Universal Saturday Morning RPG - (by Joystick Labs, LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    Count me in as a one-finger-full-arm tapper. I look like an idiot playing, banging my phone and giggling, but its great fun.

    The attention to detail and the really nice battle system (like the charge, and general battle strategy flow) is refreshing for iOS RPG's. I love how interactive the battles are, I do like the charge and block timed attack glory of this game.

    Sure, I'd love to tap less, or at least not so hard or what have you, but in my opinion making the battles less engaging would be a very sad thing. This is really one of the few RPG's that I've played where the battles are as fun as the exploring.

    Besides taking out Commander Hood with one blow? Yeah, that feels amazing.
  2. Mormoop

    Mormoop Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2009
    I don't much like the tapping etc. either. One of the biggest reasons is simply because my gaming time is on my long train commute and I would look like an idiot doing what you have to to play this game. I think more developers should keep in mind that a lot of people want to be able to play games in public and somewhat discreetly, or at least in a way where you're not wildly mashing the screen or tilting the device around.

    I don't know, I expect an action game to have a lot of tapping or other fancy finger work to be required, but I like RPGs because they generally tend to be more about thinking than quick reflexes. That just doesn't jibe with me. But hey, that's all fine, I wanted to enjoy it but it's not for me, hope others find something they like in it.

    The only other thing I could say is that it's kind of ironic that the people who like quick tapping games the most would probably be the youngest and born after the 80s ended, and the people who I'd think you'd be courting with a game evoking 80s Saturday morning cartoons are going to be in their 30s and even 40s now, and less interested in twitch/repetitive motion game input.
  3. Witlogic

    Witlogic Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, while I really like the concept and gameplay mechanics, the game is just way to hard for me. I lose most battles and the ones I win drag on for a really long time. I realize it's because I'm not very good. Usually I get better with practice, but after a couple of hours of play I'm not making any progress. I'm charging, using items, targeting healers, blocking attacks - I'm just not very good at it. Any tips?
  4. Witlogic

    Witlogic Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Oh, nevermind. I see I can pay to cheat.
  5. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    #165 TimEggers, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  6. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Oh and there was me thinking I'd explored every where. I missed a couple of places in episode 2.
    Anyway absolutely fantastic game. Off to play it all through again.
  7. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    Nice job! Those are the same scores I get.

    I've played Ep 1 like 3-times, so much fun.

    I've really come to love the battle design. Some of the best RPG battling I've ever done, I can feel where this game draws inspiration and I like it.

    Truly some amazing gaming here. Mighty Rabbit are my new heroes.
  8. MightyRabbitJosh

    MightyRabbitJosh Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
    Programmer and Designer at Mighty Rabbit Studios
    Holly Springs, NC
    Started working on the first update today. We're going to start addressing some of the major concerns - shooting to have a mini-game toggle option in there. We're also going to address difficulty concerns as much as possible.
  9. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL

    I do like the difficulty level, it seems right on.

    Still totally digging this game!
  10. MarkHerm

    MarkHerm Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    Same here.... Difficult level seems to be quite good. If anyone struggles with the battles, it is to be because of a lack of understanding of the battle system (no offense). Instead of decreasing difficulty, another tutorial or similar might help IMO
  11. Witlogic

    Witlogic Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Not offended, but also do not agree - I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I don't have sufficient twitch skills to be successful, perhaps because I'm a little older than the target demographic. Still, I anticipate the "swing meter", "tap to charge" and "tap to defend" moments, with little to show for it in terms of actual performance.
  12. jaolen

    jaolen Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    Actually, I know what you mean - most quicktime battle games, you can still (with difficulty) win the battles without pulling off the actions associated with the attacks. In this game they seem 100% necessary to win.
  13. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    #173 oooooomonkey, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
    Just wondering here. But are the stickers I'm collecting just random pickups? Like will I be able to keep playing through episodes 1 & 2 and be able to collect all 128 stickers?

    Also instead of the tapping like the above poster said a swing meter would be cool. Something like how old school golf games did it it.

    Also is there any chance of getting any wallpapers for iPod/iPhone featuring Saturday morning RPG?
    I would Greatly appreciate one. :)
  14. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    I've replayed Ep 1 five times, and yes you can pick up new stickers.

