I would say it could be lag. Ive experienced it pretty terribly and others on this thread have as well.
Any chance of new skins? Some really crazy, tentacled styles skins maybe, that cost a high gold count, maybe 1900+ ? New maps would be great too.
Madfinger, I know it's been said before but the option to play friends would really be a big thing for this game. I know for myself I would like to play some people on the TA site that are very good players like Rip73, and others. So I think being able to invite friends and create a private game would be HUGE for this game
Madfinger,can we expect any new modes in the future (team deathmatch,and capture the flag,or an oddball type thing.) and the ability to make custom lobbies and invite people? That way we could invite people to our games
the weapon example the shredder its magnum on eliminate while sh!tstorm is RL on eliminate only the thing that is different is the way they based your opponent is by your rank not by your skill points
Sorry for a late reply (been busy with work!) As a UK player the lag for me can be hit and miss but most of the time I feel like the shooting is fair, sometimes a single player will be hopping around but to me that person is most likely playing over a not so good 3G connection, but most people I play against seem to move around and take damage fine. Sometimes all players will stop moving for about 20 seconds but then the game resumes, lag spike sort of thing. To keep players in the early stages maybe some more carrot on a stick type of thing needs to happen, give users a temptation to stick with the game and level up to a certain point, again I do not know how you could do this.
Yes the lag is unplayable at times to the point where I press the grenade button and then a good 5 seconds later It will actually throw. However when the connection is good, the game is highly enjoyable, which has kept me playing.
In zone control you have to guard your zones while capturing the enemy's. In ctf you need to capture your enemy's flag and bring it back to your flag.