I have checked out a couple of youtube videos. Guess I'm just not coordinated enough to do it fast enough . Tried adjusting the swipe controls. That may have hurt more than helped. I probably won't give up. I'll just keep plugging away. Do it enough times I'm bound to get lucky eventually.
Is the long promised multiplayer Shadowguneadzone ever coming out? When is Shadowgun multiplayer coming out Madfinger?????
Ive been wondering about that too, and to be honest I forgot that Shadowgun had a planned multiplayer.
Oh yeah!! Madfinger just revealed a playable character for Shadowgun Deadzone. Oh yeah IT IS ON. But of course we dont know when it will come out exactly. My interest is rekindled.
Drat! Never finished the game, made it to the end gave up after 2-3 tries now I want to play it again but I can't because it keeps crashing.
I don't understand why people are having crashing problems with Shadowgun. I play it on an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2 never having a crash once.
Man! I was wondering if I was the only one!! Great game! Fun! Beautiful graphics! But the non stop crashing dives me insane!!!