[Sep 8] Residual (by Orange Pixel)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by ste86uk, Jun 19, 2020.

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  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012

    This one sounds really good and I think it will actually be quite nice to play one without enemies. Tried copying the info from the web page.

    MAY 10, 2020


    About the game

    You crashed your space-ship on an unknown planet … not a smart move!
    Can you survive the planet, and find a way of?.. perhaps by using the residual technology left behind an ancient advanced race?

    RESIDUAL is a survival platformer, with crafting, light puzzling, and exploration.
    An adventure game free of guns, weapons and violence.


    RESIDUAL throws you onto a procedurally generated planet, with no humanoid lifeforms. Your task? Survive! – Explore caves, scavenge, craft, fish, pluck, chop, climb, jump, push, pull, solve puzzles, and survive!

    Stumble into the remnants of an ancient (technology) civilization and see if you can dig up the residual technology and possibly fix your space ship and escape the planet!

    The game is build on Orangepixel’s new Nature engine, where the whole planet is procedurally generated based on nature-rules.
    Sunlight, heat or coldness, vegetation or sand, darkness or brightness it will all dictate what type of life lives on the planet, how it survives on the planet, and the resources available to hopefully escape the planet.

    You might find yourself on a lush green planet in one game session, but on a dry, hot barren world the next. Or perhaps an ice-cold planet where keeping some fire going will be the main focus of survival.

    The game will always hand you the tools to survive and escape, but the placement, the shape, and the usage of those tools will vary vastly from game to game!

    Anotherkellydown and J05H like this.
  2. orangepascal

    orangepascal Well-Known Member

    Hey folks! - wasn't aware this post thread was made back when I announced Residual :) Took some time to finally dig into the mobile version due to many reasons.. BUT the iOS (and Android) versions are coming!

    Wanted to update this thread with some new visuals and info
    First some new GIF's:



    The game has been live on both PC and Switch for some months now, and I'm about to push a big new update that improves the whole inventory interface and also the "flow of the game" at the start of a new game - should help ease players into the world of Residual.

    The game is currently running on my (Android) phone and iPad - and I'm adding the required touch-controls for all the various interface screens the game has. I'd say it's 90% up and running !

    It's been almost two years since my last mobile-game release, so I do have to check some stuff with the latest versions of iOS and supporting the new devices out there :) but I'm sure I can find some testers on here when I'm ready.

    For now, if you want to check out more about the game: https://orangepixel.net/residual or come chat about it over on discord.gg/orangepixel
    ste86uk and J05H like this.
  3. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    It’s looking great. Thanks for putting the effort to keep supporting the platform.

    Please reach out if you’re looking for an iPhone tester!
  4. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Bought it the day one on Steam (as every other game from @orangepascal ), sinked hours and hours exploring those planets and if it’s coming to iOS it should be a no-brainer and insta-buy for everyone, especially with the little annoyances ironed out already (I remember the first version where you had to pick up your teleport device manually and it was pretty common to forget it somewhere, lol).

    Anyway, looking forward to it. It’ll be awesome to experience it on iPad.
  5. mastery51

    mastery51 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    #5 mastery51, Jun 15, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
    @orangepascal This looks like it’s really my type of game.. A Space survival adventure with generated Planets and different weather patterns and features. I Enjoyed your previous games. Can’t wait to play this!
  6. J05H

    J05H Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
    Looks good!
  7. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    Those of you (like me) who have the entire OrangePixel catalog should go to their website and sign up for their free e-books. How cool is that!
    mastery51 and macplash like this.
  8. orangepascal

    orangepascal Well-Known Member

    Little update on the status of Residual, and I'm happy to say.. it's REALLY CLOSE to done


    Got it up and running on iOS and Android, and achievements are also implemented.. It's just a matter of fixing some minor things left and right, my goal is to submit to Apple this week, and then hopefully start some testing in the coming weeks (I'll run a call for tester through discord.gg/orangepixel with different i-devices )


    Right now tinkering with gamepad support (I can't release a game without !)


    But I also managed to keep the touch-controls simple and not too overwhelming.. Of course, as I do with all my games, these buttons are customizable: from placement to transparency and different sizes!


    Everything else is fully running! And updated to the latest release on PC and Switch - so all the quality-of-life updates are in there ;)

    Bit more waiting, but it's almost done!

    Yes! Go there! :D as you will also get access to the Residual manual for FREE - which might give you a little advantage when crashing on planets when the game releases ;)
    macplash, ste86uk and PBSNellie like this.
  9. orangepascal

    orangepascal Well-Known Member

    Happy to say that Residual is now available for PRE-ORDER with a discount for the early supporters!
    Link: https://apps.apple.com/app/residual/id1635302755

    Game has been throw a bunch of testing, different devices, improved the controls as much as possible, and of course it also has gamepad support. It's a breeze to play on my old iPad, and already escaped from my first planet ! (which is a couple of hours gaming - and that is with me knowing what to do).

    With hundreds of different planets, over 3000 different creatures to detect for your database a hundred trinkets to find, and many messages from old civilization to unlock, all while exploring and surviving on the planets.. there's a lot of gameplay in this small bundle! so PRE-ORDER ! :)
    Anotherkellydown and ste86uk like this.
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @orangepascal how well does it work on iPhone with touch controls? Although I can’t really not order it after creating this thread because I was excited about it.
  11. orangepascal

    orangepascal Well-Known Member

    I managed to get controls down to:

    LEFT/RIGHT buttons and A/X buttons on the right side of the screen (default setting, you can move them anywhere)
    A mostly used to interact with things and X mostly used to jump/move upwards


    with two smaller buttons for opening your inventory or your visor (planet-scanner)

    Button size has 3 settings, transparency changes from fully-visible to almost invisible


    I think it plays fairly intuitive, and if you're used to controls like this from other games, then you shouldn't have much problems exploring the planets!
    ste86uk likes this.
  12. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    All of Pascal's games work so well with touch controls and i'm sure this will be the same

    Just pre ordered ! Cant wait !
  13. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    All of Pascal's games work so well with touch controls and i'm sure this will be the same

    Just pre ordered ! Cant wait !
  14. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    Got an invite to pre-order and jumped right on. Also don't forget that they have free PDF manuals for their games, including this one. Check their website.
    orangepascal likes this.
  15. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    I pre-ordered. Been a fan of your games for years. This one looks right up my alley.
    orangepascal likes this.
  16. orangepascal

    orangepascal Well-Known Member

    and I was worried people forget Orangepixel since it took so long to release something new on mobile :D
  17. orangepascal

    orangepascal Well-Known Member

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