v1.2.0 Update Released 1. Added new honor points - Gained upon successful merger or when a company is taken by others - Gained upon level up and floor expansion 2. Made improvements for changing building appearance - Changed so that some building appearances may be purchased with cash - Added honor requirements for purchasing building appearances - Added increasing revenue/sec for changed appearances (Higher revenue for higher appearance grade) 3. Enhanced world map view - Combined 3 views to 1 Power Map' 4. Added Honor ranking 5. Added maximum restriction of 1B for all investment types 6. Changed so that merger success rate gets lowered if the opponent's subsidiary companies are 50 fewer (not 10) than the player taking over 7. Added cash in the Shop 8. Fixed bugs
v1.4.0 Update Released 1. Holidays theme update - Added 5 new five-star employees for the holidays theme - Added holidays theme for the building interior - Added falling snow 2. Added 2 new item packages - Holidays Pack - Essentials Pack 3. Enhanced tutorial 4. Fixed bugs