Having played it a bit now, I can't justify keeping it when I have the PC version. The controls during battle are arcadey comapred to the original, and the gameplay isn't suited to the small screen. The graphics look a bit blocky and garish on my iPhone 4S, and there was a couple of stutters during sailing. The omission of my favourite part of the game (the land invasions) , combined with the massive filesize has seen me happily delete this. I might install it again for a holiday, but I won't go near it knowing I can find the more serious version on steam or online for £3-£5.
I took your original post as you finding my statement about the share of fun missing, inaccurate. It seemed like you were trying to give it a more accurate number. I clarified that I was not talking about percentage of gameplay, but amount of fun. Obviously, like you said, subjective. Hope that's cleared it up for you.
Great port. Everything is very polished and the graphics don't look bad for an old-ish game. The controls work wonderfully as well. I can't recommend this enough, especially for such a low price.
[size=+3]SID MEIER'S PIRATES![/size] is one of the nominees for [size=+2]Touch Arcade Game of the Week 18/04/2012[/size] Do you like this exciting high-seas adventure that allows buccaneers to helm one of 27 fully customizable ships? [size=+3][thread=131240]VOTE HERE[/thread][/size] - Devs cannot vote for their own games -
So has anyone found the lost sister yet? Spoiler I know the completed map says Gallows Shallows but I cannot seem to find it
Click one the magnifier on the top right, it will open a small map, where you can see all of the objectives once you can track them! You can even search for some objectives with only 2/4 of a map, but only if you get vital partes, like with a city`s name that is near or sth!
Cheers Razvan, turns out I was trying to track the wind. . Also didn't know that getting clipped in fencing actually negatively affects your health (permanently as far as I'm aware?) and slows your character down!
i'm almost shocked this game only has three pages worth of discussion. as a longtime fan of the original, this game was waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of it's time back then and it's still proves to be one of the best games on the platform.
also can anyone help me a little during fencing? the swipes (directions given) don't seem to work. if i'm correct, parry should automatically counter attack no? also back + up doesn't do jump for me, only PURE up.
I am also having problems with fencing in this version. Manual doesn't say much. Anyone can explain how it workes here? (no prob on PC)
Bombardment and plundering cities So I've been looking around and can't find my answer. In the iPad forum for this they talk about a bombardment mini game. I've never seen that, i just get, Yay I won or get thrown in jail. Is this just me? Also, when I bombard a city my money doesn't go up, I take the city, fight the captain of the guard choose a new nation to control it, but I don't see my money go up. Anyone else have this?
how in the world do you get into enemy ports? i changed my flag and i have the mustache and outfit yet i am still denied.
Why would you need to go into an enemy port, they're your enemy, destroy them. But really, you could always bombard them and change them into a friendly port or I think you have to do things for them, take out their enemies and they'll eventually like you again.
Yeah, except for one issue: Sometimes the music stops playing and the sound effects go all crazy. Whenever this happens the game will always crash after a couple of minutes. But since I already know this I just save and restart the game. Other than that it works fine, but I don't have an iPad, so I can't really compare.
Picked this up last night. I'm really impressed with the translation to iphone, it plays really well. The controls are excellent.
Wrote a review for a game site I write for sometimes: http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2012/05/04/4cr-plays-sid-meiers-pirates-on-the-iphone/ Might help some people decide.