Runescape Classic - Completely free.

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by RSCLegacy, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. RSCLegacy

    RSCLegacy New Member

    Feb 15, 2017
    Hello toucharcade members,

    You have probably heard of runescape, but have you ever played the original public runescape? It's a fun trip down nostalgia lane!

    Here are some key features that we currently have for our game:

    - Completely free to play
    - Play on your Android device, OR PC/Mac/Windows.
    - Manageable XP Rates;
    -Skilling: 2x normal, 3x subscriber, 3.5x premium.
    -Combat: 3x normal, 4x subscriber, 5x premium.
    -Boosts: +1.0x skulled,+0.5x wilderness.
    - Customized Auction House
    - Auction Clerks added to each bank.
    - Complete original sounds!
    - Skill Capes - Once you master a stat, you get a custom skill cape for that stat!
    - Emphasis on Skilling (All F2P quests are accessible, when P2P comes out, all of those quests will be accessible too!)
    - Emphasis on PKing (Kill Announcer implemented, listening to the community about parking/multi logging)
    - More end-game content (achievements/mini tasks, more "out of the box" ideas brought to the server so that you have more skills to work on).

    Auction house:

    Android auction house:

    Skill capes:

    Some features we are planning for the near-future:
    - IOS Compatibility so that you can play on your Apple Device.
    - Taking your suggestions to make the game better and appeal to a larger crowd of people.

    We are a capable, devoted staff team to making Runescape Classic great once again. We have developers, community administrators, graphics artist, moderators, and event moderators.

    We are currently entering beta and we already have a large amount of interest. We hope you come check us out at

    This thread will be updated regularly to answer any questions, keep you in the loop (and to try and get you to try out our game :)).

    Runescape Classic Lovers!

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