That's what makes it so funny. It's like asking god to clear up traffic for you. Promo codes are either given out as contest prizes, which are pretty rare, or to spread the word, with Chillingo really doesn't need to do, after MiniGore's release induced heart attacks all across the forum.
Hardgore is billed as a different take on TD so we'll see. As for Minigore's price, my guess is Chillingo will adopt a similar strategy to that of iDracula and keep it at this price at least until the next update. Believe me, if you follow the forum, you'll have enough of a head's up before the price increase and update.
Basically its a good $.99 game, but what turns me off is the ridiculous hype that was built up. Nothing against Chillingo, they did a great job doing what publishers do (promote the game), but I was shocked by how passionate people got about a game that had the exact gameplay of iDracula. I was thrown to the wolves for just being in the same Genre as Zombieville, I was accused of all sorts of things. Websites were made to criticize me, bloggers were blogging about how there were no original games or ideas left in the world because my game was similar in gameplay to the great Zombieville. Then I see this fiasco. I truly don't understand. Then I see the same attempt by Chillingo with Inkvaders, so far that hasn't been able to build up enough hype but it was worth the try. Just to be clear, no fault to the developers or publishers there jobs are to make games and sell them. I'm concerned about the facts that I mentioned above. I know, no one said the world was a fair place.
That was not cool at all of them to do that to your game -.- I'd check out what i'll the hype is about, the game looks okay, I just don't have the itunes money for it. I am... 2 cents away... no pun intended :\.. if their even is one.
Sometimes you just gotta appreciate a game for its style, and Minigore does have style. Not much depth yet, in fact at the moment its just a pickup and play game. For many, thats all they're looking for. For all the others, think about all the promised updates that are coming. I trust Chillingo on their word so far.
The game sales in no sense are a fiasco, he's just talking about how all the hype was built up over a simple survival shooter while his game was being plagued for being a Zombieville rip-off.
Umm yes Dave, its called hype my friend. I never said the game was bad (especially for $0.99), truthfully its depthless compared to iDracula, with little to run on except it's "cuteness" and potential updates. You know this already. Don't be offended. GOOD GAME, Ridiculous hype. Fiasco meaning hype and 30,000 posts (exaggerated number).
ok here's the real story. This game is truly 95% hype and the gameplay right now feels almost like a "demo" or "lite" if you will. If you didn't like idrac I have no clue how the heck you will like this especially cause it's missing so many parts to it compared to the various maps/weapons/enemies/upgrades offered in idrac. Hold off on this game if you're not completely interested; wait for future notice...which should be plentiful on this website..
I don't think the dev meant that the sales were a fiasco. I think he meant the attacks about how his game being a clone or something to that effect when Minigore is effectively a clone of iDracula. Whatever the reason, people should not be attacking others in this forum, although I see it all the time. Come on, we're talking about games here.
Everyone give Big Albie a hand of applause for bringing sense to the matter. However the "Come on, we're talking about games here" comment, in the developers eye we're also talking about, a business, a job, a mortgage, mouths to feed, a new iPhone to buy, and Minigore to buy (like 10 times for fun).
Okay listen. Minigore is a game. Like every fad out their.. I'm looking at you twilight It appeals to some people, and the other half of people don't care for it as much. But then, as the fad grows a bit, the people that are fans of the fad, may start to overact a little Why can't you be a vampire like Edward?!? And it annoys the people that aren't a fan of the fad. Basically this might turn into a choose your side, and that's okay, as long as people don't overreact. And no the Twilight movie wasnt... that bad. I just didn't like it that much.
THEY SPEAK THE TRUTH! Another prime example: Look at the Sims 3 in ratings too: Within the first 24 hours it had hundreds of 5* reviews with nothing more of saying "awesome game"...look at the average reviews now. Its at an average of 3*. It was all hype. Im not saying this game is bad though, $1 is worth the price and its definitely a nice game as of now. I don't feel like I wasted the buck at all, and its really all up to you if you want it or not. Its "just another typical shooter" as of now.
I agree the the Big A, but getting back to the question... I never had any interest in iDracula, despite all the hype and good reviews. However, I am loving Minigore, even after playing it for many (too) many hours. It's quickly becoming one of my favourite games! Very fun, very quick to get into, and very engaging. It's not too slow to ramp up to a good challenge, and the amazing sound & graphics add a lot to the enjoyment. All that, plus the new features in the (possibly 2) updates coming soon make this a very big bang for the buck!
Ask this question 2 weeks or a month from now and you'll get a resounding 'no'. It's all hype and excitement because it was just released yesterday.
There are few games with unique gameplay. I think that is one of the great things about the app store that there are so many choices for each person to decide what version/style to buy and keep on their device. I don't think it is even possible to over hype a 99 cent game. If you bought it and had fun for 30 minutes then you got your money's worth out of it. A bunch of bored members found a thread to hang out in that was not about Pocket God.. most of the posts were not about the content of the game.
Yes, I like it much more than idracula just because it looks so great, gameplay idracula has more depth but it is just boring to look at
I agree with everything you said. Except "I don't think it is even possible to over hype a 99 cent game." you just witnessed it. Media attention + excessive cuteness (aka style) = Minigore (hype)