I'd heard that too, but at lvl 3 my warrior seems to have the same 3 hearts he's always had. Not that more hearts would be particularly exciting or necessary, but I'm just trying to figure out what if anything changed.
Cow Milk glitch and some other suggestions The biggest issue for me is how the farm closes down at night. I understand why but I can usually only play at night or late in the evening and 80% it is closed. Maybe if it could just stay active a little later for people who work during the day. Not sure if I am the only one that has this issue but 50% of the time when i feed both of the cows I only get 1 milk. Sometimes when i remove one, there is another milk there other times there isnt! Not sure why or if there is a specific behavior that causes this. The Feeding Frenzy game is my least favorite mini game only because it is extremely difficult to tell when you successfully 'feed' the smaller animals. Also, I wish there was a way to sell other things to friends besides just clothes and accessories in the swap shop. Otherwise, I love this game and I am addicted. =] and I love to see a bigger game launched for a console such a xbox one because there are not any games out there like it! I would buy it instantly.
Been playing this game for a couple weeks now and actually don't mind it. There is always something to do when waiting for timers. I have actually read all 128 pages of this post but forget something. I have 3 trader houses and the fishmonger, food stall, and wood stall, and warehouse. What should I go for next. Should I rebuild Seabeard manor or build the Crew House or is there another route? Having that warehouse is great. I'm thinking of using pearls to upgrade the slots.
Warehouse is top priority. As is getting the the upgrade for the warehouse. The extra 70 item slots are just that useful. I can't imagine trying to build the rest the stuff with building material clogging up more than half your inventory. Then go the for crew house next. Unlocking a warrior means you now have access to the mines and jail break quest. That is easily an extra 100-400 gold a day. You can give monster parts to the remaker. The warrior quest line has few extra quest but shortly stops until you make the manor. Then go the fish academy for an extra gold each day. Then the manor, to move the story along. The next step after the manor is raise prestige by 150. So remove stuff before that quest starts. Then the next part of the story is to make the fish academy, so you have to do it anyways.
I could really use some advice. I'm at the quest to rebuild the library and i'm currently hunting the scholar plaque. 6 reset cycles, and i still havent gotten it, is this normal? usually the stuff you need to find is there the first time, so i'm a little worried that it bugged out. Also how much content is left after i rebuild the library?
If you have the warehouse, i wouldnt bother going for the upgrade unless you have pearls to spare. Warrior is definitely good, but i rebuilt the manor WAY before i could get the warrior - is the manor not part of the story that you have to go through to get the warrior?
Great to hear the minigame stuttering issues are being addressed; I hope they do get them fixed, it is basically pointless attempting anything but Easy sailing challenges on my iPhone 4S. Even on my iPad Air I fail nearly every Hard challenge due to the stuttering. The other additions sound good too! One thing I was hoping someone could help me with: I'll have played long enough to get one of those Master Masks as a daily reward soon, but I've yet to see any definitive information on which mask has what effect. I gather that one of them reduces fish spawning times? That would be handy, I suppose, but to be honest I don't have a big problem with the fish spawn times as it is. I do however, hear that the monster spawn times are very long, and this is causing problems for people trying to gather necessary rare items from monster drops. So if one of the masks helps out with that, that would seem a better choice. So which one is which, and what effect do they actually have?
I haven't been counting, but it took me over Rock Golem kills to get my first Rock Golem Piece. I'm not looking forward to having to make Rock Golem Powder for the first time. Also, does having the Fish Fountain do anything useful? I now can build it, but getting 2 Rock Golem Powders is going to take a while.
I know in Version 1.4 that the masks have reduced fishing time, reduced monster spawning time, and reduced plant spawning time. Also the mask with horns is the monster mask, the mask with grass on the top is the plant mask, and the one that is light blue is the fishing mask.
I built the Warehouse first because it is very hard to save up for materials for buildings with 20 slots in your inventory. Then the Seabeard Manor to progress in the story, and finally, the fishing academy.
I personally think the everything is going to be great additions. 2 Jobs, A Smugglers Den, Council Mandates, Crew Badges, Island Badges, Chinese New Year, and the Stuttering Minigames stopped!!!�������� I thought an update better than the remaker one is impossible, but here it is! We will have way more stuff to do than ever������.
If you click on that square when the daily reward screen pops up, it explains what each one does, and if that square works the same as the previous good squares, you can choose which one you want. One of the masks is fish, one of the masks is monsters and the other one, if i remember rightly, is bushes.
No it's not normal. Someone here will have a better memory than I, but I seem to recall that the person sends you to where the scholar plaque is. You don't have to wait for it. Regarding the second question, when you finish building the library you are pretty near the end of current content.
Getting Rock Golem pieces is a real pain at the beginning. Lots are required and the rate of getting them is low. (Though eventually you'll have too many. I have 5 Rock Golem powders and 9 Rockdust planks clogging up my warehouse.) Try spacing your Golem hunts 12 hours apart so you can get two runs through the chambers per day. I have the Fish Fountain, and as far as I can tell it doesn't do anything. (Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong.) Leave it until you've done everything else, are waiting for Doza, and have an abundance of Rock Golum pieces.
I'm really looking forward to the stuttering minigames being fixed, but kind of dreading everything else. There is already way too much to do, and I am already spending WAY too much time on this game.
I have a problem with 2 quests that I can't complete. The first is to find the toy unicorn for Polly Bullhorn. There is a couple other people on the forum with the same issue. I can't find it anywhere. It's been well over a week of playing everyday and still can't find it. The strange thing is there is a green check mark by the quest description meaning I have found it but when I try and give it to her there is nothing to give. The second one is to supply the food stall with 2 items for Penelope Cheapskate. In the quest description It shows I have now supplied the food stall 118 times but I can't find her anywhere. Her icon appears by my ship but when I arrive at the island it goes away. I would love to get these annoying quests out of the way. Any suggestions?
You can get warrior before the manor. You can even do the next two steps of the her quest line before she forces you to build the old guy's quest line.