Universal Seabeard - (by Backflip Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. HandCircus

    HandCircus Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Easter eggs collection will be fixed
    Stuck non-removable quests will be fixed
    The upgrade to iOS8 is not something we want to force, but sadly the bugs are in the OpenGL graphics driver in iOS7, so it is not something we can workaround.

    The bugfix is not to fix the minigame itself - it is to fix a lot of bigger issues that the minigame causes, such as non-upgradable crew members, taxi missions, lost clothing items - issues that are a very high priority and that we want to fix ASAP.
  2. HandCircus

    HandCircus Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Most pet clothing is visible in the appropriate building (hat, glasses) but there is not yet a building for "necklaces" (such as bow tie, neckachief) - we'll certainly work on that as well as those additional missing items.

    Glad you are enjoying it!
  3. silvercloud

    silvercloud Member

    May 5, 2015
    Couple questions

    First, the fixes above will be nice, but seriously, we need the ability to either build a second warehouse or expand the current one. The most "unfun" thing about this game is struggling to figure out what to keep and what to throw away. I would pay money for more storage.

    So, in Ironblack City, the guy who runs the clothing store has requested 2x now a picture of a Warrior Statue. I take the picture of the Warrior Statue that I have on my home island (the one you had to have in the beginning), and it says "Warrior Statue." I take it to him and it says it is the wrong picture. Does anyone have any idea what warrior statue he wants? I have randomly tried other statues that have something warrior like about them and no luck.

    Also, has anyone got to the actual miner quest yet? I think I'm almost there, but I was wondering if the top part of our home island was going to unlock before we have to build more houses. I have no more room to put even one square block on my island, and it's super irritating.
  4. PrincessBaby

    PrincessBaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
    What about the warrior statue (actually there are two of them) outside of Archeon Temple? When I take a pic of them it does say "warrior statue"...
  5. silvercloud

    silvercloud Member

    May 5, 2015
    Re: Warrior Statue

    PrincessBaby...thanks! That was it. I don't know why I forgot about those. haha. I even tried to take a picture of the thing that turns the dirt clods into artifacts with one of those warrior statues in it (didn't work)...anyway, I made that way too hard :)
  6. PrincessBaby

    PrincessBaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
    So funny! Oh, and you definitely gain access to the upper center region of the main island. Make sure you have some dynamite, a tree remover and some explosive barrels handy #
  7. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Well how about the obvious...put the "necklaces" with the person outfits/uniforms??? Since there is pet items in the other 2 buildings. That makes the most sense vs having to build another building and waste valuable land space.

    Also seems there are outfits that one cannot obtain,,and I am NOT referring to Doza outfits. One is the Nautical navigator uniform. sadly I can't find the other outfits ( I wrote them down but can't find the paper..grr!). All of them had a x saying unusable for the characters and I went through them all.

    Lastly, since Christmas/Halloween has been some time ago, is there plans to update the purchase able woodwork items to be more seasonal??
  8. SunshinePixie

    SunshinePixie Active Member

    Jan 6, 2015
    Quick question: my miner needs upgrading, at what point does this happen? I'm stuck waiting for the picture of the beaver before I can do more stuff at Carnival Rock.
  9. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Getting very annoyed....

    Been waiting 2 nights now to get TWO Orefish on Doza islands. Have fished like I have the prior nights on those islands and not one Orefish has appeared. There are like roughly 12-15 fishes on those 3 islands and multipled by 3 new fishes during that time by 2 nights and one would think one of those times an Orefish would appear.

  10. PrincessBaby

    PrincessBaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
    Sometimes when that happens I have had a lot of stonefish around. Wonder if I fish them out if that would in any way help the ore fish to spawn. I too am having a terrible time getting those ore fish, even with waking up in the middle of the night and checking #
  11. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    ..I need these to get the miner. And I have removed all the fish and still nada on Orefish.
  12. silvercloud

    silvercloud Member

    May 5, 2015
    I am lucky to get one orefish a night, and usually around 6-7 a.m. I have checked until almost 2 a.m. Crazy. Two nights in a row I didn't get a single one.
  13. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Maybe we are onto something..of course there might be others that got Orefish the past 2 nights. Thus probably some info / questions need to be done.

    1)So what mission/story are you on?
    2) done anything different these past 2 nights over the previous ones?
    3) anything to add?


    1) trying to finish miner house.
    2) been fishing all of the fishes in Doza islands to get an Orefish without success. Before was occasional and they showed up. But didn't see any on night one and thus the fishing tactic.
    3) sadly no.
  14. Marix

    Marix Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    Same here. So I bit the bullet and put pearls to work. I'd kept an Orefish from a few nights ago around, and with 15 peals (ouchies), I made one of those ore pies or whatever they're called. I'm in the process of making another one now. I suspect that this was going to happen, since we needed 4 to fix the gate in the home island. Once I complete that (which I'll do slowly as I don't want to feed pearls to the Grout Bros), I'm pretty sure the orefish will "magically" appear by the dozen (just kidding, but probably one or two per night as before). I too have woken up in the middle of the night to check and see and nada. Oh well. I'll just collect them as they come (since I'm cleaning up the new area and clearing up space on my warehouse) and I'm sure we'll get requests for pies or power shakes in the near future.

