The update fixed my tentacle quest and within minutes of logging in I was able to complete the game! Thanks much for fixing that. I wish you continued success and look forward to seeing what's next from you all.
Very glad it worked for you Thanks for letting us know (and waiting so patiently)! We just got a feature on the Canadian iPad store so it's like heart palpitation time again lol. Thanks again to all of you (and the TA admins ofc) for the support and signal boosting. Currently we're looking into the costs of localizing for a couple of languages.
Great game. I love them jokes and references to Monkey island 2. I have all the fishes but can not find Neckbeard. Where is he? Also to the developer of the game @Kestrel Games: I am slightly annoyed that game does not flip if i flip my iPad. Why am i talking about that? Well i like to play on couch with iPad resting on my chest. If i also charge my iPad i can not play this game in this way as it only supports screen where hole for charger is on the bottom. If i flip my ipad so charger hole is on top this game does not rotate screen. Other than that i have enjoyed your game very much.
Neckbeard is sometimes outside but usually in his cave underneath the farm once he's unlocked. Not sure why the iPad doesn't run the game upside down if the device is flipped (it uses the same build settings as the iPhone does) but I'll look into it.
Found Neckbeard. Tnx. Forgot about hacking pirate in the cave. Well the game does not flip on my phone (iPhone SE, latest IOS) either.
haha, thank you, glad you caught the references! Have you encountered any games that let you flip the iPhone 5 SE? I've not come across any that let you flip vertically (same reason as you, the headphone jack/charger is on the bottom). Curious to know.
On the island, it's almost impossible to enter the other sides of the islands. Getting to the garden is actually impossible. Whenever I click in the general area where I should in order to move to other areas, it doesn't register. (iPhone 6s)
Oh man, nothing's coming to mind, but there have been a heap of portrait only games that do indeed flip orientation.
hmm, shoot, I haven't seen this happen before. Are you clicking on the very left of the bridge to go to the farm? Directing this to code, sorry about that! will keep an eye out for those On another note, we are releasing for Android in the next couple weeks, then the free update patch shortly after sorry it's taken a while, we've been pretty swamped with 'boring' post-release stuff! couple of fish shots on our twitter.
For everyone who has been patiently waiting for the Android release, we're now live on google play at On to the content patch! Started a new thread on the Android forums
Just finished the game and all quests. Clocked around 10:30h. Very fun game that I would recommend to everyone! Congratulations!
Can anyone tell me how to get any seed for farming? It think I talked to everyone, finished worm quest from chef, radiant fish quest from the farmer, opened 4 fishing island, got 4 pets, but still 0 item for farming! I really don't know what I should do...
I was also confused by that and only realized it later in the game. You have to open the icon that appears on farm, click which seed you want and then plant.