Shikhondo - Soul Eater Digerati Distribution Genres: Games Arcade Action GAME CENTER ENABLED $3.99 USD Minimum iOS Version: iOS 7.0 Download Size: 282.5MB Shikhondo - Soul Eater Digerati Distribution Shikhondo - Soul Eater is a Korean bullet-hell shoot 'em up set within a beautiful and bizarre world of Asian mythology.… $3.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsShikhondo - Soul Eater is a Korean bullet-hell shoot 'em up set within a beautiful and bizarre world of Asian mythology. Armies of demons known as yokai have escaped from Limbo. They are spreading like a plague across the land, sowing fear and stealing souls. You must destroy the pestilent invaders and free the captured souls from eternal torment. Key features: • Five stages of intense bullet-hell action and hypnotic barrage patterns • Game modes include: Arcade, Hardcore, Boss Rush • Skilfully graze enemy bullets to fill the Soul Gauge and unleash a super attack for high scores • Two playable characters, each with their own types of attack • Online leaderboards for high score glory • Supports Game Controllers for ultimate precision • Demonic enemies and bosses inspired by Asian mythology Stunning and intricate Oriental artwork Experience action that would not be out of place in the arcades Asia. The anime art style used in the game is some of the best we've ever seen in the bullet hell genre. We know you're going to have as much fun playing it as we've had making it! Information Seller:Digerati Distribution Genre:Action, Arcade Release:Feb 19, 2019 Updated:Feb 20, 2019 Version:1.0 Size:282.5 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #2 squarezero, Feb 19, 2019 Jumping in! Gwarmaxx likes this. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #3 Gwarmaxx, Feb 19, 2019 let me know if it's good, unfortunately i'm on the fence after seeing a couple of not so good reviews of PS4 version on YT squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #4 squarezero, Feb 19, 2019 Just beat the first level and I’m on the fence myself. In motion is not quite as stunning as it looks on screenshots. There’s also a bit of lag on the touch movement — not enough to make it unplayable, but definitely there. It does look great, though, and the music is nice. Not quite a Cave shooter. Quoad, ShinHadoukin and Gwarmaxx like this. Skall Well-Known Member Oct 25, 2009 500 60 28 #5 Skall, Feb 20, 2019 Hello How is the mfi support please? felineSynthesis Member Feb 19, 2019 10 0 1 Student Italy #6 felineSynthesis, Feb 20, 2019 The screenshots look intriguing - but is it arcade enough? psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,971 722 113 England #7 psj3809, Feb 20, 2019 Very tempting ! Badly miss my Cave shmup's so i might jump into this one. Can someone confirm what the controls are, just want to make sure relative touch works well Skall Well-Known Member Oct 25, 2009 500 60 28 #8 Skall, Feb 20, 2019 I confirm it works perfectly with mfi syntheticvoid Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2010 14,504 124 63 Musician & factory worker. a[V-O-I-D] #9 syntheticvoid, Apr 19, 2019 Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2019 Anotherkellydown likes this. syntheticvoid Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2010 14,504 124 63 Musician & factory worker. a[V-O-I-D] #10 syntheticvoid, Apr 19, 2019 Picked this up on Steam a while ago... and have been fully enjoying it. I was pretty surprised when I saw it in the AppStore. It's a great port, relative touch controls are spot on (the characters do not move quicker than they do when playing with a joystick, though - so if that bugs you, you might want to skip this one) - the backgrounds are absolutely beautiful and the boss battles are crazy good. There's 4 gameplay modes; Novice Arcade Hardcore Boss Rush 4 difficulty levels; Easy Normal Hard Extreme 2 characters; Spread Shot Homing There are no buttons - everything is handled with taps and presses. You can stop shooting by tapping the screen, use a more focused shot by holding two fingers on the screen (which also slows you down for more precise movement), double tap to use a bomb or your 'soul collect' power. To use your Soul Collect power, you need to graze bullets and fill your soul meter. Unleashing it turns all bullets on screen into souls and gives you a powered up shot for a short time. There are 5 stages, no mid-bosses (which makes the stages seem a bit short - but the boss battles in the last 3 stages last a little longer than usual). I happen to like the shorter stages here. It takes me about 25 minutes to beat the game, and it makes the bullet patterns easier to memorize and offers a quicker jump into score chasing. Then the Hardcore and Boss Rush modes to top it off add plenty of replay value and more score chasing. In Hardcore mode, you're given one life to get as far as you can. It's where I think