Its a fun game! I played a lot on steam and $3.99 is a steal. Unfortunately, its a bit small and difficult to play on my iphone. (Massive eye strain.) I would usually play a game like this on my ipad mini 2 but that device will always remain on ios 8.1. It's got my classic games on it. I really need a new ipad. I suppose I have to put the mobile version on the back-burner until I can afford a new one. Don't know when that will be.
Likewise, my iPad mini 2 is stuck on iOS 9 for the same reason. I've played this game on my kid's iPad mini 2 with iOS 10, and it plays flawlessly. I'm trying to play it on my phone, but there's no comparison to the bigger screen.
Hmmm, and you think it's going to be any better on Android? Good luck with that. The problem is that companies in the smartphone business, in order to appease their shareholders, roll out new devices and operating systems at a blistering pace, far beyond the needs of most consumers. Meanwhile, premium game developers work with extraordinarily small profit margins, and cost to support versions of devices and operating systems that are two generations or more outdated far outweighs the revenue generated. If you really want to leave the "rat race," trade in your smartphone for an old school flip phone and call it a day.