Link: Sayonara Wild Hearts Annapurna Interactive Sayonara Wild Hearts is a dreamy arcade game about riding motorcycles, skateboarding, dance battling, shooting lasers, w… TouchArcade Rating: Buy Now Watch Media DetailsSayonara Wild Hearts is a dreamy arcade game about riding motorcycles, skateboarding, dance battling, shooting lasers, wielding swords, and breaking hearts at 200 mph. As the heart of a young woman breaks, the balance of the universe is disturbed. A diamond butterfly appears in her dreams and leads her through a highway in the sky, where she finds her other self: the masked biker called The Fool. Journey through a custom-written pop soundtrack, chase scores, and set out to find the harmony of the universe, hidden away in the hearts of Little Death and her star-crossed allies: Dancing Devils, Howling Moons, Stereo Lovers and Hermit 64. Let’s Pop! Information Seller:Annapurna Interactive Genre:Action Release:Sep 19, 2019 Updated:Aug 27, 2021 Version:1.0.2 Size:928.5 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel GamingUnicorn Member Sep 18, 2019 8 5 3 Male #2 GamingUnicorn, Sep 18, 2019 This is one of my favorite games of the year on ANY platform. I've never played anything like it. andsoitgoes and Hoodin like this. ste86uk Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 6,774 1,003 113 #3 ste86uk, Sep 18, 2019 Your comment makes me want to try this game but do you think it’ll have the same effect with no sound? Or is the music not too intrusive? Just where it mentions about it being a pop music and the like which I really don’t like at all. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #4 anthony78, Sep 18, 2019 Definitely would not be the same without the music. It’s what makes the whole game an incredible experience IMO. andsoitgoes likes this. Morbus Iff Well-Known Member Sep 9, 2010 236 33 28 #5 Morbus Iff, Sep 18, 2019 I wanted to like this game. I've been a fan of "weird" music games for decades now, and one of my favorite gaming moments of all time takes place in ye olde GITAROO MAN. But, SAYONARA WILD HEARTS just didn't "work" for me. The visuals are amazing, I totally agree. But the gameplay isn't really there. Some stages are finished in what seems like 30 seconds or less. You don't get much of a chance to get into the "rhythm" (hah! I made a music-game joke) at that length. Some levels just fly by so fast that all you're trying to do is "get through it" and "avoid the tree" instead of "get a gold score". It's a visual "feast", sure, but I just can't see myself going back and trying to get gold scores on everything. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #6 anthony78, Sep 18, 2019 I personally adore the game. It’s mesmerizing. There are some short levels but others are pretty darn long. Getting great reviews on Switch but glad to have it as part of Apple Arcade. bx59 Well-Known Member Dec 2, 2016 238 116 43 #7 bx59, Sep 19, 2019 I’d say the music is pretty electro-pop, not so “pop”, and within the game flow I think you won’t be having problems w that. Also this is the first time ever I’m playing this game, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen on iphone. andsoitgoes likes this. Nonstickron Well-Known Member Sep 24, 2009 312 32 28 Graphic Artist / Pre-Press Central Florida #8 Nonstickron, Sep 19, 2019 I played a few levels. Is the pint just getting into the right lane to get the goodies? Seemed very shallow. Does it get more involved? Hoodin Well-Known Member Jan 29, 2016 54 7 8 #9 Hoodin, Sep 19, 2019 I feel like Annapurna looked into my heart and made the game they saw there! Do not sleep on this experience! andsoitgoes likes this. Barak Well-Known Member Mar 13, 2010 230 4 18 Portland, OR #10 Barak, Sep 19, 2019 Beat it with mostly bronze and silver. Took me a few hours. If you liked Rez (I loved it) this is an amazing Pop music voyage. More than just an interactive music video, less than a full game experience. It is phenomenal and worth a month of paid AA just to play it. kozz84 Well-Known Member Aug 27, 2012 140 21 18 #11 kozz84, Sep 19, 2019 This games is getting a lot of traction from various gaming websites and is getting a lot of positive reviews. Can't wait to play it. It's available on other consoles, but it's $13 on Switch. So far the apple arcade has an amazing value. Wicked8146 Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Nov 17, 2009 777 50 28 Dinosaur hunter Los Angeles #12 Wicked8146, Sep 20, 2019 This game is insane! But awesome. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #13 psj3809, Sep 20, 2019 Had a quick go. Very impressed. The first levels basic but the visuals and sound makes it exceptional. Very polished. DonnyDJ76 likes this. Dankrio Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Jun 3, 2014 1,740 13 38 #14 Dankrio, Sep 20, 2019 Just played for a few minutes but I have to say: this game is stunning! It really impressed me so far. It's a delight playing it. Togo likes this. bacon-N-eggs Well-Known Member Mar 17, 2012 265 4 18 #15 bacon-N-eggs, Sep 20, 2019 Anyone feel like the even high sensitivity control it too slow? Does not feel like I can switch lanes fast enough to even attempt gold. Am I doing something wrong? IPhone X max on beta 13.1 Morbus Iff Well-Known Member Sep 9, 2010 236 33 28 #16 Morbus Iff, Sep 20, 2019 Exactly this. On some levels, the controls are really sluggish, either when I tap, slide, or use a controller. And then, on the very next level, I'm moving around without any problems. I have begun to assume it's level-specific and deliberate. Nonstickron Well-Known Member Sep 24, 2009 312 32 28 Graphic Artist / Pre-Press Central Florida #17 Nonstickron, Sep 20, 2019 Yeah, I can't get over bronze on anything. