No problems! must be an easy fix... although i have no idea why it would be causing trouble at the moment, is someone in a position to try it with someone on the same wifi network as them or similar?
I think I know what this is and I think i have it fixed, it appears some people have already played too which is a bonus.
OK so the audio issue is ONLY on the phones, not the iPad or iPods, apparently it will route the audio to the headphones because I enabled voice chat support for multiplayer. This has been fixed this end. The multiplayer problem should also be fixed, so I'm going to see if I can throw a build out this lunch time if I have enough time!! Ste
OK so with 20 minutes of lunch to spare, I've uploaded a build to apple and also requested an expedited review to get this through before the weekend starts! I'll keep you all informed!
Thanks for speedy response and updates! Shame we can't offer more support via IAP because knee jerk people will claim this game is no longer premium.
Yeah, I was wondering about releasing an update like "Rush Rally 2 : Hillclimbs" or something like that as a separate app, but with lots more content, based on Rush Rally 2. So retaining the premium part, and doubling app store exposure. Of course I have the next version and stuff in the pipe too, but that's got a different UI and revamped graphics planned.
Version 1.07 is unleashed. should have both the audio fix AND multiplayer crash fix. Let me know your results
As a gesture of thanks to those who have helped out, here 5 promo codes for the iOS version! Feel free to pass them on to someone who is "sitting on the fence" with the purchase, and be sure to leave a good review Once you have used one, let us know below so others don't try Ste ANN9MALKK9KX HJLRTLX4YE4X MNHMN6X94ETT 4FE9FEAJNXX9 666KWFEPRYRX
Oh really! never mind, leave a glowing review and thanks just here instead Of course, if you don't like it let me know why
Redeemed HJLRTLX4YE4X , thanks! (As I was sitting on that fence for some time, since I don't have iPad with iOS7 nor iPhone, just Apple TV4 at the moment) .... And all I can say from first 5 min of gameplay is - Woow, this was made just by 1 human people (with some help of siblings) ???? Even menus are smoother, more options to tinker and much cleaner look that some (A8, RR3) major racers ! Will be posting my impressions on ATV4 soon, and will post praise (as I can't do review on iTunes) on some other forums!