Yeah, but the prices are worth it on PC/console if that's what you were getting at. When I look at it I look at it as building a small replica of an actual house. Things are the same, but the dimensions are smaller. So devs could sell their games for a set price, exclude IAP consumables, and then add in IAP for DLC. Hell, I've seen this asked for plenty of times on the forum and mentioned off the forum. I'm assuming that your comment on the comparison not holding up is the amount of money to be made with IAP/DLC. No other consumable/upgrade IAP seems healthy for a MP game IMHO. I frequent the WoM forum quite a bit and they raised a little hell when they found out the game had IAP. The thing is that it's just for aesthetic purposes and tier 2 stuff, so it doesn't really unbalance the game.
I have nothing against supporting developers because they do deserve it. If a developer promises or says that they're going to update the game with an awesome feature and doesn't deliver, it's just going to change my view of them. It's just that since they didn't deliver the multiplayer update to SHADOWGUN, I probably won't be purchasing their games in hopes that they update it with features that they said they would add (unless it drops to $0.99). I'm in no way saying that they're bad developers, I'm just saying that I will tip-toe around their apps until the price is low or until they update it with what they promised.
I get your point and agree with you 100%. That isnt good that they broke their promises and people have the right to be angry.
"At CES this week, Madfinger Games announced a multiplayer follow-up to their amazing-looking third-person shooter Shadowgun. Shadowgun: Deadzone will support 8-player deathmatch and team deathmatch, but it will launch exclusively on Nvidia Tegra-powered Android devices instead of iOS." How typical. First they promised a multiplayer feature in an update then cancel it and release a whole new app with that feature. They just lost my respect for that dirty trick. But hey, screw early adopters or any purchaser for that matter. All we care is our pocket!
I've been a big fan on MadFingerGames until now. I don't care if there are price drops after launch. Developers need to make money to continue making iOS-games and the way people are complaining about anything priced more than 0.99$ we'll probably get less and less complex console quality games. However, what I don't like is A. Making multiplayer freemium B. Making it an Android exclusive. Then again, both points are probably due to people complaining about the price. You can easily spend 10$ on fast food but somehow iOS-games should all be 0.99$? Not to mention how much PS3/Xbox360 games cost...
It will if the support for the Singleplayer Game doesn`t stop and they release more Missions Packs for the Game. Overall it`s their Chance to do things the right Way and there is currently nothing speaking against two Games were a Full Priced Single Player Game and a Freemium Multiplayer Game with a few cheap IAP do deliver a great Gameplay Experience.
So guys is that confirmed that the multiplayer will only be released for Android first? Please tell me this isn't so. Especially for all of us loyal Madfinger fans that bought this game for 7.99 when initially released.
I'm not sure you can interpret "it will launch exclusively on Nvidia Tegra-powered Android devices" any other way.
does it matter if the multiplayer mode is a seperate free app? if it makes live easier for the devs to put it into a seperate package then why not? its not like the mp game would be different if it was bundled inside the current game.. maybe i miss something here.. but mp is apparently coming.. in a different package yes.. but free.. so i don't see much of a difference here *shrug*
1) others will get it free 2) people may have bought it under the impression MP would be in an update 3) IAP Let me be clear that I'm fine with all of this as long as there is no energy consumption IAPs. Because... 1) less hassle with file size 2) larger active community 3) better for the Dev to make a living this way
well the way they design the mp aspect of shadowgun would not be different if it ends up as a seperate app or in the main game.. a mp update for the sp game could also include the same iap items they planed.. at the moment there are no infos on how exactly the mp part will look like and every comment on it is pure speculations.. as for 1,2,3 i agree with you pov.. i don't have a problem with it either.. and honestly can't see how anyone else would have.. as it makes not much of a difference *shrug*
I exchanged emails with Marek from Madfinger about it. I'm sure he'll be jumping on his thread eventually to clarify, but here's the gist of our exchange: 1) Tegra (not Android -- we're talking a much smaller install base) exclusivity will be for a short period of time. 2) Madfinger is treating that period as a beta test (similar to those Canadian launches we're familiar with). The server software will be shared between both platforms. 3) Their priority continues to be iOS, which is why the free single player mini-campaign launch first on iOS.
IAP in MP is just asking for the game to be hacked. Not that it couldn't be already, but it seems IAP makes it easier/faster. Also with IAP MP games become unbalanced due to the fact that people will b*th at their parents, or so forth, and pay ridiculous prices for consumables. This makes it a high paying king of the hill setup. Now that it's free it gives more ppl the opportunity to try it out, therefore giving more ppl the opportunity to go IAP crazy. Like I mentioned earlier, no hardcore gamer wants consumable IAP in a game. Go to the World of Midagard website (where tons of hardcore MMORPG players reside), and you'll see their absolute disgust for consumable IAP. That's why WoM IAP is mostly for aesthetic purposes.
Another first person view shooting game? Frankly, I don't think this type of the game feels good on touch devices, especially small screen sized ones like iPhone.
well you assume it will be unballanced consumeables.. i can image a hundred different way iap can be applied to an mp game.. from good to worser than bad.. as for hardcore gamers who care for an mobile mmo.. i hardly doubt thoose few people represent anything in the big iOS sea of users.. anyway pointless to debate about something one knows nothing about.. ie the multiplayer part of shadowgun lets wait and see what the devs actualy show, then one can debate about it
You could have replied in a less sarcastic way but... Yes, I should have read that previous post thoroughly. I was kind of shocked that they would release on Android first. After reading Squarezero's post it does provide a good explanation.
Was thinking about getting Shadowgun but it seems like multiplayer wont be coming to iOS. I'll hold on to my $5 for now.
It is. But then again, it will be a separate free app, so if you're just interested in multiplayer might as well save your money.