    My God, SMRPG is the first iOS game that I ever started and literally couldn't stop until I was through it all. Even now I can't stop replaying it.

    Even without the 80's love, the highly polished and "true to form" presentation make SMRPG the quintessential flashback to my own personal gaming glory days.

    I'd type more sentiments but my Slap Wrap bracelets get in the way...
  15. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Yeah, come on Mark. We aren't idiots. We understand how to play games.

    I have the ability to play fairly complex games on high levels of difficulty, so I'm not Stephen Hawking in my gameplay ability and it's clear by others talking here that we aren't alone.

    I thank you for your changes, Josh. I will try the game again once the update has landed.
  16. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    I hit a wall too, but stepping back to look at what Binder Cover I had and stickers I was using made all the difference.

    I fear people tossing around the phrase "twitch controls" perhaps haven't taken the time to look beyond the nostalgia and engage in the deeper battle system and overall strategy.

    This game kicked my tail too until I stepped back and looked at how I had stuff equipped. Then it all made sense and most every attack/defense became significant, then the game became much more fun.
  17. MarkHerm

    MarkHerm Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    Well then we are probably not playing the same game. :p
    I finished both episodes and had not a single battle that was even to be considered a true challenge. Well, the first two or three battles were a little awkward as I haven't grasped how fighting worked but after that it was pretty straight forward. Fun, hell yes but having a hard time, no. Am I some kind of sm RPG god? :D surely not. That leaves only one option in my book: somehow the battle mechanics are not fully understood by those who having constantly troubles with this game. That is why I am suggesting an extended tutorial or something like that instead of lowering the overall difficulty even further. Or include difficulty setting in the options so that everybody is happy.

    Btw, I am 32 so I am probably not the key audience either ;)
  18. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    I'm 32 also :)
    There is a difficulty setting when your at the main menu (bedroom type place) click of the sofa and you can change the enemy scaling as high or low as you want.
    Personally ive been thinking of putting the difficulty up at bit as its all a bit easy. It's just a case of charge, then attack with the share bear and repeat. All bad guys die and I've not died once.
    From my experience the share bear (charged) can kill pretty much anything.
    The only reason I'm using the other types of attack is purely for fun and variation.

    Ps. I'm not some kind of rpg expert either. Maybe it's just the pure nostalgia for me that's helping me to kick ass.

    Can't wait for more episodes. :) if I happen to win the lottery I'll send some cash your way (Dev's) to help speed up the process :)
  19. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    I'm 34 and I think that we are the key audience, if not maybe for people a bit older than us, seeing as we were 10 - 12 throughout the decade.

    And we were playing the same game. For me, maybe my joints are a bit worse off than yours, it was an uncomfortable experience.

    Maybe it's because I played on the iPad, had I loaded this up on my iPhone I am sure it would be a load less difficult because of how each device is held. I could use my thumbs more easily and that would take off some of the stress.

    But regardless, the endless constant barrage of tapping is still there. It's that tapping that just boggles the mechanics completely. Other things are iffy for me as well, but any other qualms I could probably disregard if I didn't have to blast the screen with my fingers every. Single. Turn. I get how to do it. I get how to succeed at it. But that doesn't mean that it's going to be easy (to play, not in reference to the challenge of the game) or comfortable, both which are fairly integral factors for me, and many others, in making a game great.

    This game is better than an endless slew of QuickTime events. And josh is helping fix that. If he does, them I'm in for a penny and a pound.

    Oh, on another note... No one responded but PLEASE can you fix the weird paper tearing sound when a new text box pops up? Pretty please?

    I hope this clears up the issues with the battle mechanics. I did notice people complaining about the timing issues, which I can see. And no amount of understanding will really fix that. The timings, even for me, are often weirdly arranged. So I'm ALWAYS having to twitch through the game or pick items that are less powerful or less whatever in order to not have the game an endless barrage to my senses. I already have to block 15 times a turn, then power up constantly then play mini games with my attacks.

    And lord the start up stickers. Ugh. I swear if I could change only one thing it would probably be that.
  20. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    The Game got featured by Apple:



    Let`s hope that the Download Stats will now explode over the Weekend *fingers crossed*

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