I bought this at release and only tried it briefly. I'm waiting to see if it gets the widescreen treatment before playing trough it. Or should I not bother to wait, Madfinger?
I realize my device is old according to apple's standards. Has anyone tried shadowgun on their ipod 4G device. Madfinger if you're reading this. I know you guys are bigshots in the mobile gaming industry but don't forget the customers like myself that buy all your games. Please update your supported devices.... Thanks
I remember playing Shadowgun on my touch4 before, and it runs pretty well. Doesnt it have a lite version to test out? Or maybe i was thinking Deadzone.
I have the game for my iPod 4G, it used to run real well, once they updated it about a year ago. It crashed constantly, it would be nice if Madfinger could update the game for the older devices. I realize this an old game now but it's still a good one. It's just a good gesture for their customers.
Played this again for my 3PS fix (it's got a permanent space on my ipad mini), and it still holds up pretty well despite being a generic third person shooter. Im surprised there still isnt a lot of titles that are at least as good as this. Muse, Journey to Hell, and a few other titles tried at this formula and failed badly. I hope the upcoming Exiles and Infected Wars can fill the gaps in the genre for the iOS. I can only remember really liking Shadowgun, Dead Space and ME Infiltrator as the best 3rd person shooters on iOS. Am i missing anything good that's similar to these games?
@MADFINGER GAMES: SHADOWGUN is One of The best TPS on App Store,with DEAD SPACE,and MASS EFFECT,can you guys update this for iPhone 5/5s and make it work with iOS 7?for me it's you're best game,deserve this,do it for you're costoumers,thanks
Did you play on easy,medium,or Hard that you can't beat The boss? 1)when start The fight,use The RPG,when he open The mouth,that seem flames,put a rocket in it's mouth,immediately after,put a rocket in her belly,you have 2 seconds,her belly it's spotted in yellow,for 2 sec,you take a lot of life down on him,every time he open The mouth,shoot with The RPG,follow by The belly,then take cover from The soldier on you're left,and right,kill them,i'm using granade launcher for them,repeat all 2 times,on easy,3 times on medium,and 6 times on Hard,but in Hard you take a lot of damage also from The soldier,2 second in cover,you're die..hope it help..
Well,MADFINGER GAMES had reply to' me,they say that an update it's difficult,cause The game have an old engine,but after DEAD TRIGGER 2 it's out,they try to' do a critical update..
Yes,it is,they're last Premium game,until they pass to free to' play formula with DEAD TRIGGER 1 and 2,this it's also why i consider SHADOWGUN they're best game,i will pay 10,15 for SHADOWGUN 2,i wonder if One day they do a Premium SHADOWGUN 2..
Shadowgun http://forums.toucharcade.com/attachment.php?attahttp://forums.toucharcade.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=66561&stc=1&d=1386234736chmentid=66560&stc=1&d=1386234606 S.A.R.A,We Can Go On Vacation Right Now,there aren't hidden Achievements to Unlock.. JOHN,i never say i'm not enjoy vacation..
It would be nice if Madfinger would optimize Shadowgun for the iPhone 5 and 5s. This is still one of the very best 3rd person shooters in iOS even though it's over 3 years old. Please optimize this for the newer devices Madfinger.
So true. There's only a few that does it really well. Dead Space, ME Infiltrator, Shadowgun and EPOCH.1 & 2 (although these are more strictly cover-based 3rd person shooters). Think Liberation Maiden can make this list? Oh well, maybe not.
It's frankly crazy how well this game continues to age... No offense to MF, but to go from this to the DT stuff? I would love to see those crazy cats return to form with something worthy of following this... DBC
^Not really surprisng if going freemium gets them high-quality roofs over their heads rather than just getting them roofs over their heads.