I've always been mildily disappointed by the scribblenauts games ever since the DS original - wonderful idea but it never seemed to be executed well enough to be more than just a fun distraction. Always felt too fiddly for me. I'm still debating trying this one to see if it's been refined though
Woah... I thought at first when i saw the thread this was just the old one bumped, only now realizing this is actually a new release on iOS.
Is this the same as the PC version? I have the game on Steam and it is a fine game, if it's the same game then it's incredible value for money on iOS
Exact same thing from what can be seen, only drawback being controls obviously, otherwise nutty value. Loved it on 3DS, will probably pick up here. I might wait for the port of the DC comics version, never played it. If it ever comes
This is an insane value. For those unfamiliar, it's a much more robust game than Scribblenauts Remix. There is a huge open world and and an overarching story. Also, it totally has iCloud saves.
I wasn't sure if this would be my kind of game or not, but I must have spent five hours straight playing last night. Two hours of that was just messing about with creating objects and combining them to see what happens. Great stuff!
I can only find/collect 7/8 shards in the first city? Anyone else find this or know where the last one is. I've done all the tasks and can't find anymore to do? Hmm.
So far this is better than remix was in my opinion, and I was a fan of the original. I just have to add that for someone who cares about the avatars that represent him I appreciate this kooky kids game letting me play as a skeleton in a black cloak, reaper style.
Sounds like you might have scared off one of characters or something. If you push the gear icon on the top and then hit reset, the quest and character will reappear. The star icon should help you identify what quest your still missing in the level. If that's not it have you tried flying to the top of the buildings or level? There's a couple quest up there too.
Thanks. Never thought to fly around the level I was only going places I could get to through stairs and doors. Loving this game. Anyone know if the play grounds are just places to mess around or if they have missions in them too? Think I might just pick one of them up to see if nobody else has.
I have a question about how the items function on the iOS version I remember there being a difference in the way guns worked on the Scribblenauts Remix game in comparison to the Pc version. What I mean by this is that Guns that were supposed to shoot fully automatic, like a machine gun, would only fire one bullet every time you hit the fire button. As a result, it didn't matter which gun you used, since they all functioned the same way. That wasn't the case with the PC version. My question is, was this fixes in the IOS version of Scribblenauts Unlimited or not.
All weapons seem to be fully automatic in this game. If you tap the attack button, the character will keep attacking repeatedly until the object is destroyed or you move away or whatever. The fire rate will vary depending on the weapon though. So, a machine gun will fire rapidly, whereas a pistol will have longer gaps between shots.