Universal Rush Rover (by playAagame)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by pathogen541, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
  2. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    raravan likes this.
  3. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Actually, my dude, sense it seems you have contact with the dev, you know if he is planning any CONTENT UPDATES?!?!?! No lie, this is my favorite top down shooter on iOS, and unless nuclear throne makes it over, I think it will stay that way. I WANT MOAR LOL
  4. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    wow, got this beauty today and... what a game!!! love all of it, mostly the retro feel... a great piece of work!
    pathogen541 likes this.
  5. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    So after playing again, the modules still are not working, and now a new bug has showed up that won’t save ultra chipped weapons if you save to main menu. I had a run going with an ultra chipped Tesla coil, saved to the main menu, came back and it wasn’t chipped. All the constructable plug ins work, it’s the rare modules you find that add OP effects and can’t be built that are not working. IE: sparks module, supposedly adds bonus damage due to “sparks” however I have noticed 0 difference, and if there is some sort of indicator that the module has fired off, it isn’t showing up. Same with the blast wave module, says a %30 chance of firing a blast wave when firing.... yet I ran through multiple rooms and 2 bosses before dying without seeing a single blast wave. Same with the nanoblade module.
    This isn’t a big deal as they are just adding bonus damage, however it sucks
    that these mods are broken, it could make for some really entertaining runs. Again, not sure how to contact the dev but, I’d hope to see them fixed at some point.

    Another curiosity I’ve noticed: in the PC version, you are able to send the other robots (ie: mechanist, ultratech dude, fabricator) back to your base, yet this function is omitted in the iOS version. It isn’t really that big of a deal, but it’s a neat feature that would also be useful instead of constantly teleporting between different rooms to access the different bots. Hope to see this patched in as well at some point. The game just received an update so the dev is obviously working on things.... wanna help with some QA lol
  6. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    sup, i’ve invited dev to the forums. hopefully he will come here and say hi to some of us fanboys.
    sebgo likes this.
  7. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    #27 sebgo, Oct 7, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
    I'm downloading this now since it looks very much to my pixel-rogue-lite/like-taste. Hope it's as good as it looks (based on comments, this is a great game) and that it plays cool.

    Edit for imps: This game is awesome. Although descriptions don't seem to make sense at first (needs a little work on the translation), after a while you get used to what each upgrade/slot/module/sexy-weapon/probe does. Controls are pretty responsive, music is okay, SFX are as good as needed, difficulty is... hard.

    Yup, it may be a fault on my side for managing wrong the Rover's upgrades/unlocks, but only after like 10-20 attempts I was able to finally defeat one of the second bosses (that's like Lv.5 of difficulty). There's nothing wrong with this aspect, I like it being difficult since it never feels like it was unfair but I wanted to point it out and express what I think about it. xD

    Since I read (a little) that people were having issues when trying to continue their saved run, I tried the feature myself and, while my progress was untouched when I resumed my game, I noticed upgrade costs were reset to level one. To be specific, the dashing ability costs #35 to level up to 2/3 and then #85 for 3/3. The thing is when I resumed my game, the cost for upgrading from 2/3 to 3/3 was #35 and since I had enough #Crystals, I was able to upgrade it at a low cost. This needs to be fixed since it may be used for cheating through.

    Other than upgrade costs being affected when resuming a game, I didn't notice anything else being off.

    I'll upload some screenshots later on this issue.

    A16780C0-3E10-4F68-8894-7FECC51D0A19.png 3591F214-B9B7-4019-BDE6-C0646E09C9BB.png 99843BE5-3625-429A-81B6-2A2CCCC96406.png

    As you can see in the screenshots above, the first Machine Gun upgrade costs #50. Once in level 2/5, the next upgrade costs #100. After upgrading the Machine Gun, I saved my game and closed it (I even killed the game from multitask), then launched it again and hit the "Continue" option. When I checked the slots window again, the Machine Gun was still at the right level, 2/5, BUT the cost to upgrade to 3/5 had been reduced to #50 again. Hope this example is clear enough.

