Guys, Im looking for the beaver It is for the Carnival Rock island task I looked in the Archeon Temple Island day and night .. Rain and no rain and I still cant find it Did they change its place?? :\
More specifically Sunday I think. I'd been hunting for the Beaver for months before the new islands and somebody here mentioned that they'd only ever seen it on rainy Sunday's. Three sundays later in the rain late at night I finally got it. I should mention that I had to leave and come back to the island a few times, too.
It does show up in the day time (I got mine in the afternoon). And I'm pretty sure it was on a weekday. After lucking out and spotting it almost right after I got the quest, I spent the pearls to buy another photo slot to keep its picture on me at all times. Now the porcupine, I've only ever seen it once in 6 months of play. Last month, while hiking near my home I was shocked to spot a real life porcupine in the woods. I had no idea they lived in our area. This means I'm just as likely to see a real life porcupine as a Seabeard one.
I'm hunting for the beaver now as well. Where exactly did you guys fix it? Do you have to go through all the temples or is it when you first get off the boat. Thanks.
I've only ever seen it on the very top of the island, walking back and forth up by the final temple entrance.
Thanks. I'll check it out. One more question. Can you just go to the island and look around to see if it's there or do you have to go thru all the temples for it to appear.
Once you get to the island you can pan around your view point and see if it's on the second deck. Then spend your time fighting Golems to snap a picture
Beaver Oh- I forgot to mention, I have always found mine in the early AM (not sure if that's a criteria or just when I happen to be playing) by the gate to the second deck. Raining on a Sunday of course.
Is there any way to get the opposite-gender hero only clothes for your buildings? (For instance, Blue Hero's Tunic and Red-Striped Skirt can only be equipped by a female main character) So as a male character, can I get them? They can't be equipped by female crew members. EDIT: :/ I can't change my Fisher's outfit. My game crashes when I try to change her clothing out of the scientist lab coat. Anyone else have that problem?
I haven't been able to buy them from the clothing shops. Luckily my wife is playing a female character so she can buy them and sell them to me from her trading post. Pretty dumb that some outfits are off limits... Aaand has anyone confirmed that the waiter hat doesn't have a place in the hat warehouse? I can't place mine and there doesn't seem to be a spot? Is it like some of the pet accessories that just don't have a home yet? Guess I'll just eat up more warehouse storage space
Stuck on Emelia's quest Hi, Emelia has asked to 'help Rudolf restore Accord', by repairing the Seabeard Manor and building a warehouse. Both of these things I had already completed before this quest came up, but this quest didn't immediately complete (like they normally do when you've done something already). I have also completed the quest I was on with Rudolf, which was to restore the fishing academy, but still Emelia's quest is not finished. Does anyone know what to do?
Hi Bravd, Yes, I have quests from both Rudolf and the other guy, don't remember his name, but the one who wants you to get all the traders. Should I finish these quests first?
Yes. Quite often some quests will wait to progress until others have been completed. I'm thinking the designers had a notion of which ones we would do first, but this game is open enough that it doesn't always work that way. This will happen to you a few times as you progress.