new cards and different bosses grant replayability, but to level up, unlock characters, items etc as you go -even if you lose a run- that is progression for me. And certainly NotfM has better atmosphere.
got DoD, i'm going to try it later, hope all this IAPs don't let me uninstall it... have you tested it? how about the IAPs?
nope, waiting for exactly the same reasons not for the 1eu, but i dont want to waste time to try. although from what i can tell from the preview, there are three main classes and three more unlockables via iap - at least i hope so. If iaps are not needed, i will buy and play of course!
ok, i've played Dimension of Dreams... game is solid, good art, tunes and overall presentation, maybe cards and texts may have been more visible and readable (cards are too small and hidden, texts barely readable), a fine UI and the usual playability that we already know (from NOTFM/SA/PO)... but guys, IAPs are INSANE!!!!!!! there's only one playable character, the Gladiator, then in warrior class there are another two locked, Samurai and Paladin at $2.99 each!!! the upcoming Mage class that has 3 characters, unlockable in pre-order sale for $5.99!!! then the Explorer class with a couple of characters availble in a further update... and then there are also various packs to unlock items (?) and keys (?) for every playable character (warrior class atm) at $3.99 and $19.99 each!!!!!!!! sorry guys, but that's not good at all, i complained about Pirates Outlaws, but this one is really DELIRIOUS!!! long live Pirates Outlaws edit> oh btw, no characters or packs are unlockable trough in-game currency, only real money?!?!
thanks Gwarmaxx... unless i know that at least for the initial character i can get a clear game -maybe with one more iap to make the game truly premium like the doubler in Pirates- i am holding off. All other characters locked via iap, i can stomach it, but not if i need extra packs coins keys gems etc for the unlocked character as well. Anyway, i think this should be moved to the proper game thread. (By the way, i just discovered BattleHand by Kongregeate, is it any good compared to these games? i don't mind the online only)
That doesn’t sound good. It’s not rogue like but my new go to for these card battlers is Demontide. Just one $2.99 unlock then completely premium. Tons of cards and just excellent all around.
Does the game seem playable with the one character without IAPs? Don’t even see a listing for currency IAPs. Just whatever the dream and key packs are. Downloaded it but won’t be able to try it until later. I’d ask in a thread for the game but there doesn’t even seem to be one.
yeah, for a buck is good but tedious with always the same character. edit> oh btw, it takes 1gb of space...
For a buck, if it’s balanced well (which I still personally think Pirates Outlaws is not), I don’t mind playing with one character for a while. I honestly played Pirates almost entirely with one character for a good 10 hours probably before I gave up with the slow progression. Heck, if it’s balanced well, I don’t even mind paying $2.99 for another character. There’s one in Outlaws for $5! And the doubler makes that $4 for one initial character as well.
yeah i know, i complained about that in its thread, but after dev fixed the coin doubler, things got better, and believe me, in comparison DoD is much more enormously greedy, and the gameplay is not original at all , everything already seen... can't understand some devs choices!
Well, even with the doubler fix, it still was way too grindy for me. Guess I will stick with Silent Abyss, NoTFM and Demontide.
So i started a Rogue/Paladin game and noticed that the paladin starts with way less defensive cards - except parry which is always great- than the knight, and the rogue is based too much on poison/bleed. Many late bosses are immune to poison/bleed/burn, so is the rogue going to be effective down the road with straight damage cards/ accessories? Should i just stick to my Mage/Knight party on further difficulties?