    Still, this game is pure fun and I usually play when I'm sure I'm not gonna be interrupted in the middle of a game, so this is not a game-breaking issue for me, at least for now. Still, looking forward for a fix on this aspect.

    I haven't reached too far into the game so I don't know about these advanced things, but I'll keep an eye on this as I advance.
    raravan likes this.
  8. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016

    Awesome that someone else is taking the time to point out bugs. Trust me, when you get to the point where you can even pick up the modules, the game will be that much better when you do. You will see what I mean when you get there.... also, little tip: take the bullet destroying upgrades (dash blade, the ultra chipped pulse rifle will destroy bullets, there are others) and get your dash upgraded as fast as possible. I noticed the upgrade costs resetting but it never occured to me that it was a bug!!!! I didn't see it as a bug hahahaha i was just like "well....whatever....." may explain how I got so OP (only time I beat the game, I had maxed HK Drones, Flame Dash, as well as ring shotgun and drill gun probe upgrades).

    Have you noticed by any chance, any way to send the other bots (ie: merchants, ultra chip dude) back to your base? This is a feature in the PC version, id really like to see that patched into the iOS release because porting back and forth between rooms is a a little bit of a hassle, nothing major but still. I would love to see that auto-save feature patched in but I would agree that it hasn't been an issue for me yet as long as I remember to save before I head to a different tab. Playthrough's are as such that usually I don't need to save....i'd argue that this is probably one of the far more difficult shooters on iOS, really exemplifies the the whole "bullet hell" part of the game, much more of a traditional shooter in this aspect.

    I really hope the dev can get these issues ironed out, its about as close to nuclear throne as I am gonna get on iOS im pretty sure.... Which i'd argue would be a great candidate for a port to iOS...implement an auto aim mechanic much the same as this game and boom....gold. Insta-buy..... probably a pipe dream but still....
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  9. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    #29 sebgo, Dec 2, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    Beat the lv.8 boss... twice today (first time I made it that far, it's awesome).


    Now trying to get all the teleport modules since I always get only 3/4, so my guess is the remaining module is hidden in a box.

    Is there a way to avoid "the thing" that happens after beating that boss, or is this the end?

    Edit: Nvm, I checked achievements and this is clearly NOT the end. ♡
  10. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Just picked this up about a week ago (after picking up the Steam version - I was enjoying it so much that I wanted to have it with me wherever I was).
    Now... I am a pretty big fan of bullet-hells, roguelikes and twin-stick shooters (the only other genre that I'd love to see touched upon here is metroidvania - and really, wouldn't that be FRICK'N AWESOME?!?!), so of course, this game - on paper - is right up my ally. However, on paper and in practice are two completely different things. So I was initially hesitant when first purchasing it.
    At first, the auto-aim type second 'stick' gameplay kind of turned me off. And while I'm still hoping the devs add an option for a true firing stick, it only took me 2-3 games to get really comfortable with the touchscreen controls. And right now, I've only reached the level 5 rooms...

    What really surprised me was the clear thought, effort and time that has gone into the item/weapon system. How different items and weapons can work together is... it's just so awesome. The blueprint system is a great touch too.
    The difficulty ramps up at a near perfect pace and the additional Dodge Mode and challenge rooms that can be found in the Arcade Mode are some great additions that can really help you up your game.

    I wish I had known about this game when it was in development. Looking at the update notes, it looks like it was an incredible experience being able to watch this game grow into what it is now.
    Anyway... radio now has yet another fan that is eagerly anticipating whatever it is they're working on now, whether it's more updates for Rush Rover or an altogether entirely new project. And if it's a new project, I'm going to make sure that I know about it and can follow the development progress.

    If you're a fan of any of the genres this game has mashed together into an incredibly impressive gaming experience - you'd be doing yourself a favor if you picked it up on the AppStore (or Steam, or both!). It's easily going to wind up on my short favorites list for this year (yes, I know it was released a few years ago and came to iOS almost a year ago...). And I'm going to talk it up and recommend it to everyone I know that is even remotely interested in any games that come close to it.

