Hi folks, As you may have seen we've set the remastered version of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 free on iOS (...and Android)! iOS (US/Canada) ➡️ http://sega.vg/Z2Zw30gCIWA iOS (International) ➡️ http://sega.vg/spF930gCIY9 Android (Worldwide) ➡️ http://sega.vg/eSPG30gCISJ If you have any questions I'm more than happy to answer what I can and log any game requests via the SEGA Forever Facebook channel - just send a message and I'll get back to you ASAP. If you're having any technical difficulties with this, or any other SEGA Forever release, we'd love to hear from you via [email protected] so that we can fix it post-haste. Without any further ado... codes! Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (US/Canada) 37T63H76Y4HW RRPK4JRJLFM9 L6EWWERH93RK YEX9ALPMHW4A HKN66YWMT43T NTF4RTFYNPX7 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (International) 4M6FTRWKRTJK HFHFTHE9KAJN 4H4NFHATJXNE 6FWWEMAERE69 PHHWTE7PLXMW LEXPWNA4WAE6 (Redeem them as you usually would via the App Store, and you'll get the ad-free version of Sonic The Hedgehog 2) #SEGAForever