    Good luck!!! If you want to add me, I'm msilvestry on game center
  15. silvercloud

    silvercloud Member

    May 5, 2015
    1. Same. I am trying to get two Ore Cakes to build the Crew House for the miner.
    2. I did get ONE last night. So I got none nights 1 and 2 and 3, 1 in the morning on night 4, none nights 5 and 6, two on night 7 in the morning, one last night around midnight. That should be all 8 nights since the update. I've used pearls to just buy the ones I need to keep the quest moving along. Fortunately, I had a lot saved up waiting 4 months on the update. I fished every fish all day yesterday with my fishing regeneration thing at max. AND....all I got for my effort was one orefish about midnight. I also had tons of Stonefish on the nights I had no Ore fish...like princessbaby
    3. sadly, no, me either, but all the recipes needed requiring ore fish has put a huge dent in my pearls.
  16. JennK

    JennK Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    Ore mining

    Maybe it is just me, but I think it is rather difficult to mine the required iron ore. It is timed and if you accidentally touch a block with iron ore in it, or don't clear out all the empty blocks before the time runs out, you lose. This is frustrating!

    Also, since the upgrade I am getting 10 coins as my "prize" when I put items in the remaker more than any other prize. It happens whether I put 5 worms in or the value of the items I put in is 600 coins. Is anyone else noticing this?
  17. PrincessBaby

    PrincessBaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
    1. Finally got 1 ore fish and am now building my miner trader's house, next will be the final carnival attraction (third of 3)
    2. Last night I fished out all stonefish in addition to all fish in Doza. Did not see any difference in spawn rate of ore fish.
    3. Ore fish seem random to me. I got quite a few early on and was able to progress, but now it is very spotty. I have decided to slog on and save my pearls to purchase the outfits....trying to fill my new displays. However some outfits I am not seeing at all....not in shops or in the remaker, so hoping Hand Circus will remedy that.

    I am making my life easier by ignoring quests unless they give a pearl as the reward. I have lots of money at this point and don't see the benefit of leveling up, so will just let it happen when it happens. All that being said, I still think it's a great game.
  18. Xnnn

    Xnnn New Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    Can anyone shed some light...?

    Ok I have several (presumably basic) questions I would love some insights into:

    1. When wearing masks etc to reduce respawning time for plants/monsters, what is the minimum time reduced to?
    2. What does the little golden bubble that forms after I catch a fish/throw a bush mean?
    3. Any advice re storage solutions / ideas? My warehouse is totally maxed out.
  19. silvercloud

    silvercloud Member

    May 5, 2015
    #2019 silvercloud, May 7, 2015
    Last edited: May 7, 2015

    1. You are on 3 of 3 after the miner house? Did I miss something? I got the whack-a-mole done, but then my quests say I have to speak to Geodo to move on in the quest line. And I can't seem to find Geodo and his house/shop says I can't enter yet. So, where did I miss Geodo at? I had just assumed maybe I couldn't find him until I got the miner. CORRECTION: Okay; I am an idiot Geodo is the king, I guess, but I am now waiting for my iron ore to turn into iron bars, so I guess maybe after I deliver 3 to him, I will open back up the carnival ride repair? And, yes, getting the iron ore is a pain; I missed one of the 6, so now i have an odd number of iron ore to make those bars and have to wait :|
    2. Last night was my best ore fish catch yet. I had fished all the fish all day. I had an ore fish spawn around 7 pm; I fished it; and it re-spawned as an ore fish around 10-11-ish (I have my fish maxed out). I had one other one spawn around 7 pm also, but the re-spawn was not an ore fish. None throughout the night or this am, but it was enough to start the miner house building.
  20. silvercloud

    silvercloud Member

    May 5, 2015
    1. I don't know the times, but I have my plants, monsters and fish maxed. It seems like 4 hours on the monsters? But I'm not sure. The plants seem to be faster, but maybe not.
    2. That means that your badges activated for the re-spawn time; is what I think it means.
    3. Mine is too. We need more space. I have started leaving worms, caterpillars, any bush berries, any tree fruits,dirt clods and all monster parts where they lie. I toss and shake and kill but don't collect unless I need them. I don't know what the max you can do is, but I have at least 3 apples sitting under apple trees; 3 worms under bushes, etc. I have stuff littered everywhere, and I hate it; it looks so messy, but it helps a ton with storage. I only collect the stuff that will expire or change after a few hours...stuff on the sand, stuff in the caves like blocks, the random spawns of mushrooms, cow leaves, etc., and the vegetable gardens. Even with that, my storage is maxed out with made stuff and hard to find stuff and some of the outfits I bought that don't actually have a spot (green dress, witch's hat, pet scarf, etc.) in the hat/clothing/glasses displays.

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