Should I Buy Minigore? I didnt really like iDracula....

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by ToasterEater, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. NomaD

    NomaD Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    they have 2 totally different plots. plus, minigore is going to have episodic content like pocket god, so if you get it and it doesnt seem like much, dont fret! theres going to be plenty to do very soon
  2. AttackOfThePwned

    AttackOfThePwned Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    ImNoSuperMan, I know you corrected yourself but I just wanted to add it astounds me by the amount of people on this forum that fail to use the search function. Every other forum I've been apart of has a search feature that works wonders and this forum is no different. By simply entering one of the devs names and doing a search for individual posts you would have had your answer.

    Might I add doing this will cut down on some of the HUGE threads and unnecessary posts I keep seeing here (of course not all but some at least).

    INSM, I am not tearing into you here just thought I'd bring up a simple feature such as search, as it seems I never see anyone suggesting this to other members and some members just don't want to put forth the quick 20-30 second effort to perform proper searches. They just blindly ask questions when threads get to 100+ replies.

    I don't even see mods suggesting search in the posts I've read.

    Well anyway, search works!
  3. Mag

    Mag Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    If you didnt like iDracula theres no point in getting this. It's a stripped down version of iDracula (gameplay wise) with fun graphics.
  4. exalep

    exalep Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    I've tried out the lite of iDracula...And found it crazy hard. i died within 3 minutes. Maybe I just suck? And i personally don't like the theme "Dracula, monsters, vampires, etc" I much rather prefer this cartoonish theme
  5. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    Yeah WTF was iDracula. Run around a small area in circles in the woods with a bunch of wierd beasts attacking you from all directions. And WTF was the purpose... Oh yeah. Survive! ...that was the extent of the game's depth. Minigore is the same kind of gameplay but I like the theme much better too.
  6. Deadc0der

    Deadc0der Active Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I dont get why so many people love minigore. Yeah, the art style and humour is great, but the gameplay seems really shallow and boring to me...
  7. Aurora

    Aurora Well-Known Member

    Minigore is inferior in pretty much every category when compared to iDracula. I bought iDracula a long time ago and didn't really like it. As for Minigore, I deleted it within 5 minutes; absolutely flabbergasted at why it got so much hype in the first place. Thank god it was only $0.99.
  8. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia
    I never really liked iDracula, but I love Minigore.

    I don't know why, I also don't care about episodic content,

    It just has something about it which makes it.... fun? exciting?

    I call it 'ingrediant X'

    ingredient X is very hard to explain, so I won't really try, but I will recommend this game.
  9. SoCal_Sponger

    SoCal_Sponger Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    now thats its been over week or so, I think its appropriate to bump this to talk about the hype. Anyone still playing this game? I played it the first couple days, but I havent touched it since then. Now that the hype is gone, you guys think it was truly overhyped? Looks like the game is falling fast off the charts too.
  10. silentdante

    silentdante Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    #90 silentdante, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
    the hype is still nagging at me, i havent bought it yet but i sort of want to just because they are actualy working on the episodic content. which could make it a game worth playing.

    i still dont like the playstyle exactly, but that undead game (alive 4-ever) and this one could change my mind if they get some interesting things done. i like the RPG elements to alive 4-ever, but the art style does have a nice touch for this one.

    still on the fence, hopefully a couple updates will come out to change my mind into buying this (and at the .99 price point i think if that raises i wont be getting it either)
  11. DaveMc99

    DaveMc99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Seattle, WA USA
    Which chart? It is the #16 Top game in the US.
  12. MrDark

    MrDark Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
    if you can't read, you don't like story, like pointless shooting,
    happy with one map, one doggy 3 way gun with one kind of enemy (yea different size)

    then highly recommended

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