My friend and I are looking for another asynchronous multiplayer game. Does anyone one know if the multiplayer for this game can be played in an asynchronous way?
No there´s no such feature atm. And I don´t know if they have plans to implement this. IMO this isn´t a good game for async multiplayer...
Yeah, since player interaction is constant on all players turns, even the environment and villain turns.
The new update with Wrath of the Cosmos has been approved today and as Handelabra says, it's "ready for sale" on iTunes, still it isn't available for download :/ Apple, WTF are you doing? AppStore shenanigans all over again?? :/
Apple said that it could take up to 24 hours for the update to show in the AppStore. That's to say publishers had better announce a release date a couple of days past their original plan, so that the worst that could happen would then be the game gets released earlier than people expect it. I'm in Italy and I think I won't be getting the update any time before this evening, which makes the release on almost the 15th, not the 13th April So so sad...
Devs later said the interface was designed with tablets in mind and even though it supports screen sizes from 7", on that size it is quite crammed up, especially with certain combinations of heroes/villains/environment that requires lots of card simultaneously in play. I hope you won't wait for the game to go universal, because it probably never will.
What does season pass "mean"? If I purchase it will it only be available for a year or is it mine to keep? Confused about this term in relation to iap
Basically you'll get all the content for that season when it's available at no further price than what you paid for the pass. They are on season 2 now so if you buy it now then you'll get all the stuff when they release it. The point being its usually cheaper than buying content individually
It's yours to keep. They're referring to content that they made to comprise a "season". Or maybe better called a chapter or a package or something like that.
I heard that tomorrow the iphone version will be out How much is the season pass? And is there a 2nd season pass? I have to buy itunes giftcard tonight... Isnthe expansion worth it? Indo enjoy the base game on ipad a year ago
The Season Pass is $38.99 Australian dollars, so that equates to about $26.00 American thereabouts I think. Either way, if you buy all content seperately, the price is pretty much the same as buying it in one go, give or take a few cents. It does seem pricey but there's quite a lot of content already included and the expansions send it over the top.