Universal SHADOWGUN (by MADFINGER Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by The Bat Outta Hell, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Pacificsun0481

    Pacificsun0481 Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Sacramento, CA
    #461 Pacificsun0481, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
    This :)

    I LOVE the culture of TA, the bringing of lesser known entities and their beautiful, inspiring often creative undertakings to our collective conscious.

    I do agree 100% that TA seems to unfavorably knock the marquee titles that gamers (core, current and future savvy) are truly WANTING on iOS.

    Shadowgun is one of those titles.

    Sure, it may not be the tastiest cake on the bakery shelf, but I'll be damned if it's not one of the prettiest cakes that makes one ponder a realm of possibility thinking "...and this was made with 2 eggs and some starch?"

    I've been long disappointed that the larger AAA titles, that would rule the console roost, have mobile counterparts or those types of games that are coming down the pipes soon - Touch Arcade doesn't seem to cover them.

    For being one of TIME magazines 50 best sites:

    Get interviews, exclusive hands on videos, exclusive first stories, reviews - anything - that may be becoming to the popularity and power TA seems to have. (ie. Game Informer, IGN, etc.)

    Instead, I feel like Hodapp (I generally favor reviews from), has a soft spot for those indie titles. The small fry in a big fryer. It could be, he likes to showcase, give the spotlight and keep it small. A haven for those developers to thrive...like he wants to keep the "big boys" (the monied EA and Gameloft, etc.) out.

    The problem I find, for as much as Hodapp harps on Nintendo woes, exclaims the prowess of iOS dominance - the shift is not going to happen here. People will cling to the handheld (I'm a 3DS owner, too) for the CORE gaming experience. The Resident Evils, Bravely Defaults, Mario, a REAL Monster Hunter and the meatier games. It's like TA needs to walk the walk, not talk the talk.

    If you're gonna knock the dedicated handheld and trumpet iOS, trumpet the games a handheld owner would covet.

    I'm not coveting match 3, puzzle, retro shmups, a bajillion Geometry Wars clones, or an endless flow of endless runners. Good grief!

    I would covet Shadowgun, Infinity Blade, Modern Combat 3, Chaos Rings, Cordy, Pizza Boy, Dead Space, etc.

    (good thing I can experience core handheld titles and iOS).

    Point being, TA seems to knock the games that advance iOS the furtherest. Shadowgun belongs in that small club.

    They keep slamming Nintendo and bash on the merits of owning a core handheld, yet, praise the games no dedicated handheld owner would ever willingly buy.

    Makes no sense.

    Shadowgun deserved better.
  2. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    #462 Madman100, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
    I agree. I'm in no mood to try and make a point on top of what was said there but I honestly found it really hard to believe that review was coming from someone's 'proffessional' opinion. It seemed all but unbiased toward such a marvel of a game.
  3. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    In what way other than graphics is Shadowgun "advancing iOS"? It seems like all some of you guys are totally happy with an entirely hollow, repetitive, completely formulaic game as long as it is chock full of eye candy. No one here is disputing the fact that the graphics of Shadowgun is amazing. Before I saw the game at E3, I didn't even know Unity was capable of that, but it's not a good game. Hell, it's not even a good iOS game. If they wanted to "advance iOS" they should have combined these incredible graphics with great gameplay that's catered to the platform instead of this thinly veiled attempt at bringing Gears of War to the App Store with some virtual controls plastered on top.

    Remove the stellar graphics from Shadowgun, and what do you have left?
  4. chris1a

    chris1a Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2010
  5. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    It's cool, Hodapp. No need to go about defending yourself. Some people just have different opinions is all. What I find disturbing is how unbelievably biased that review looked. Along with the fact it was played almost entirely on the lowest supported device.
  6. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Touchgen wasn't kidding when they said the final boss was brutal... :eek:
  7. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I'm not quite following the biased argument. What part of the review seemed slanted?
  8. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    I'm not defending anything, I'm participating in the discussion here and posing very simple points and equally simple questions. Those of you who are blindly supporting this game keep evading them, and refuse to answer them.

    So, again, please answer: If you remove the incredible graphics from Shadowgun, what do you have left?

    I'm also not sure that "bias" means what you think it means. There's nothing in that review that's biased, it's an accurate account of Thorin's experience playing the game and how he felt about it. A biased review would be him mentioning that he hates third person shooters, with that theme permeating the rest of the review. Instead, if you even read the first sentence of the review, he mentions how badly he wanted to like the game, so, if anything, his bias would be towards artificially praising the game out of this desire.

