Universal Rush Rally (By Brownmonster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Brownmonster, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    Hi people, thanks for your votes, I would be great if at some point you can rate the app on this thread (at the top), and even in the app store if you haven't already!! Much appreciated to keep the hype about the game up!
  2. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Love this. Been killin golds on everything.
  3. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Will do. Don't forget the addition of mfi in an update if possible... asphalt 8 does mfi really well so you could use that as a template (hint,hint). Thx!
  4. Fio

    Fio Well-Known Member

    Is this the type of game where you have to tilt your device in order to steer left and right?
  5. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    No tilt. The steering is done with left/right buttons. Surprisingly accurate but still could be improved. I find it just a bit laggy, then too overcompensating when you try to correct.
  6. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    Yeah to be honest it doesn't work well with tilt because of the camera angle, so you don't get a feel for "where" the car is steering. I'm hoping we can add it for R2 because this will hopefully be chase and bonnet camera (In car cameras and til do work much better).

    The button lag is usually device dependent, I've found that my iPad is pretty terrible for the lag, where as the iPhone5 is much nicer, in fact the iPhone5 is better than my S5 for touch. I tried to get the game working just right with the 4 simple digital buttons and its didn't work out too bad!
  7. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Thankfully no ! On screen buttons which work well, pick up the game, its great
  8. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    I need to buy a controller first for this, any recommendations?
  9. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    I am playing on a 128gb iPad Air. The ghost cars are often jerky when my car and the ghost are very close. And when a race ends and the camera zooms in on my car the zoom is very jerky. That should not happen on an iPad Air. The game could do with a bit of optimization. I wonder what devices the game was tested on. But these are just very minor concerns. The game is a great racing game with great physics.
  10. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    #230 H4nd0fg0d, Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
    I can't see the sense in the onscreen buttons working better or being more responsive in older devices. It seems to hold true tho. I played this on my old iPhone 5 and never once have I incurred tht prob with the buttons sticking, no matter what I had the ghost or other options set at. I had those issues on my 6 tho. With my option set up now on the 6 fortunately I haven't had the problems anymore. I have ghost off, FB off, notifications off and record on and how tweaking these options can have any impact on controls is beyond my grasp. I haven't had the problems anymore, thank god coz I adore this game. Food for thot, brownmonster.
    Also like to add, my new iPad Air hasn't had any of these issues I've mentioned. What I'm getting at is, the game shld run its best on the newest devices, period. Also pointing out, tht I've had no issues with any other games on any of my devices rlly to mention. Thnx, great game, great work, keep it up, looking very much forward to the bonnet or even in car cam if u can swing it. I'm a huge fan of in car cams.
  11. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    The ghosts being jerky are not frame rate dependent, I'm looking in to this one tonight hopefully.

    When the camera zooms in on the car at the end, there are a lot of particles, and the game has a lot of transparent rendering going on (we generate most of the renderdata so all the decals are blended on top of the track) , The iPad air has a large resolution and the same GPU chip as the iPhone5s, which runs really smooth, however it has less than a quarter of the pixels to render the scene on, so it is simply that it has too many pixels for the device to cope with at this level. I've now added a resolution slider to help those who cannot run at high detail or even smoothly on low for this case, we just haven't had a chance to test it much locally yet before we release it on the App Store!

    Glad you are enjoying it though in spite of your problems! We will continue to try and improve it!
  12. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    Cheers, just to give you a bit more info as its quite interesting:

    Rush Rally is quite different from all the other games out there though in its approach. Most games hand model their tracks, they are bulky in download size, and require alot of art resource. If we were to have "hand" modeled all our levels then we would easily have this rendered at a decent speed and frame rate, but of course that would require lots of artists and lots of time to create it all. I know to the end user this doesn't mean much, they don't really care, but we auto generate all our tracks on the fly in game based on the device settings, basically its all procedural, this is how we have a game that is VERY small in download size, and how we can have so many tracks.

    The con of this approach is that everything is rendered individually and blended on the track, which costs a lot in render time, the more intelligent we make it, the more time it takes to load, if we moved it to an offline process, the package size increases! Basically artists will spend time hand painting decals and parts of the track, which we cannot really do, once generated some of our tracks (particularly the long ones over 4/5km of unique track) are actually 256Mb in size by the time you take into account the terrain, trees, shadows,decals etc etc. To fit 72 tracks like this on the App store would be madness!

    I'm not trying to defend the game speed at all, on some iDevices it needs more work as the GPU fill rate isn't so powerful, and so we will continue to improve it. Its great though that we are compared to and competing with some of the "full time developers" out there, except we are only working on it in our spare time at home!

    Thanks for all the positive comments though and support!!!
  13. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    I just got a SteelSeries Stratus as they were on sale recently. It's small but feels solid and has two joysticks in addition to the usual dpad. If you have really large hands you may want to try a different controller. Asphalt 8 does it right by using one of the joysticks for steering (left) or the dpad. Most do this but they also use the comfortable "a" button for gas.

    Some racing games use the right front trigger for the gas and while this may work well on the Xbox it leads to hand cramping on the smaller mfi controllers. And most of the mfi controllers scale on the small side... for portability I assume.

    Your game controls very well with onscreen controls but the addition of mfi would be amazing. It's so smooth and addictive on asphalt 8 that I can only imagine how great it would be on Rush Rally.
  14. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    Thanks! On Android (and windows development builds), the accelerator and brake are on the analogue triggers and buttons A and B, but we can also add stick support, I used to play like that ALOT!
  15. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    If o bought the Iap for my iPhone 6 isn't the ISO free for my iPad? It comes up as $1.99 in all purchase...
  16. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    Goto the profile page, click "restore purchases" and it will sync with iTunes.
  17. Sexy Pirate

    Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Call centre / Parent
    Newcastle England
    How far off is the update with the new graphics options? I'm playing on and off on my iPhone but would prefer to be playing on my iPad ;)
  18. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    It normally takes a week to get through the Apple review process from when we have finished it. We need to also give it a really good test because we have changed a lot of low level stuff ready for Rush Rally 2. With it come LOTS of optimisations though, I'll keep you posted.
  19. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Thanks! It worked! I now realize how old my iPad retina (iPad 3) is as the graphics is automatically set to low vs iphone 6 on high.

    I don't know if the call it iCloud integration but I wish all apps worked as seamlessly as your game... After restoring the purchase it automatically had my iPhone 6 save file resu to go!!! Fantastic... Other developers need to do this it apple mandating it would be great.

  20. Brownmonster

    Brownmonster Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Software Engineer /Company Director
    Its actually something we planned for along time, it only downloads your times mind, not all the stats like how far you have driven etc etc. You can also play on any device that runs the game and all your times will be synced. I actually play on about 5 different devices (which ever is closest to hand!)

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