most shmup veterans will spend their time. Any questions, just ask, and I'll answer them if I can. Otherwise, the developer's Twitter is here - Skall, Anotherkellydown and Son of Anarchy like this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #11 Anotherkellydown, Apr 19, 2019 Wow, thanks for the detailed description of Shikhondo - Soul Eater, @syntheticvoid! This looks and sounds like just what I’ve been looking for in a bullethell. Downloading without hesitation thanks to you. syntheticvoid Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2010 14,504 124 63 Musician & factory worker. a[V-O-I-D] #12 syntheticvoid, Apr 19, 2019 Sorry for the double thread, I guess my search wasn't working properly when I was looking for it. =P And yeah, no problem AKD. Hope you're enjoying it. Anotherkellydown likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #13 Anotherkellydown, Apr 20, 2019 The more I play this the more fun I’m having. Everything from the fonts to the actual game graphics are so beautiful. I’ve always really appreciated this Korean art style. It’s a very dark game, both literally and in the way the enemy and boss designs are presented. I really like it! Very smooth frame rate on my 7+ and the bullets are very clear in almost every case. There is one level with a blueish background where the boss fires tiny blue bullets that can be a bit harder to see. That said, it hasn’t been detrimental to the gameplay - at least for me. I can see this being even better on an small tablet (like that new mini) or even the larger ones. It took me a bit to understand how the soul attack is built up and how to make full use of it, but now I’ve got it. I like the way the main weapon has wide and narrow firing abilities, depending if you hold with one finger or two. I see you and @idislikejordan right nearby, @syntheticvoid =) syntheticvoid Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2010 14,504 124 63 Musician & factory worker. a[V-O-I-D] #14 syntheticvoid, Apr 22, 2019 Yeah, the bullets can be a little hard to see sometimes, especially on a smaller phone. I wound up turning my brightness up and that helped quite a bit, though. <shrug> I'm glad that you're enjoying it, AKD. Really hope this one gets some more attention... Anotherkellydown likes this. sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 834 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. #15 sebgo, Apr 22, 2019 Huh... no wonder this name sounded familiar. Saw it on sale a few weeks ago on eShop. I skipped it, tho, as I don't think it's at the level of Cave Co. bullet hell games... so, maybe later. It's good to know it's available on iOS, too. syntheticvoid Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2010 14,504 124 63 Musician & factory worker. a[V-O-I-D] #16 syntheticvoid, Apr 27, 2019 Last edited: Apr 28, 2019 Alrighty... I hope that those of you that have taken a chance on this game are enjoying it now... Seeing how high my scores are on the leaderboards, I thought that I'd post a few tips... Unless you're dying a lot, always choose the Soul Collect after beating a boss. And always make sure that you are in Soul Collect mode when defeating a boss. The double Soul Collect is a MUST as well. This is when you double tap while you're already in Soul Collect mode, eating up a saved bomb - it extends your Soul Collect mode for another phase - and always right at the end of your first Soul Collect. While you're in Soul Collect mode, your multiplier is increased (the multiplier is directly tied to the number of souls you've collected in each level), so you'll get more points for defeating the boss than you would if you were not in Soul Collect mode. That means you'll need to save at least 2 bombs throughout each stage so that you can extended the SC mode twice, if not more, while facing the boss. Since you also convert bullets on the screen into souls when entering and exiting SC mode, and the bosses always fill the screen with more bullets, this will also up your multiplier more than at any other point in the game. ---DON'T SAVE YOUR BOMBS/2nd SC's IN HARDCORE MODE!!! These are refilled after each stage!! =D **EDIT** Also-Boss Rush mode - you get 1 extra life and 1 bomb after each boss. Another tip - do NOT try to play at a difficulty level that you're not ready for. I know this sounds counter-intuitive when playing for score because, of course, higher difficulties equate to more bullets which means more canceled bullets when you enter SC mode. But I hit the #2 spot on Hardcore mode while playing on Normal, and I only made it to the 3rd stage. Now... yet another tip... Destroying the larger enemies throughout a stage will always cancel all the bullets on the screen and turn them into Soul/add to your multiplier. You should ALWAYS take out the larger enemies before the smaller ones, letting the smaller ones spit out bullets that can be converted when you do manage to destroy the larger enemies. I know that's also kind of... 