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong or if there's something that I'm going to get later that will let me come back and achieve higher scores. Artistically it's great. Gameplay is a little...flat, for me. sweetdiss Well-Known Member Jun 15, 2009 1,743 5 38 #18 sweetdiss, Sep 20, 2019 Gitaroo Man was SO GOOD. I've never found anything like that game since, unfortunately. I mostly agree with what you are saying here. The visuals are incredible but the gameplay feels a little shallow and goes by a little too fast for me. I'm still going to stick with it, though. I'm trying to reframe my expectations as more of an "interactive music video" than a game. Morbus Iff likes this. Dankrio Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Jun 3, 2014 1,740 13 38 #19 Dankrio, Sep 20, 2019 what does “game” even mean? fiskadoro Well-Known Member Jan 1, 2009 326 17 18 Chicago, IL #20 fiskadoro, Sep 21, 2019 This one is stunning visually and aurally, though the gameplay is simple and the sensitivity is off, the atmosphere of it makes up for a lot. I like that Apple Arcade allows you to play such games for just $5 a month, alongside others, whereas forking out $5 for this one alone may not have been considered much value for money as it's over pretty quickly. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Your comment makes me want to try this game but do you think it’ll have the same effect with no sound? Or is the music not too intrusive? Just where it mentions about it being a pop music and the like which I really don’t like at all.
Definitely would not be the same without the music. It’s what makes the whole game an incredible experience IMO.
I wanted to like this game. I've been a fan of "weird" music games for decades now, and one of my favorite gaming moments of all time takes place in ye olde GITAROO MAN. But, SAYONARA WILD HEARTS just didn't "work" for me. The visuals are amazing, I totally agree. But the gameplay isn't really there. Some stages are finished in what seems like 30 seconds or less. You don't get much of a chance to get into the "rhythm" (hah! I made a music-game joke) at that length. Some levels just fly by so fast that all you're trying to do is "get through it" and "avoid the tree" instead of "get a gold score". It's a visual "feast", sure, but I just can't see myself going back and trying to get gold scores on everything.
I personally adore the game. It’s mesmerizing. There are some short levels but others are pretty darn long. Getting great reviews on Switch but glad to have it as part of Apple Arcade.
I’d say the music is pretty electro-pop, not so “pop”, and within the game flow I think you won’t be having problems w that. Also this is the first time ever I’m playing this game, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen on iphone.
I played a few levels. Is the pint just getting into the right lane to get the goodies? Seemed very shallow. Does it get more involved?
I feel like Annapurna looked into my heart and made the game they saw there! Do not sleep on this experience!
Beat it with mostly bronze and silver. Took me a few hours. If you liked Rez (I loved it) this is an amazing Pop music voyage. More than just an interactive music video, less than a full game experience. It is phenomenal and worth a month of paid AA just to play it.
This games is getting a lot of traction from various gaming websites and is getting a lot of positive reviews. Can't wait to play it. It's available on other consoles, but it's $13 on Switch. So far the apple arcade has an amazing value.
Had a quick go. Very impressed. The first levels basic but the visuals and sound makes it exceptional. Very polished.
Just played for a few minutes but I have to say: this game is stunning! It really impressed me so far. It's a delight playing it.
Anyone feel like the even high sensitivity control it too slow? Does not feel like I can switch lanes fast enough to even attempt gold. Am I doing something wrong? IPhone X max on beta 13.1
Exactly this. On some levels, the controls are really sluggish, either when I tap, slide, or use a controller. And then, on the very next level, I'm moving around without any problems. I have begun to assume it's level-specific and deliberate.
Yeah, I can't get over bronze on anything. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong or if there's something that I'm going to get later that will let me come back and achieve higher scores. Artistically it's great. Gameplay is a little...flat, for me.
Gitaroo Man was SO GOOD. I've never found anything like that game since, unfortunately. I mostly agree with what you are saying here. The visuals are incredible but the gameplay feels a little shallow and goes by a little too fast for me. I'm still going to stick with it, though. I'm trying to reframe my expectations as more of an "interactive music video" than a game.
This one is stunning visually and aurally, though the gameplay is simple and the sensitivity is off, the atmosphere of it makes up for a lot. I like that Apple Arcade allows you to play such games for just $5 a month, alongside others, whereas forking out $5 for this one alone may not have been considered much value for money as it's over pretty quickly.