I'm not arguing. I was talking about the RE: Revelations demo. Those techniques are there and gee golly, it looks mighty fine. Mercenaries, was a quick cash grab, albeit a fun one I've put 46 hours into so far But about Shadowgun, he's the prettiest iOS game on the corner. That's a compliment.
I believe they do this in games to save space?? I may be wrong though @Pacificsun: lol getting very deep and philosophical here I'm downloading now! I'm so stoked. Now I also have to find out what to delete on my ipod.. shoulda got a 64gb
I am in the same boat as you with the exception that I haven't actually tried Shadowgun yet . It's purchased and on my phone, but I've been to busy reading rather then playing anything. I too have that ADD sort of gaming complex where I get eager for a game, buy, and try it only to buy anther game and never finish the previous one. For example: Backstab , I've launched it once, never got through the tutorial thing and haven't gone back. World of Goo, Great game but I just can't seem to want to play more of it besides the first 4 levels. Maybe things will change after the Iphone 5 comes out. I am hoping a bigger screen and a faster processor is what is keeping me from really enjoying IOS games its fullest. But it's nice to know I'm not alone.
Just checked my account. The game costs $8.49 and I have $8.56. Is it worth getting for someone who doesn't really like TPS? So far I have seen only one weapon through the trailer (that I know of). Are there any other weapons?
We need bigger boat, we're about to sink. I've got the same problem, I've got chaos rings, galaxy on fire 2, and all three zenonias that I've opened and played the first hour or so then go on to playing others. I've been playing a lot of Jetpack Joyride, mainly because it's easier to pick up and play, wish I would make more time for the other games. I haven't gotten this game yet mainly because of Jetpack Joyride, update to Fleet Defense and the afore mentioned games. Maybe during Christmas break from college I'll try this one out.
Ok let me rephrase it. The fire button. I cannot aim while I am shooting. Which I can do with every other game of this type. I can swipe to look and aim, but while I am firing I cannot swipe to aim
Make room for another on the boat. I'll definitely sink it if it's not a huge one. Buying and deleting within ten minutes is common practice. Buying and "saving" is creed (for good games). Good thing I don't have a 360/PS3. I have the same problem on the 3DS though. Had the same problem on the PSP until I gave it to my brother. We'll see how my PC/Mac gaming situation goes.
I'm having an issue I'm at the driller part and I pick up the keycard and run to shoot the ignitor then I just die out of nowhere. Probably goon restart the chapter or checkpoint whatever it is.
It's definitely worth it. It's by far a great game. Sure it's a TPS , but it also screams adventure as well. The game so far, on level 2 has a bunch of little elements: Hidden items, item hacking, environmental puzzles, and the story is just ripe with awesome. It's a pretty good game. The cover mechanic is ace too. You can't go wrong, as it's not controllably clunky in my opinion, like most touch based games.
bug on 1st level bought the game just now. was playing the first level then I encountered a bug when I jump over a cover then pressed down and then my character sank into the ground and just fell down the map ugh
Again, set the move pad to "fixed" in the settings - then the controls will be exactly as any other FPS on the iOS.
Apparently FIFA 12 is coming tonight! I'm torn between buying FIFA and shadow gun... Maybe I could nag my parents to drive to... Well anywhere so I can buy one. I can't walk anywhere because it's raining...
I understand I have over 6000 games now, I find that I buy more and but don't have the time to play them or the interest to continue playing them its more the thrill of getting the app. Its getting old fast. I will wait until the price of this game drops after all I'm lucky if I will play it for 5-10 minutes. maybe I just haven't found a good game yet or I'am just expecting to much. I remember playing games all night. This game looks great was hoping for a better intro sale.
This is my fault for incorrectly explaining it. I play on an iPad2, and I use a three finger way to aim move and fire. One finger moves, one finger fires, and the other aims. Now using this three finger method (placing all three on screen) I cannot shoot and aim at the same time unless I have my aim finger placed on the fire button and use the fire button as another stick so to speak. I thought that the amount of fingers I use is causing the game to act oddly. The fixed settings do not work, neither does the default. This is the problem I am having.
Ohh, so it's not recognizing your third finger on the screen? I'll try this out on my phone, see what happens... Edit: I see what you mean! I don't know how to help you then... It's pretty much a mechanic, I think you'll have to get used to that. =/
I'm no programming expert here, but I think there is a simple-ish way to fix this. maybe adding support for more than 2 fingers on screen?