I just finished a taxi mission (got the dialogue, reward, and the quest left my queue), but my passenger doesn't seem to realize it. I've now got an extra mayor tagging along on all my adventures. Three crew plus a cat gets crowded enough! How can I get rid of him?
Seems the Doza release just adds content and doesn't address any of the many issues like daylight savings times, fixing quests that get done, etc. Just seems they wanted to add content but not fix these issues. Pretty sad to not listen to the user base.
That's a pretty ill-informed supposition. Their user base has been clamoring for new content for months, and they've delivered what they promised when they promised it. To top it off, this is one of the more communicative and receptive developers I've had the pleasure of dealing with. Try a touch of gratitude with your griping.
Well said Terminalman. It also bears mentioning that one of the more vocal people griping about getting more content lately has been Cofunguy. Now he's switched his tune.
I don't know the answer to your question about disguises as I'm still hunting for a vulturefish and target practice mini games to finish some quests, but I'd wager the answer is Spoiler that rock with glasses and a false nose on that little beach area to the southeast
Your hint is solid, however I purchased a disguise but the mission is not complete! I don't know what else I need to do. Help anyone?
I'm trying to go slow with this update knowing that the next one will be a long time coming. Regarding the daylight savings time- honestly, it works to my advantage- so no gripes from me on that issue.
I'm loving the new update ^^ and finally we don't have to put the garbage bag one by one. Btw how to get the eggs to buy stuffs at easter egg shop? I can only play once in a while so I might missed the instructions...
The eggs show up randomly when you harvest bushes and trees. A shrew is a little mole-like mammal. In the game they look like blueish mice. I found mine indoors on one of the new islands.
Yeah, I'm also loving the new update. At first I thought they nerfed the warrior, but it's just the new enemies that are super tough, not all of them. I don't feel a rush to get everything done either, as soon as my main missions are done there's very little motivating me to keep playing. My only, small, complaint is that I wish the artifact identifier could be upgraded to more than one artifact at a time, or at the very least able to hold more than one artifact, like the cookomatics can...
Disguiso Phew, read on HandCircus' Twitter acct that we should wait to have the Doza disguise appear and it did for me this am. Now, if I could only get that other Vulture fish, eh?
Well I am all for update as well as bug fixes. They have yet to fix any of the previous mentioned bugs as well as long list of items. And the update said they fixed bugs. Obviously not the ones I have seen as well as some new ones with the current Doza update (unable to get Doza mask from the rock is one of them..and that is a major bug since it stops going on one story green quests!!!). I have emailed them on this issue as well as past others. So again, what bugs got fixed?? And remember that they waited a whole week to release to iron out items and still this major bug is a game stopper. Obviously they didn't test very much to get a show stopper like this one!
Cofunguy, I'm with you regarding the old bugs, like missions not being cleared once you've completed them. For me it's a ring quest, from the very beginning of the game that keeps checked, even though I handed the stupid ring to the guy. Sure, I could have uninstalled the game, but by then I'd spent a pretty penny on buying extra coins and pearls, and who would have reimbursed me for that? I've tried logging off game center, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, etc, etc, to no avail. As for the disguise, that kept me stuck a few hours, but before I went to sleep I checked HC Twitter stream and noticed that they mentioned that the rock (Disguiso), should sell you the disguise (a mask) the next day (today, for me). So I just waited and indeed, the rock gave me the option to buy the Doza mask today (phew). That was more of an inconvenience. But sure it would be nice to have some really old bugs taken care of. Oh well. Now just waiting on Vulture fish to appear.
Thanks Bravd and JennK! The rock guy it is indeed. We just had to wait a day for the inventory to change and then have the Doza mask appear. Happy playing!
Hello, Yep, there is an issue where the previous Chinese New Year items can hang around for one more day in Disguiso's shop once you've updated. The next time the stock refreshes it should resolve this issue and he'll start selling appropriate items. Apologies - we didn't find that during testing. Simon (HandCircus)
Also, feel free to let me know the bugs that are causing the most frustration right now, and we'll do our best to prioritise them next. Thanks
Thanks Simon, for me it's completed missions not clearing up. I've written here a bunch of times, and also reported it by email. I've already tried everything suggested on the emails and the completed mission still doesn't clear (for me it's a ring quest with Frank Sterling, but I've seen others have issues with say, a taxi mission, etc). Time change (daylight saving time) is an issue (ie. the game displaying the wrong time, in my case, one hour behind the actual time). This is not a deal breaker for me, but I know it is an issue for others. Thanks and the update, content-wise is pretty cool. Loving the Doza Islands!