    As far as the devices it was played on, both the 3GS and O.G. iPad are listed as supported devices. We're often criticized for not mentioning how games perform on older devices as we primarily play games on current-generation hardware... So, it seems we really can't win regardless of what we do. If Madfinger didn't want people to play on the 3GS or O.G. iPad, they shouldn't have listed them as supported on the iTunes description.
  9. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Okay, I've read the parts related to the bug on level 4 with the driller, but I've also seen people mention level 5, so I'm assuming the driller can be engaged / defeated? Can someone point me to information detailing the bug and how to avoid it?
  10. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth

    I'm still trying to figure out that one myself. And how and why would starting over again somehow eliminate the already existing bug?

    Hopefully Madfinger chimes in on this. I want to play the game I payed $8 bucks for. :rolleyes:
  11. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    #471 backtothis, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011

    I thought I clarified already that starting the game over isn't going to do anything. The update that fixes this bug will delete your saved game, forcing you to restart the game. It's not a choice. Some people are on level five or have finished the game even because they're running another OS, which the bug does not affect. I'm running 4.3.5 on a fourth generation iPod and have had no issues. I left you that link for a reason. MFG freaking addressed this issue over a day ago.
  12. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
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    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    While I have an unabashed enthusiasm for this game, it is I believe a tempered enthusiasm. Therefore, I'm not commenting as someone defending themselves against the "blindly following" comment. That being said, I do think it's a little unfair to make the argument of "remove the most outstanding feature from a game and what are you left with". If you do that many, many games would fail to hold up. Still, I'll answer it with my opinion: you're left with a very solid TPS for this platform. One that is certainly in-line with others in the app store. One that has above average voice acting. One that has at least average, if not above average content (single player only, granted) for this platform, including multiple endings for replayability. Now, if you take that (and I understand some of you won't...these are just my opinions) and add graphics which IMO are second-to-none, next-level caliber, you have a game worthy of praise. This is tempered with a realization of, and a disappointment in, the bugs that have plagued many. I myself, have had minimal bugs, and had no issue with the driller level, but I play primarily on an iPad 2, and I don't discount the reports of others here with bigger problems. I just wanted to reiterate that there are some here that see the game as special without the hinderance of rose-colored glasses.
  13. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth

    Relax. Im running 4.3.3 on an iPhone 4. Is it too much to inquire about a timeframe when this should be fixed? The game shouldn't have this bug. Not for $8 bucks. Should have been tested better.
  14. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    #474 backtothis, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
    What's wrong with updating to 4.3.5? MFG already said they were working on the update and are going to release it as fast as they can. In any case, you weren't asking for a timeframe, you were asking a question I've answered three times now.
  15. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    #475 Madman100, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
    As far as I know, that review was composed of ranting about every detail you found particularly unpleasing. I think I saw a whopping three sentences exposing what Madfinger has done well in this game. Apart from the basic feel, ShadowGun puts a console like game in my hands. As for your question you want answered so desperately.. Take away the graphics, what do you have? A basic, strategical, cover-based TPS. Besides whatever people say, played one hard mode it does require timing, precision, quick thinking and fast reactions to have a perfect run. Anyways, I think basic would have been a more appropriate word than "garbage".

    Valid point.
  16. phattestfatty

    phattestfatty Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    I'm split. Shadowgun is repetitive and it doesn't bring anything new to the table. I've gotten occasional crashes upon entering back in after putting my ipod touch 4th gen on sleep, but none other than that. I totally undertand where that's coming from.

    However, it's gorgeous and definitely a complete game. While I like those gameloft fps's better, I generally like fps's better, and this is single player. This single player blows MC2/NOVA2's outta the water. Despite the repetitiveness and bugs, it's still a complete game.

    Add the graphics to boot, and I think it's pretty solid. I don't regret my 8 bucks, and it was worth it for one of few quality TPS's out on the appstore, with arguably the best visuals. It's far from perfect, or console quality, but it's a good game.

    @hodapp: take away the graphics? you still have a decent game. Think of it this way. This is much more a complete game than infinity blade. and let me remind you of that review... http://toucharcade.com/2010/12/08/infinity-blade-review/ If you take the visuals from infinity blade, what do you have? fruit ninja with people.
  17. Pacificsun0481

    Pacificsun0481 Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Sacramento, CA
    #477 Pacificsun0481, Sep 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
    What does Shadowgun have going for it?