    So glad it was ported over to mobile (I've been enjoying the crap out of it while my wife's sleeping beside me and I can't pull out the laptop & loud[ish] controller).
    If you read this, THANK YOU RADIO!!!
    sebgo likes this.
  11. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    I was having my best run yet and then this happened...

    Attached Files:

  12. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    I never experienced any kind of crash. And I don't recall anyone else here mentioning that kind of issue, so maybe that's something very specific.

    You seem to be enjoying it quite a lot, so just give it another go. =D

    Even if it plays great as it is, I wish this had MFi controller support. Other than that, this game is amazing. As for updates... I don't think it's gonna get any, unless totally needed for recent iOS versions support.

    I don't know how it's selling, but it looks quiet in the forums, at least for the mobile version (I haven't played it on Steam).

    Hopefully it won't die.
  13. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Yeah, I'm sure it's my phone. It's on the older side (a 6S). Or a combination of the newer OS and older phone.
    And yeah... wasn't a big deal. Games only last me about 15 minutes right now. =P

    Agreed - MFi support would be awesome.

    And I'm sorry, if I did, I didn't mean to imply that I thought it needed updates or was expecting them. I just have no clue what the devs are working on, if anything, as I can't seem to find much info on then. I really hope they haven't said 'screw it' because of poor sales.

    After posting here I went to leave a review in the AppStore and was really surprised to only see 6 reviews. And considering it's been out for almost a year, it's also pretty surprising that there's only 2 pages of posts here on the forums. Especially with all the weapon combos (I haven't posted here in a few years but from what I remember people would usually go a little crazy making detailed lists full of their favorite items and how they interact with other items).
    Then, there's only 129 reviews on Steam... so while it's probably doing a bit better on PC... it sucks that it hasn't gotten the attention it deserves.
  14. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    are you sure?

    seems to me a kind of issue on your iOS, maybe you should clean it with some app or format and reinstall it... my 6S doesn't have any problem with any game, indeed atm i'm fully playing even Tropico, and it runs like a charm.

    btw, i've played Rush Rover for months and never had any issue.
  15. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    I'm here just to comment the game seems to have gone free to play and to complain about forced ads showing up after being defeated, and there isn't even an IAP option to remove them.

    In my opinion, they need to be removed for paid users. Being forced to watch them between runs is plain ridiculous.

    ★★☆☆☆, at best, for now.
  16. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Well poop.

    that’s what I get for not turning automatic updates off on my new phone.
  17. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    Good thing I update apps manually, tend to keep a backup of apps installers (useful for some games that have been removed from the store) and can downgrade them (Dog bless jailbreak ).

    I was super disappointed when I got the first ad in the game and checked the app's changelog and description, to see if I could find anything related to the game going free-to-play; but no, nothing, other than "Optimizing game performance" and "Fixed bugs".

    On the other hand, I noticed a slightly more fluid framerate (I was excited about this during my first post-update run, although I might be wrong), some UI changes and the absence of the probe from the start, as well as the lack of automatic (not even manual) screen rotation.

    Glad the Switch version doesn't have such sort of an ad-date. =P

    Tip: If you have an iPhone which isn't usually connected to a Wi-Fi network, switching off mobile data works for avoiding ads as they won't be loaded. Once you do this, make sure you don't let it be auomatically updated again in case they eventually make an internet connection a must, ha.

    I sent an e-mail to the dev's and still no reply. Hope they're working on some sort of "no ads" option, though; I wouldn't mind paying for ads removal, since the game's launch price was very low from the start.
  18. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #38 tops2, Jan 1, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2022
    Wow! I didn't even know about the ads! I've setup Pi-Hole at home so didn't see any ads in game. But the game (with the 2 updates) seems to run slow. Maybe the game is constantly looking for ads! lol. Maybe I should try the airplane off to see if it runs smoother.

    Edit: Tried 2 different times and airplane mode works much smoother. I guess when network is on, the game keeps trying to load ads.

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