Rockets will do him in quickly. Shotgun takes a few blasts. Or shoot grenades so they roll up to him. You face this guy many times in the game and he is one of the harder kills. Just make sure to dive away fom his attack. If u wasted all your ammo on him, either there is a bug or you aren't hitting him. GL!!!
When he crouches and gets electrical is when he's at his weakest. That is the best time to use the shotgun or missiles on him.
What nshager and dirty Harry said definitely should work. I admit difficult to kill but when they are crouching and recharging basically, hit them with rocket launcher, grenades, shotgun. Use machine gun to weaken them, shoot and roll to avoid their incoming fire. The key for me was weaken him with machine gun and then rocket him when he crouches. They are definitely not impossible to kill. Don't give up, the game is worth finishing. Try YouTube to see if someone as video up defeating it.
"my old iPad 3" he says... cmon man, I've been using my iPad 1 since it came out. But definitely don't give up on the game because you can't beat the machine gunner guys. My advice is watch how much machine gun ammo it takes to make them "recharge". Right before the juggernaut (or whatever they're called) is about to recharge, stop firing, cover, and switch to the shotgun. Make sure its reloaded, and get as many shots in as you can while the juggernaut is downed.
Whats up Madfinger? When is Shadowgun Multiplayer coming to iOS When is Shadowguneadzone(multiplayer) coming to iOS? Is there an estimated timeframe?
Ok. So I've played this game for a while and really like it even if it is a bit generic, but right now I'm really getting aggrevated with one of the few sequences in the game that don't pertain to it's primarily cover-driven shooter. Specifically: Spoiler How the hell do you get past the part with the drill/wall coming at you? I understand that you have to keep moving backwards and hit the green signs to set off a laser that does some damage to it. But moving backwards is difficult enough -- keep getting stuck in places despite trying to map out my route before hand. I've only managed to get it down to maybe 1/3 health left. Usually am killed before then, but always after that.
Dont run backwards. Turn around and run. When you get past the green targets, turn around and shoot. Then, turn around and run again. Shouldnt be too hard
This. You might want to do a practice run first. Try not to get frustrated either. It may seem impossible but its not. Just wait until you get to the elevator level...
Just don't run will never work that way. You'll get stuck everytime if you keep trying to do it that way. I had trouble with this level on Easy mode awhile back....even complained about it somewhere in this thread a few times.. Im currently playing it again on Hard mode and it took me 2 tries to get past it this time around. The key is do not run backwards. Good luck.
Just tried....and failed. I can get through like three of the gates with the green lights so it's down to like 1/4 health. But, by then, it catches up to me. Just can't run fast enough (also tried tumbling) to get to the last gate. And I'm too slow turning around to hit the green things. I'll keep at it...
Like dirty Harry said, just keep at it & you'll beat and he should know. He was stuck at the same point for quite some time. But he made it
^this. My problem was I kept on trying to do it running backwards and kept getting frustrated doing so. Now Im currently having a a hard time getting past the elevator part when Sara is trying to activate the elevator....I keep getting shot by those flying lazer bot thingys., on hard mode.. Its all in good fun though. Just got to work smart and play the right strategy.
Still haven't gotten past it. But searched and read through some of those earlier post regarding the driller. One suggestion was to turn the sensitivity all the way up. When I get back to it, think I'll give that a try .... maybe I'll be able to turn around quickly enough to finally do the trick.
Was watching a walk thru video on youtube for level 7...the player was equipped with 6 rockets instead of 3!? Is that a hack or something? The max Ive ever been able to have is 3.
And two weeks later, I still haven't gotten past the driller. I know how to do it. Just can't see to do it fast enough. It's almost got me to the point of rage quitting and moving on with another shooter (maybe even Dead Trigger, ironically). Wish there was a way to skip that level. If there weren't so many rocks to bump into and slow you down (yes, even when you turn around), it may not be so bad.
Check out some youtube videos on the Driller Level.(they will help) What device are you playing it on? Hate to see you miss out on a fantastic game due to such a small part of the game.