Universal Saturday Morning RPG - (by Joystick Labs, LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    ChronoTrigger is a turn-based RPG. It does have an active-time mechanic that, to be fair, can be modified (though not totally turned off). FF7 has a similar system as well (though there it is not optional).
  2. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    Please add my name to the "don't change a damn thing" group. Just keep adding new episodes.
  3. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    omg so stupid, somehow i thought about sword of mana, sorry for this. yes ct is a tb game but still it's different from mechanics in this game because int his games it's just tapping without any reason for it. it would be ok if you need to tap fast at some place or draw a figure or swipe. so now it feels like it's caste defense game. but it's free to try so it's ok.
  4. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    As I said before -- different strokes for different folks. Sad to hear that you couldn't get into it.
  5. jaolen

    jaolen Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    So going back a step, while yeah, it doesn't really personally bug me doing so much tapping, Charge Up seems more powerful and important than your decision of weapons to use. I wouldn't mind if items did more damage on the whole, charge up took more MP, and was a lower multiplier all around.
  6. Zeekops

    Zeekops Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2011
    Dumb question but can I buy the second episode off itunes somewhere? I don't have wifi at the moment so I can't download it in game! Thanks! :confused:
  7. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I like it. It has Paper Mario/Costume Quest sort of action added to turn-based RPG, which always makes an RPG more fun. Well... actually one thing that could get old is the tapping rapidly to power up. Tapping with timing is fun, or sometimes having to tap rapidly is good (see costume quest), but having to tap rapidly frequently could get tiresome. So far I'm OK with it, though.

    It hasn't been laugh out loud funny yet, but it's certainly amusing. I love RPGs that don't take themselves seriously, so this is right up my alley.
  8. Triscuitable

    Triscuitable Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2011
    Games Journalist
    Seattle, WA
    No, Chrono Trigger is an active battle RPG that just so happens to also have the option to go turn-based. You miss out on the intense, exciting combat if you choose to go turn-based.
  9. joezoey

    joezoey Active Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    The joystick is killing me!
  10. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    It's still turn based -- you can act only within a particular turn window. But that's a matter of semantics. And I agree -- going completely turn-based is to miss out.
  11. iVoloster

    iVoloster Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010

    The touch anywhere joystick is perfect.
  12. jaolen

    jaolen Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    I like the touch anywhere joystick, but I like the Chaos Rings style better - I can't stand the ones that the center drags along with you.
  13. Robotwars

    Robotwars Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    There's a joystick ability in ep2 that uses a random attack. Maybe they're referring to that? I dunno. It's pretty random... But fun.
  14. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    This is a very close sentiment to how I feel about the game. And it's a shame. I tried giving it another go to see if I could get into the game more, but the mechanics are miserable for me. I'm still sore from the hour I put in yesterday.

    The timing of the mini-games, the timing of the scratching and the lack of response of that, the incessant tapping all throughout with varying levels of response all are game breakers for me. This is the kind of game that will cause a person to develop an RSI.

    I love the story, I think it's incredibly smart and funny. I love the trapper keeper (I swear I am sure I had a few of those designs, god how tacky they look now but how COOL they were then!) and I appreciate the way IAP is handled, for the most part.

    However a few non-gameplay things really bother me. Why when everyone pops up a new chat window does it sound like someone is ripping a massive stack of paper? It's a really weird and irritating sound.

    And as for the 80's nature... I think there is a good nod to the 80s, but at the same time I felt like there was a connection that was... missing? Not there? I don't know how to explain it, I can't put my finger on it. There are some excellent things (the Legend-ish music while walking through the snow was fantastic) but not enough to make me feel like I was transported into the 80s. I don't think there's anything that can be done to fix that, and if it weren't for the gameplay it wouldn't matter so much, but with the combination of the two it is a game I'll never be able to touch again (I guess the pun is intended there ;))

    I wanted to love this game, I was so excited to play it, I put everything else on hold and loaded it up, but so many things just went wrong. I'm glad many people love it, and I hope maybe there's the possibility of adding a non-RSI version of gameplay that is more 8-bit oriented. For people comparing this to Paper Mario RPG, and all the other action RPG games as such, there's no comparing this one to it. The charging mechanisms for many of the attacks have no correlation to anything previous produced. Cheap as many of those games may have been, they didn't rely on smashing on a controller, at least not for almost every single attack.

