In the current version 1.3 pets are purely for companionship, but in 1.4 they offer an additional advantage - because they can wear clothing they count to your total crew badges so help unlock powers.
I was saving for a pet but decided to max out my wharehouse instead, this new update looks like I may need space again
SeeleyCat, it's fairly obvious where they go. Statues in inventory and all I get is an "x". Is there another step?
It will be part of the quest that unlocks the doors, only after completing the tasks will you get to place them. sorry it's been so long i don't remember exactly
<SPOILER ALERT> After the 3 scaretues: Give Cornelius goat statue Give Cornelius egg and strawberry cake Photograph 6 animals Take photo of altar Supply woodwork stall 5 times Increase prestige by 250 Solve Colloso crypt Solving the Colloso crypt is placing the two golden statues. The other steps need to be done first. (Dr. Cornelius and Rudolph will direct you.)
Ah man the royal cape is really buggy. It no longer exist as an item on my warrior. But he still does have that awesome cape flowing durning battle. Edit: I decided to going to give him a black mask, the old top hang and some tuxedo type shirt and have him cosplay as tuxedo mask from sailor moon. Too bad I can't give him a rose in his mouth and a black cape.
This is why I love the iOS community. There's an issue, you state what it is, and BAM! it's fixed just like that. You just don't get that in the console gaming world. Thanks Hand Circus!
I'm working on anthropomorphising my entire crew. So far I have the full bear suit, partial rabbit and partial dog. Cat and frog are high on my list of must-haves though.
How big is your warehouse? I'm thinking of getting the 4th upgrade now since it seems the costumes may have some benefit in the update.
Hi All, Read through almost this entire thread at one point or another and I'm sure this is somewhere, but I cant find it! Does anyone know what is required to repair: Warrior Building Arches to access the right hand side of the island And build: 5th Trader house 3rd Crew house (is this for the archaeologist?) Have just got the warrior and very much enjoying the game again after 2-3 weeks of waiting for explosive barrels/tree removers! Andy
Hi All, Read through almost this entire thread at one point or another and I'm sure this is somewhere, but I cant find it! Does anyone know what is required to repair: Warrior Academy 6 Stonefish 1 Purple Paint 3 Wooden Blocks 5 Wooden Planks 3500 to build Arches to access the right hand side of the island And build: 5th Trader house 2 Rock Golem Powders 1 Purple Paint 1 Rock Plank 2 Narwal Horns **** for blueprints? 3rd Crew house (is this for the archaeologist?) Have just got the warrior and very much enjoying the game again after 2-3 weeks of waiting for explosive barrels/tree removers! Andy edit: managed to find a couple of the requirements
Guess the thought of perhaps playing the game as you unlock items and finding out what is required never occurred to you??
Of course it occurred to me. Then I realised that it would be quicker if i farmed the items required now (as i am stuck on a quest, waiting for people to taxi) and kept them in store until i needed them. Is that okay if I choose to play the game the way I enjoy it?
Yeah the game is a lot more fun when you finally unlock the warrior. Too bad it takes nearly a month of play to get there. Now I'm making 1.8k to 2.3k a day thanks to the extra money the warrior and lumber stall bring in. Now I feel like I can actually start progressing the story at a reasonable pace. Though hand circus was saying the next update should help with the slow pace of the early game.
Warrior upgrade What effect, if anything, does upgrading the warrior have? Apart from the appearance of the sword & shield, I mean.
I haven't done it yet, but someone said you get more hearts and a different sword and shield. That is it.