'duh' material... but watching a few friends play this, is consistently see them take out the smaller enemies before going after the larger ones, so I thought it'd be worth mentioning. And, I guess, LASTLY... like most other bullet-hells, this is a risk/reward game. Grazing builds up your Soul Collect gauge, and while in SC mode, your multiplier is increased. But don't ever graze if you're not comfortable with the bullet patterns flying towards you or know that it's a difficult pattern about to come at you. A life is always worth more than a few notches in your SC gauge. I guess what I'm saying is... always play it safe rather than risky until you have a firmer grasp on the patterns and enemy/stage layouts. Good luck, you guys!! I hope to see you all getting higher scores and making the leaderboards as competitive as you can. LET'S KNOCK THOSE GUYS IN THE TOP 5 SPOTS ON EACH BOARD DOWN A NOTCH!!! Anotherkellydown likes this. Qwertz555 Well-Known Member May 22, 2010 2,318 29 48 #17 Qwertz555, Apr 28, 2019 I skipped this because of the first video. I thought you can only move left-right on the bottom. Nope, free screen movements. As mentioned by squarezero, the movement/controls are a bit laggy but due to the bullets’ speed (at least in normal mode) it is absolutely playable. I’m just coming here after i played the first level. And yes, it should be definitely better played on a bigger screen than my iphone 7. It sure is not on par with Cave’s shmups, but it fills any need for a bullet hell shooter, imho! Thanks to AKD and SV (incredible posts!) for pushing me over the fence. syntheticvoid and Anotherkellydown like this. syntheticvoid Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2010 14,504 124 63 Musician & factory worker. a[V-O-I-D] #18 syntheticvoid, Apr 28, 2019 Last edited: Apr 28, 2019 =P This games needs a frick'n practice mode... =X And yes, I'll totally admit it's up to Cave's level (but really, aside from DU, I don't think many shmups can/have match/ed Cave's quality...). But it's a competent bullet hell title... that is fairly beginner friendly (with the Novice mode and Easy difficulty). I've been enjoying it a lot this weekend (if you couldn't tell from my post and jumps up the scoreboards... =P ). And I wound up turning he music off, which has helped me focus a bit more on when I have a SC stored and when I should use it. The movement doesn't bother me at all... but with this being a grazing focused game, I'm not going to be zipping all over the screen trying to dodge anything. =P Actually, I think I much prefer this speed limiting when grazing is involved. A slip of my thumb isn't nearly as bad as it would be if it controlled like most shmups on the touch screen. <shrug> But that's just me. I can totally see why the slow movement would turn people off. Especially if they plan on sticking to Easy&Normal difficulties while playing. Blazing Star really irked me when it was first released and only had its original/arcade/console speed limit for the ship's movement. =P Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #19 Anotherkellydown, Nov 13, 2023 I just realized this was removed from the App Store, and apparently it’s no longer available even for digital download on consoles. Correct me if I’m wrong. @syntheticvoid - not sure if you’re still around these parts, but your posts helped me get right back into the game, guns a’blazin’. My plan is to get somewhere near close to your incredible scores. You set quite the precedent. Thank goodness I still have this gem on my phone. Still plays wonderfully on my newer iPhone 11 Pro Max. I’m considering picking it up on Switch from PlayAsia because I’m remembering how great it is. Thankfully it’s still available for purchase somewhere, even if I have to pay $29.99 + shipping. It’s that good, in my opinion. sebgo likes this. asaw2 Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2013 189 9 18 South korea #20 asaw2, Nov 19, 2023 Last edited: Apr 8, 2024 it's coming upgraded version, Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage(식혼도: 백화요란). I think that's why it went removed. It's coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch in 2024 Q2, but iOS, Android is not yet confirmed. Also it's sequal, "Shikhondo ~Blue Pieta~" is in development. Anotherkellydown likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
let me know if it's good, unfortunately i'm on the fence after seeing a couple of not so good reviews of PS4 version on YT
Just beat the first level and I’m on the fence myself. In motion is not quite as stunning as it looks on screenshots. There’s also a bit of lag on the touch movement — not enough to make it unplayable, but definitely there. It does look great, though, and the music is nice. Not quite a Cave shooter.
