the ends of the alley with short roads and cut the opposite ends of the two center-spanning roads of the resultant twin-block to make room for two more residential units (or even more preferably, parks).

    Note that the health center coverage leaks a little bit outside of the twin-block so you can use it to partly cover an adjoining similar block.
  20. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    EA: Build it.

    Me: I'm gonna wreck it!

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