    For my tastes Shadowgun has in spades, what most iOS TPS/action games lack:

    It has a cohesive and engaging storyline. Not only is the story cohesive, but the antagonist and protagonist have a genuine conflict, where the player wants to see the entire plot through.

    In addition to the narrative being cohesive and engaging, I find it to be highly entertaining. The plot is excellently voiced, believably suited for the cast of characters encompassed in the game's universe.

    Gameplay wise:

    There are elements to the levels, while at their core having simple formulaic directional elements (levers, gates, etc), the levels are expanded in scope and work harmoniously to drive progress forward. You're never handheld, nor lost on the objective at hand, nor is control clunky and unrefined. The cover mechanic, is by far, the most balanced and well implemented on the iOS platform.

    There are also hidden items, decoding puzzles and the like, which add tasty elements to simple things like opening a set of doors. The icing on the cake, are the well designed and thought out boss encounters.


    Shadowgun has visceral atmosphere and a wonderful display of graphical prowess. There are few titles on iOS which can match the technology and acumen on display here.

    To discredit the overall immersion these visuals add, is to relegate that visuals overall have little to no impact.

    Bone pick moment:

    It's hypocrisy, to boast about the visuals, Hodapp and then blatantly discredit them to make a case. You have to take the visuals into account and the entire level of graphical finesse delivered by the game - not as a sole being, but as an added asset, which few other games on the platform have.

    It adds a believability, an atmosphere, a level of immersion which enhances an entire experience, that elevates each element of the game onto a higher level. Graphics do not make a game - but they do enhance a game, on more than a single note.

    Consider this:

    If Apple products were hideous looking, would they be looked at and considered differently than they are?

    The fact is, they are elegant and visually pleasing. Therefore, the wow factor makes them desirable, while at their core they're quite rudimentary machines.

    Consider anything visual:

    Architecture, paintings, video games, houses, spouses...humans are visual creatures. Visuals do matter, when the technology shows capable people increasingly expect it as a standard.

    People would not buy an XBox 360 for NES style games.

    I did not buy iPad 2, after having an O.G. iPad, for rudimentary touch based games.

    I bought it on the promise of GOF 2 FHD, Shadowgun, Infinity Blade, Dark Meadow, Cordy, March of Heroes :(, Bladeslinger, etc.

    The tech moves forward and these graphics should be the minimum standard now as far as I'm concerned.

    On iOS as a whole, they are NOT. Therefore you cannot discredit a driving factor that elevates many decent elements of a game, into outstanding, jaw dropping ones.

    I disagree that the game is below standard.

    I find the game to be excellent in a lot of ways.

    It is by no means perfect, but it's not deserving of the black eye you're giving it.
  18. PureSkill

    PureSkill Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    We will see...
    Flour Bluff
    Ok, I will take that question on Hodapp.

    What do you have left? A TPS that was put together by a small indie company using all the resources that they have available to bring us a game that is not just simple repetitive tapping or tilting such as doodle jump or jetpack joyride. While many people like those games, those are truly repetitive games that don't do nearly as much as ShadowGun.
    Even games like dead space or modern combat only do as much as ShadowGun, yet they still get good reviews

    Again, this is iOS, what do you expect them to make? A full console game? What more do you want?

    Also, I did not say that the review for ShadowGun should be changed to a glowing positive review, only that it focused on all the bad things, while leaving out several other good aspects. I am sorry if you can't see what those aspects are.
  19. Taytay

    Taytay Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    One annoying thing im kinda surprised about with the game while playing is i feel like ammo is basically thrown at me through each level ,its easy enough to have ammo crates around that totally refills your ammo up for all your weapons but to have it also lying around & each enemy i kill also drops 50 shells of ammo kinda kills the aspect of having to worry about ammo count that comes with playing a shooter ,basically im not use to ammo giving so generously in a shooter especially a tactical one ,also after you get your 4th weapon the rocket launcher thats it no more weapons so whats the sense with rest of the weapon crates if theres no more weapons to gain & you keep the weapon once you get it i think i ran into the shotgun at least 7 times already but whats the sense i never lost it if you get what im saying lol

    Besides the bugs & crashes the game is good besides ios fans should be happy a game like this has come to ios cause it definetly shows the next step forward i know many might complain what the game is lacking at its weak points & issues but we have to remember this is ios & it has a long way to go but at least its getting there
  20. Pacificsun0481

    Pacificsun0481 Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Sacramento, CA

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