Very tempting ! Badly miss my Cave shmup's so i might jump into this one. Can someone confirm what the controls are, just want to make sure relative touch works well
Picked this up on Steam a while ago... and have been fully enjoying it. I was pretty surprised when I saw it in the AppStore. It's a great port, relative touch controls are spot on (the characters do not move quicker than they do when playing with a joystick, though - so if that bugs you, you might want to skip this one) - the backgrounds are absolutely beautiful and the boss battles are crazy good. There's 4 gameplay modes; Novice Arcade Hardcore Boss Rush 4 difficulty levels; Easy Normal Hard Extreme 2 characters; Spread Shot Homing There are no buttons - everything is handled with taps and presses. You can stop shooting by tapping the screen, use a more focused shot by holding two fingers on the screen (which also slows you down for more precise movement), double tap to use a bomb or your 'soul collect' power. To use your Soul Collect power, you need to graze bullets and fill your soul meter. Unleashing it turns all bullets on screen into souls and gives you a powered up shot for a short time. There are 5 stages, no mid-bosses (which makes the stages seem a bit short - but the boss battles in the last 3 stages last a little longer than usual). I happen to like the shorter stages here. It takes me about 25 minutes to beat the game, and it makes the bullet patterns easier to memorize and offers a quicker jump into score chasing. Then the Hardcore and Boss Rush modes to top it off add plenty of replay value and more score chasing. In Hardcore mode, you're given one life to get as far as you can. It's where I think most shmup veterans will spend their time. Any questions, just ask, and I'll answer them if I can. Otherwise, the developer's Twitter is here -
Wow, thanks for the detailed description of Shikhondo - Soul Eater, @syntheticvoid! This looks and sounds like just what I’ve been looking for in a bullethell. Downloading without hesitation thanks to you.
Sorry for the double thread, I guess my search wasn't working properly when I was looking for it. =P And yeah, no problem AKD. Hope you're enjoying it.
The more I play this the more fun I’m having. Everything from the fonts to the actual game graphics are so beautiful. I’ve always really appreciated this Korean art style. It’s a very dark game, both literally and in the way the enemy and boss designs are presented. I really like it! Very smooth frame rate on my 7+ and the bullets are very clear in almost every case. There is one level with a blueish background where the boss fires tiny blue bullets that can be a bit harder to see. That said, it hasn’t been detrimental to the gameplay - at least for me. I can see this being even better on an small tablet (like that new mini) or even the larger ones. It took me a bit to understand how the soul attack is built up and how to make full use of it, but now I’ve got it. I like the way the main weapon has wide and narrow firing abilities, depending if you hold with one finger or two. I see you and @idislikejordan right nearby, @syntheticvoid =)
Yeah, the bullets can be a little hard to see sometimes, especially on a smaller phone. I wound up turning my brightness up and that helped quite a bit, though. <shrug> I'm glad that you're enjoying it, AKD. Really hope this one gets some more attention...
Huh... no wonder this name sounded familiar. Saw it on sale a few weeks ago on eShop. I skipped it, tho, as I don't think it's at the level of Cave Co. bullet hell games... so, maybe later. It's good to know it's available on iOS, too.
