[RPG Recruiting] Project Methane Needs You!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by bowiz2, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. bowiz2

    bowiz2 New Member

    Mar 27, 2011
    #1 bowiz2, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
    Project Name:

    Project Methane(The working title, the game will probably be released under another name.)

    Brief description:

    The game will be a 2D Sci-Fi RPG developed for the iOS, with an emphasis on factions and reputation that change the story. The story itself has been in development forover a month, and the game will be an open, explorable world. The exact style of gameplay will be decided along with the LeadProgrammer.

    Target aim:
    Retail.App Store.

    Percentage of potential revenue, according to your work on the game.


    Target: iOS devices, Unity3d.

    Talent needed:
    Lead programmer (experienced [programmed in iOS before] and responsible)


    Level designer

    Lead artist(experience as a concept artist)

    Everything 3d (The game is a top-down 2d/3d kind of game, if you want to know exactly what we mean, look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ATFQXhMaM)

    Composers(background music – must be emotional and must keep team motivated)

    No writers are needed, we already have 2.

    No experience needed unless otherwise stated.

    If anyone can fulfill two roles that'd be great. Also talents not mentioned above are welcome.

    Weare two writers. bowiz2 and martin32. Our concept artist is Lou Graziani, and our composer is Daniel Kobylarz. The intro to the game has been sketched out as well as the main plot twists.

    No current website. We're thinking of putting one up.


    Reply to this post, and email your contact info (Skype, email, etc.) to [email protected]

    Previous Work by Team:
    Worked in an OpenRPG team, which fell apart due to programmers' issues.

    Additional Info:

    Story synopsis:

    Sixmonths ago, the Tellurians found the richest methane resource in thegalaxy, on planet Gazrio.
    Diplomats, led by Ambassador Serena,were sent to bargain with its inhabitants, the Veriki race. They weremurdered for unknown reasons.
    Today, soldier Daniel Ryder hasarrived along with reinforcements. Their mission: secure theTellurian base until the GOLEM robot army gets here to wipe away thealiens. Dan's mission: Avengehis wife Serena's death.


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