haha I just got back from Dark Lord Day, I've been drinking since around 7 this morning, it was fun...... it's hard work drinking this well, i'm tired.
So how was the concert? I used to date someone from Indiana so I know about Dark Lord Day...ah, the drunken memories (from what I remember anyway).
it was very good, I only heard one of the bands. I was the 5th person in line, so I got my beer put it in the car then sampled the hell out of all the guest beers. it was a blast. the bottle limit was 4 per ticket, so I got a total of 8 bottles, but that was better on the wallet anyways. the line was outrageous, if I had to wait in it, it wouldn't have been as much fun. anyways I don't want to fill the thread with my DLD crap. I'm picking this game up tomorrow. looks awesome.