There isn't any form of campaign, but fans have created campaigns for the physical game. You can find some at or There is a significant variety between the heroes; playing as Legacy will be a completely different experience than playing at Absolute Zero. There's somewhat less variety between the villains in the base game, but even so you'll have a good amount of variety. When the expansions start coming out, there's even more differentiation. Spite and Sewer Rat, for example, are very different from the minion masters like Warlord Voss.
This game is clearly optimized FOR SOLO PLAY. How better to come up with crazy hero effect combos then when one oerson knows all of their current hands? While I love the game, and would have thought on the surface this game was fairly lite (no resource juggling and each hero turn is essentially, "play a card then use a power"), the interactions of effects between heroes, villains, and the environment can be a bit overwhelming at first. Like setting one hero up to unleash an ungodly energy blast at one of the villain's henchmen only to forget too late that they're immune to energy damage this turn due to the current environmental effect.
Well this is Sentinels of the Multiverse so if you like the board obviously you will like this. For those who haven't played the board game it works something like this: You choose a villain (each with his own deck) 3-5 heroes (each with their own power and deck) and an environment. The goal of the game is simple, take down the villain by dealing damage. The villain and the environment deck play cards automatically each round most of them dealing damage to your heroes and/ or being generally annoying. If all of your heroes reach 0 health before the villain does its game over. This is a simple and casual game. There is no deckbuilding or anything like that, the heroes each have their own preconstructed deck. On each hero turn you may play a card and activate a hero power. Pretty simple. Casual doesn't mean easy though, some environment/ villain combinations can really ruin your day if they get the right card in play. For beginners I recommend having The Visionary on your team, she is easily the best hero in the base game and makes things much easier.
Lead developer here again! We are indeed planning to add expansions, online multiplayer, and additional platforms & form factors (including phone and PC). This game will have a long and happy life! Playable promo cards will be included in the first non-bugfix update, version 1.1. You'll have to be clever to unlock them though! Memory pressure can be an issue currently on older devices. Turning off the page flip animations in the options, and rebooting your device can help a bit. We'll continue to work to improve this in updates.
There are in-depth reviews and previews on a fantastic ios strategy game oriented website; I shall not name it since it isn't TA. Lord Gek-I see you there quite often...wish I didnt lose my password :/ I can't seem to re-register. If only I knew the correct tactic...
Any rough estimate on an iPhone port? I don't need exacts, but are we talking a few months? A year? Thanks for being here and talking to us about this, it's greatly appreciated. I'd absolutely love to play this on my 6 plus, as I can't really play on my iPad easily anymore I would happily throw my hat into the testing ring!
I'll bet it was in your pocket all along. I would hope a chat with that site's purveyor could straighten your login issues out. I myself can't comment there on my iPhone. You supposedly can just login via your Twitter account, but that doesn't work properly frim my iPhone 5. UPDATE: Is there a glitch with the Wraith Stealth showing up bunches of time in ongoing effects?
We are shooting for more like a few months than a year. Nothing more exact than that I'm afraid, as we have a lot of priorities and balancing them is tricky. We'll be putting out another call for beta testers at some point so keep an eye on our blog!
I can't login to comment on there either, so I just email Dave and he posts for me. =) Yep, that's a bug in 1.0. The effect does not clear after it's used up. It's fixed in 1.0.2 which has already been submitted and is waiting for review.
Good to know...was starting to think, if correctly displayed, I really didn't understand how her seemingly straight forward ability worked.
Sometimes I feel that the game runs too quickly - it would be nice if when a card gets played by the Environment or Villain, the game waited for you to finish reading the played card and waited for you to tap the card before continuing.
Yeah that would nice. You can actually change the time it is shown in the options menu. Just tapping it after you've read it would be better of course, they should add that option.
Slide that slider all the way to the left, and it becomes always "tap to continue". We'll be making that a little more discoverable in an update.
Surprised this isn't getting much attention, looking really really like a quality release. A better implementation than the just die-throwing system of gamebooks, although that said those will have better over-arching storylines. Maybe implement a campaign with an over-arching theme and a dialogue tree would not be difficult considering the system has been implemented already? Also, why is it too large when installed - is it because of very large quantity of high resolution card images? How many are there?
This is easily one of the best iOS games released this year. I just hope we get the expansions in a timely manner. Getting one set of characters each year will be heartbreaking.
I agree and almost feel guilty. This is a great start, very few issues so far and the UI works great, but all I can think when playing is, "Where are all the rest of the real game's heroes, villains, and environments?" I know it is a lot easier to simply play a game than create it, and surely each addition will take a lot of coding when introducing new mechanics that could conflict with mechanics of already existing heries/villains/environments, but my walket is out ready to snag any expansions or promos that might fall out. If I could make any wish in this regard, I do hope you release complete expansions via IAPs and not, other than maybe some promo stuff, expect us to buy each hero, villain, and environment individually.
This game is awesome, I'm loving it and I foresee myself playing a ton of it (I already own the physical game and all of the expansions). I'd love to see a feature where I could see a log of my previous games. Nothing too complicated, maybe just who the characters/villan/environment were, and whether I won or lost. Don't delay more characters too much for that one though! I want to play Unity! And The Scholar! And Omnitron-X! And Chrono Ranger! And...