Universal Seabeard - (by Backflip Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Nope, since I am never one to allow others to exploit a bug. And I was able to verify it and thus report it to the devs.
  2. Polymorphicspector

    Sep 25, 2014
    This has probably been asked already, but I don't want to look through every page. I've finally got the warrior and I am at the part where I need to bring back two fugitives. I have gotten one, but it doesn't say where the other one is. Do I have to wait to ask the jailer then she'll tell me where to look? If I ask her now she just says something about criminals escaping but doesn't give me the info to get the other one I need to finish the quest for Emilia.

    As a side note to the devs, now that we have the different masks could you make outfits for them? The fish mask has a fish outfit, plant mask has a plant outfit and etc. just thought that might be something cool to add. Also for the upcoming rogue mask.
  3. Mistyball

    Mistyball Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2015
    You gotta wait until she has another quest. I takes about the time a usual quest cycle takes.
  4. Polymorphicspector

    Sep 25, 2014
    Ok thanks :) took forever to get the warrior.
  5. frydog

    frydog New Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    Probable newbie question

    Hey, Newbie here (although been playing the game since early december) I've searched the forums already but can't seem to find an answer.

    When I make items like pancake/omlette and go to sell them at the food stall they now take 5 hours to sell?! I swear they took only an hour or so last time I checked (I took a couple of weeks break around the time of the new update) and their data in the 'crafting book' sugests that the omlette/pancake take 1hr08 and 2hrs respectively' i get that that is for crafting but I'm sure it was also how long they took to sell before? Is this a bug/new thing/am I just wrong?
    Hopefully that isn't too elongated and makes sense!
    Therefore if this is true is there any point in me crafting these items as opposed to selling the raw product like eggs and flour?

    Secondly I don't know if the developers read here but I gave the game a break as I had about 5 days straight where I was waiting for the target practice so I could get screws for the crew house, however it never ever came up to play and that's when I gave up. However I have come back because it's a lovely game and I felt i hadn't got far enough in to really appreciate, but the daily rewards allowed me to finish the crew house finally and play on again.

    sorry for the first post essay hehe, and nice to meet you all.
  6. aMusetti

    aMusetti Member

    Jan 22, 2015
    Does anyone have any idea when and where the Pink Songbird can be found? I have only heard of Sunsoak Lagoon, but I have been there different times of the day with different conditions to no avail.
  7. Mistyball

    Mistyball Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2015
    You should find him with normal day time with no rain.
  8. SunshinePixie

    SunshinePixie Active Member

    Jan 6, 2015
    I can't find the tree finch. From what I have read it needs t be morning, rainy and in sun soak lagoon. That's exactly the day and time and rain, and no bird.... Sigh
  9. Shwqa

    Shwqa Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Cooked items take a lot longer to sell. Pancakes always take forever. The advantage is that they "create" extra gold value. Flour, eggs, and milk sell for 55 gold. Pancakes sell for 80 gold. Usually I stick to fruit juice, tomato soup, carrot soup, and apple juice. And use my yellow mushrooms and corn for yellow paint. Next update is supposed to have two cookers so it make it finally worth the extra long reciepes.

    Yeah mini games have random rewards. I usually look at what the requirements for my next building are and start stock piling my warehouse. And I try to keep one or two of each game reward for quest.
  10. SunshinePixie

    SunshinePixie Active Member

    Jan 6, 2015
    I love the remaker but hate it too.... Put 400 coins worth of stuff in, won 10 coins. That just doesn't seem fair... ��
  11. SeeleyCat

    SeeleyCat Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2014
    executive director of symphony orchestra
    It's random what you get out. I've put in 3 exploding barrels and 2 tree removers (value 5000 coins) and only won 10 coins. But I've also put in a bunch of crabs and worms (value 17 coins) and won 10 pearls. It's random. If one expects it to be random, feels more fair.
  12. SeeleyCat

    SeeleyCat Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2014
    executive director of symphony orchestra
    Welcome Newbie :) The omelette takes 1 hr 40 min to sell. The pancake has always taken 5 hours to sell.

    I'd suggest folk upgrade their profit centers and keep them productive as many hours per day as possible. Then sell the lengthy items at night, or when you will be unable to play for a while.

    If one just sells the raw materials you'll always be struggling for coins. Whereas investing in the profit centers and keeping them active will produce tons of coins over the long run.
  13. SeeleyCat

    SeeleyCat Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2014
    executive director of symphony orchestra
    Frydog, thinking again about your particular question regarding omelettes and pancakes, while I do recommend doing a lot of recipes, I would put these further down on the priority list than some of the others.
  14. Shwqa

    Shwqa Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    I usually focus on creating value.

    Apple juice creates 14 coin per recipe made. This is the best use of apples
    Mushroom soup and fruit juice create 23 coin per recipe made. Best use of mushrooms and berries.
    Yellow paint creates 21 coins per recipe. Best use of corn. And uses the rarely used mill.
    Wood beavers create 22 coin per recipe. Best use of logs. And uses the rarely used table saw.
    Pancakes create 25 coin per recipe. Best use of flour and eggs.
    Tomato soup creates 29 coin per recipe. Best use of tomatoes and milk.
    Grog creates 17 coin per recipe. Best use of blue apples. And is the only use of the still.
    Carrot soup creates 21 coin per recipe. Best use of carrots

    If I can make two Apple juices in the time to make pancakes then I prefer to do Apple juice. And I prefer to make yellow paint over mushroom soup despite it making less money because I rarely use the mill after I have a good stock of paint. Course if I'm not going play for a few hours then I'll make the pancakes.
  15. frydog

    frydog New Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    Ahh clearly I must have just been selling omlettes the whole time and never made pancakes. But good to see what others do, and how much I actually get in coins for my time.

    Thanks everyone!
  16. mttbstrd666

    mttbstrd666 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2013
    I usually hold onto some pancakes and apple juice. Some quest givers pay premium prices for them. It's more coinage in the long run.
  17. Shwqa

    Shwqa Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    I rarely get anyone giving over 80 gold on pancakes, but they usually get 20xp so it worth it anyways.
  18. SeeleyCat

    SeeleyCat Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2014
    executive director of symphony orchestra
    I think that's a great idea. I store one or two of everything so I can meet all daily quests. I'm not so much looking for coins anymore (I have 65,000), but additional xp and coins is always nice.
  19. bigdog99

    bigdog99 New Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    puzzle in archeon temple

    how to you find the missing piece to complete the puzzle?
  20. rebecca1010

    rebecca1010 Member

    Jan 23, 2015
    You PUT IN THREE exploding barrels? How did you get so many? I struggled to get my first to continue the story and now in exploding barrel hell again to build trader house #4!

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