Hi, just joined the forum. Hoping to stay a while. I'm part of two person indie dev group based out of Canada (Toronto) and are just starting to get into the business. Released our first game to iOS this week. I put up a thread about it in the iOS Games thread ... it's called Gun Frenzy. Anyway, just wanted to say a quick hello. Also wanted to ask a technical question about these forums. Can someone explain how to set up a forum thread with these cool "App preview" sort of windows in them? I see them a lot in the iOS games section and I can't figure out how it's done. The threads have boxes for description and the game's icon as well as a rating section with stars. Can anyone explain how this is done? Secondly, how can I embed a youtube video in a post? I tried to do it but it always seems to just appear as a link? Thanks for your help and look forward to perusing these forums in some detail.
Welcome to TA!!! You done did it now. Your gonna be stuck here having so much fun. I'll check out you and your team mates game after thiz. I'm not sure on the first part, our cool community will be able to help you out on that. Youtube goes like thiz- After you paste your desired link cut the first part = {http://youtu.be/}x0187IkK3 Then type in= [ hdyoutube ] Before and after link Have fun
If you want to see how someone has written a post try hitting the QUOTE button as if replying to it and you'll see the codes they used in their message. To display the app store information, use this line: [appinfo=all]Put_iTunes_URL_Here[/appinfo] Anyone can do this. To embed a youtube video: [hdyoutube]insert_characters_at_end_of_youtube_URL_here[/hdyoutube]