This is a really tough choice... I want to sell my Go for the new GoW bundle But should I? I really want FFVII Crisis Core and KH:BBS (Is that enough to even switch?). Plus I'm sick of getting shafted on the PSN store. What are your thoughts?
Hmm, I don't personally like the look of that PSP, but you do sooo I'd say yes. Biggest thing you'll be losing is the size diff. If that doesn't matter to you I'd say go for it. I have a Go and a 1000 myself and have been wanting to replace the 1000 with a newer model. But the one I really want was the Monster Hunter PSP they announced for Japan. ***so beautiful***
You want three games... two of which are UMD-only... no question, sell it. I love the Go but there's no point in you keeping it if you can't even play the games you want.
YES!!! Crisis Core alone is worth selling your PSPGo for. Plus, the Go was a stupid console... With no access to UMD's, it's practically useless. Games take hours to download, and take up a ton of space, unlike the iPhone. Plus, that new GoW game is gonna be awesome. I gotta get the demo of that.
Don't have cargos to test it out, but from what I've heard it should fit. But again, can't say for sure. These pics might help: Edit: Beaten by MidianGTX's better pic!!
Yeah, I think that too might end up being worth the system alone. And as for the size, the regular PSP will definitely fit in cargo short pockets. It fits in every pocket I have, even the pants with the ridiculously small pockets. Trust me, that isn't an issue whatsoever.
AWESOME So now I'm gonna sell it, what should I price it? It's in immaculate condition, not a scratch nor fingerprint (same goes with all my gadgets). $125 or $150?
The retail price has just dropped to $200 so I'm thinking people will be looking more towards $125-130 for used but if it's immaculate you might get lucky with higher.
I agree with Midian on the price. I recently(couple of weeks ago) got a brand new one for 150 for a family member, so unless you find a sucker.... I've had mine for awhile and I got it for 170 on Ebay some months ago.