Yes that happened to me a couple days ago!! all I can access is the main base - waiting for a patch, I got contacted by the devs and they are trying to recreate/fix this...unfortunately we might need to start over mate
Logging in to all the nice comments always makes my day, thanks for your patience while we get the bugs fixed
I have completed all of the missions (took me roughly 10 hours) and still find myself fishing for fun. What a great experience. Really glad to see this is getting love. Seeing it featured on the App Store made me smile. This is what iOS gaming is all about!
I've completed all the missions and caught all the fish, but one thing eludes me - the Chef's Hat is still locked. What did I miss?
Sorry, it's a bug in the quest scripting. The quests leading to the Chef's hat should be available after the patch, which we're hoping to submit to Apple tomorrow
Great game @ Kestrel. These types of games don't generally appeal to me, but I am totally "hooked" with the combination of questing, challenges, and collecting things. Great effort.
OK so I changed my mind. Starting to really enjoy this game now. Love the fishing. Still not big on the art besides the fish, but still glad I made the purchase
Merman Love this game but I am stuck. I have been trying and trying to get the merman at the frozen spot with the gold hook and most expensive bait for hours and no dice. I caught the mermaid no problem. What am I doing wrong!?
pretty sure the US feature had a lot to do with this thread, and it's amazing that support and word of mouth from early adopters like you all can make such a big diff! as a result of all the love and feedback in here we've decided to add at least one little extra pack of 'stuff' (for free, it'll be just a small bonus for those of you who have finished the game) as a token of appreciation not gonna give a release date for that yet, haha. we've got a lot to chew on right now! it'll happen before long though it's phenomenal how much the community can affect and help indie devs, it's been a very touching experience for us. ...also very stressful and embarrassing about the bugs and stuff. we're working really hard to fix those ASAP. that is really awesome of you to come back and say that thanks! gah, sorry about that. thanks for letting us know. this is a weird really rare bug that will be resolved in the patch (should be out in the next couple days). thanks for your patience! will announce it here when the patch is released. again, sorry! I know how frustrating these issues are.
I guess this is the same bug that is preventing the gold fish from appearing for the "All that Glitters" quest too? There are two spots (Shiver Timbers & Swamp O Despair) where I cant get all the fishes yet. I have more than 20 of the other rare types but just not 1 or 2 from the above locations. Is this a bug as well?
The goldfish isn't bugged, it's a normal rare fish that spawns in Fishing Hole. Good luck with the rare hunt, you're probably just having an unlucky run
Thanks for the tip. I realised I was on the wrong island. Can't wait for the patch now to fix the Merman bug so I can complete the game. Been a long while since a game got me this excited about finishing it.
Quick and probably very silly question but if I buy this now for the iPad and start playing it, when the update to make it universal hits I won't lose any progress or need to reinstall will I? Really want this and I'm happy to put up with it being non universal for the time being.
Caught the last missing Fish and finished the Last sidequest of the log today (Why it had to be 5 Algae, 3 would have been enough for me.. I suck at fishing them though lol) really enjoyed the time played (6 hours according to the game menu but it felt like much more ) and will sure come back if additional content is added. Btw did I miss any quests (since I can't unlock the Chef hat, the Pylon and the Viking helm)? Gratulations on the success. You guys well deserve it!!
That is amazing! You guys are awesome! I really look forward to it! I know it has been said, and I don't know if it make financial sense or not, but if you guys were to do an add-on I would buy it immediately. It's awesome how attentive you guys are, thanks for being active on here.
Amazing game, the more I play it, the more I love it! I don't recall it being mentioned, but something is not right with the coins. In the morning I fished for 30k, but the next time I started the game, I had barely 500 coins. I did not buy anything, so was wondering if losing a pirate battle would cause it. Did more fishing, no battling, same happened. Seemed to occur also when just walking and talking in town. Am I missing something or is it some bug? Will try it more, but would be good to know if feature or not. Update: Hm, it might be feature? It happens when clicking on the treasure box in the middle of the main island.
all thanks to you fine folk we hit #1 on the RPG chart for the US today. I can't believe it. should probably try sleeping more than 4.5h a night too haha hey, sorry about that, it is a bug the patched update is in the submission process as we speak. basically the treasure chest has a chance of randomizing your gold instead of adding a random amount. for a list of other bugs please check our buglist/FAQ thanks for your patience! on the bright side, gold is quite easy to come by so I hope it doesn't hold you back for too long. aside from the chest, it shouldn't be happening when you're battling, fishing or talking/walking around town, if you notice this happening please let us know asap thanks! it'll just be a free update, though thank you for offering your support! i think we might do a couple of little packs (no promises on more than one though) and then start working on the next project. it really depends. we'll also have to think about localization and so forth wish i had ten arms or something. or tentacles. thanks so much the chef hat quest is bugged and will be fixed when the submission goes through (any day now!) sorry about that! the pylon quest should be working - try talking to more people on the island if you haven't run into 'repeating dialogue' for everyone same for the viking helm. if you're still stuck, PM me so i don't spoiler non-bug(i hope) stuff this one i'm not 100% on, will PM you it depends on how Apple handles the switch from iPhone/universal. the app reads the same save between all versions of RWaIF. I know you're supposed to be able to xfer saves between devices, so fingers crossed. we're going to beta test on iPad and hopefully have a better idea. definitely don't want people's saves vanishing! dah, thanks! that's awesome to hear! we'll announce the patch in here when it finally goes through.
The treasure chest was not keeping me, just completed the base game, some more side quests to go! It seems the chest appears less when not having the lama, I had the urge to always click it on town. XD Decided to stay away until bought everything.
yeah please don't click it yet thank you haha patch is in the review process with Apple so fingers crossed for a quick approval!