if I already own an iPod Touch 4G? I'm strictly use mine for games as of now; I might once in a while use it for ebooks and movie streaming via Netflix. But other than that-mostly games. Any suggestions?
If you're gonna use the iPad mostly for gaming as well, then you don't need to get one, imo. Cuz of the weight. But if you're gonna use the iPad mostly for movies and such, get it. The large screen would surely be an advantage over the puny (in comparison to the iPad of course) screen of the iPod Touch. xD
No. I've used my friends' and family members' iPads for various games and, while it's nice, i'm able to play 99% of them on a smaller screen with my iPhone 4 (as is the same case with you on the iTouch). So what you're looking for is an upgrade in screen size, and not much else. Wait for the iPad 2G - it's just around the corner.
Just what I expect from the TA forums-honset and kind words that I'll definately use. Sit & wait it out until the next gen is released. Thanks!
But wow, all of those games are so much nicer to play on a larger screen. But definately wait for iPad 2. It won't be far away.
An iPad is great for games--since I bought mine, I have hardly ever even used my Touch except for music. It's great for everything-- movies, TV shows, reading books...but I would wait until iPad 2 comes out. (When it does, you will probably have the option to pick up a first gen iPad pretty cheap if you want to...)
Also, some games are only possible on the larger screen: World of Goo, for example, and if you're into board games, the iPad is the one to get. It's that (Euro board/card/strategy games) that has me chomping at the bit for an iPad, but yes, I'm waiting for gen 2.
Only if you've got money to waste. It simply isn't that much of an upgrade, the bigger screen fascination disappears eventually and then you're left with what looks like an 80s-style iPod Touch. That said, if you're in the kind of situation where you've got a spare $500 floating around each month and nothing to spend it on, go nuts, add to your collection.