    I give a lot of these gamers a few weeks playing the game, I'd love to hear how your arms feel after that ;) Maybe I'm just too old?

  15. Robotwars

    Robotwars Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Why would someone's arm hurt? You realize you can use 2 fingers to tap, right? Anyone who taps using one finger and arm.. well.. don't.

    Index finger.. Middler finger.. alternate. No arm motion whatsoever. All in the fingers.
  16. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Tried that. Doesn't help.
  17. MarkHerm

    MarkHerm Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    I was a bit turned off by all the tapping at first but I got used to it pretty soon. Now I love it and think the game would loose in combats if the mini games wouldn't exist.

    Besides, great game! Hopefully we'll see more content soon. I'll be happy to give you my money then :D
  18. Robotwars

    Robotwars Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    I just had no idea how uncoordinated some people are. I'm about finished with ep 2 and not a single moment did I feel any nuisance whatsoever. Felt very natural and simple. I loved the timing of the blocks, aiming the cd rom, and tapping the recharge. I don't know how it'd be any different than clicking a mouse button. But, who knows.

    Perhaps another option to recharge may be to draw patterns like in Infinity Blade. Simple patterns = lower recharge... more complex patterns = higher charge. Or something similar. Not much you can do about the stickers.

    As for your other complaints, I can't relate. I love the atmosphere, the references, the music, everything. Possibly because it's free and my expectations are a bit lowered. It really clicks with me.

    It seems as though the problem is niches are being crossed here. You've got JRPG and twitch reflexes in one. Some people may go in expecting a traditional turn based rpg and don't want to deal with the tapping or aren't accustomed to it.
  19. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    #159 sabin1981, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
    Add my name to the "these are by far the very worst game mechanics ever" group. I am really, really, trying to enjoy the game... but the combat mechanics are just bad. That constant, pointless, irritating tapping is not only ruining any possible enjoyment, but is also downright painful. I bought episode 2 because I want to support companies like this, especially when they produce games with such amazing love and attention to detail, but this combat system means I no longer have any desire or intention of playing it again.

    Such a shame ... but I thought I was getting an RPG with awesome music and a loving nod to the 80s we grew up with.... not a physical work-out that just irritates the player. The mini-games are fine, which also includes the "tap to defend" strategy, as it worked excellently in Mario RPG, it's the constant rapid-fire tapping and pre-battle "scratching" that is just ridiculous.

    Yes yes, the apologist brigade disagree.. but if enough people are complaining, surely that should count for something? Guess not though. It's actually quite disappointing and, as a consumer, insulting that people dismiss complaints so readily, brushing us off as the vocal minority and then pushing their opinions as fact "it needs to be said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the combat system" -- In YOUR opinion the tapping is fun for YOU, please don't push that as fact. I also agree completely with the StP review, which certain people seem to have taken offence to. The review was fair and in constant praise of the game, which it really has thoroughly earned, but they also make note of the irritating-to-some tapping.

    .......... Vince DiCola <3. The visuals, the music, the delicious 80s love oozing out of the game is magnificent, I simply cannot fault that, my only complaint is the powering/tapping mechanics. Still, thank you for your hard work, Mighty Rabbit Studios - I'm sorry if I come across as overly harsh/critical, please don't take any offence at my words, the game itself is worth every penny and I would/will wholeheartedly recommend it to RPG/80s lovers everywhere, I just wish the rapid-fire tapping/scratching wasn't so primary. Either way, thanks again <3
  20. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    I'll go against the grain, although similar opinions now just starting to appear. This game isn't for me. Don't want to shoot it down because on the whole the dev has done a great job. I just don't think the posts at the beginning of this thread are balanced. This game definitely isn't for everyone, and I know it doesn't try to be, but just keep this in mind.
    A fair few may have a blast with this game though so well done to the dev.

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