Unlocked Svata! Chaos mode isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I was playing on Normal at first to unlock the macro upgrades faster. Great game.
Same issue on iPad mini 4. That makes 2 great games in 1 day that are now unplayable after being updated.
I was told to delete and reinstall... I wonder if I would lose all my progress. Can't remember the last time I played the game mind you.
This game would officially beat The Dungelot games with a portrait mode and maybe just the slightest zoom. But it's really good.
Picked this up today (full price, that's fine) because I was re-trying my old games and found I actually enjoyed Dungelot but found it a bit shallow. This seemed like the next best place to try. Note that I have not yet played Dungelot II or III. Anyways, so far I really like it. I'm getting a grip on the mechanics, but one thing I don't quite get is runewords? Or runestones? Are they both the same, tied together somehow or?
Has this game been abandoned or is it still being supported/developed? Official website has been shutdown for a long time. Developer has stopped replying to emails or anything. Twitter account has been silent for months. Makes me wonder if this project has been abandoned which if true is really sad as this was an awesome game. Great artwork and gameplay mechanics.