Alrighty... I hope that those of you that have taken a chance on this game are enjoying it now... Seeing how high my scores are on the leaderboards, I thought that I'd post a few tips... Unless you're dying a lot, always choose the Soul Collect after beating a boss. And always make sure that you are in Soul Collect mode when defeating a boss. The double Soul Collect is a MUST as well. This is when you double tap while you're already in Soul Collect mode, eating up a saved bomb - it extends your Soul Collect mode for another phase - and always right at the end of your first Soul Collect. While you're in Soul Collect mode, your multiplier is increased (the multiplier is directly tied to the number of souls you've collected in each level), so you'll get more points for defeating the boss than you would if you were not in Soul Collect mode. That means you'll need to save at least 2 bombs throughout each stage so that you can extended the SC mode twice, if not more, while facing the boss. Since you also convert bullets on the screen into souls when entering and exiting SC mode, and the bosses always fill the screen with more bullets, this will also up your multiplier more than at any other point in the game. ---DON'T SAVE YOUR BOMBS/2nd SC's IN HARDCORE MODE!!! These are refilled after each stage!! =D **EDIT** Also-Boss Rush mode - you get 1 extra life and 1 bomb after each boss. Another tip - do NOT try to play at a difficulty level that you're not ready for. I know this sounds counter-intuitive when playing for score because, of course, higher difficulties equate to more bullets which means more canceled bullets when you enter SC mode. But I hit the #2 spot on Hardcore mode while playing on Normal, and I only made it to the 3rd stage. Now... yet another tip... Destroying the larger enemies throughout a stage will always cancel all the bullets on the screen and turn them into Soul/add to your multiplier. You should ALWAYS take out the larger enemies before the smaller ones, letting the smaller ones spit out bullets that can be converted when you do manage to destroy the larger enemies. I know that's also kind of... 'duh' material... but watching a few friends play this, is consistently see them take out the smaller enemies before going after the larger ones, so I thought it'd be worth mentioning. And, I guess, LASTLY... like most other bullet-hells, this is a risk/reward game. Grazing builds up your Soul Collect gauge, and while in SC mode, your multiplier is increased. But don't ever graze if you're not comfortable with the bullet patterns flying towards you or know that it's a difficult pattern about to come at you. A life is always worth more than a few notches in your SC gauge. I guess what I'm saying is... always play it safe rather than risky until you have a firmer grasp on the patterns and enemy/stage layouts. Good luck, you guys!! I hope to see you all getting higher scores and making the leaderboards as competitive as you can. LET'S KNOCK THOSE GUYS IN THE TOP 5 SPOTS ON EACH BOARD DOWN A NOTCH!!!
I skipped this because of the first video. I thought you can only move left-right on the bottom. Nope, free screen movements. As mentioned by squarezero, the movement/controls are a bit laggy but due to the bullets’ speed (at least in normal mode) it is absolutely playable. I’m just coming here after i played the first level. And yes, it should be definitely better played on a bigger screen than my iphone 7. It sure is not on par with Cave’s shmups, but it fills any need for a bullet hell shooter, imho! Thanks to AKD and SV (incredible posts!) for pushing me over the fence.
=P This games needs a frick'n practice mode... =X And yes, I'll totally admit it's up to Cave's level (but really, aside from DU, I don't think many shmups can/have match/ed Cave's quality...). But it's a competent bullet hell title... that is fairly beginner friendly (with the Novice mode and Easy difficulty). I've been enjoying it a lot this weekend (if you couldn't tell from my post and jumps up the scoreboards... =P ). And I wound up turning he music off, which has helped me focus a bit more on when I have a SC stored and when I should use it. The movement doesn't bother me at all... but with this being a grazing focused game, I'm not going to be zipping all over the screen trying to dodge anything. =P Actually, I think I much prefer this speed limiting when grazing is involved. A slip of my thumb isn't nearly as bad as it would be if it controlled like most shmups on the touch screen. <shrug> But that's just me. I can totally see why the slow movement would turn people off. Especially if they plan on sticking to Easy&Normal difficulties while playing. Blazing Star really irked me when it was first released and only had its original/arcade/console speed limit for the ship's movement. =P
I just realized this was removed from the App Store, and apparently it’s no longer available even for digital download on consoles. Correct me if I’m wrong. @syntheticvoid - not sure if you’re still around these parts, but your posts helped me get right back into the game, guns a’blazin’. My plan is to get somewhere near close to your incredible scores. You set quite the precedent. Thank goodness I still have this gem on my phone. Still plays wonderfully on my newer iPhone 11 Pro Max. I’m considering picking it up on Switch from PlayAsia because I’m remembering how great it is. Thankfully it’s still available for purchase somewhere, even if I have to pay $29.99 + shipping. It’s that good, in my opinion.
it's coming upgraded version, Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage(식혼도: 백화요란). I think that's why it went removed. It's coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch in 2024 Q2, but iOS, Android is not yet confirmed. Also it's sequal, "Shikhondo ~Blue Pieta~" is in development.