I really enjoyed this title, you can tell the developer learned a lot with Kreisia as the sidequests, legendary equipment, etc. all follow a very similar pattern. Tops Kreisia on graphics etc. but there is no replay value that I have found like they put in Kreisia I've only found Subquests up to 21 Do you mean the Spoiler Village of Nall ? Here are what I've found so far for post game: For anyone who is looking for great postgame or late game leveling & maxing SP/elements on each character: Spoiler Land on the island just south of Grimms cave, the metallic slimes die very fast with the Metal cleaver or with luck and critical hits. At 75SP a kill, and 600 on the red version (plus you can use the SP boosting item), I maxed all of my characters in a couple of hours with unlimited bracelets and an attract ring on someone not in the party...it goes very fast So far the best equipment I've found is by the following: Spoiler Win repeatedly on all levels of the secret battle arena, and eventually they say that you've claimed all of the ultimate weapons (have to repeatedly fight all battle arena bosses..eventually you get them) and to take the dark crystals you found throughout the game (6 if you found them all) and use them at each of the sign posts, then you get some truly amazing weapons. However once I received these I did not find any other ultimate dungeons or bosses beyond the secret battle arena, anyone else?
Any hit that lands after a monster hits 0 hp counts as an overkill. So skills like "Maximum is 13", "Dancing Blade", "Whirlwind Slash" and spells like "Aqua Illusion" all can help a lot, though usually you have to time their usage for when the enemy is close to death. If timed well, the skills pay for themselves since each overkill hit regens some EP. At the current sale price, definitely. I enjoyed it most of the recent Kemco RPGs. I even played through the New Game+ for the bonus content, which I almost never do since it's usually tedious. Here's what I said in the Kreisia thread: Decent story that doesn't take itself too seriously, well differentiated characters, good challenge level, a good set of skills that leads to strategy in battles (versus just auto fighting). Just my opinion, of course.
It's a great buy, at $3.99 or on sale for half that I got around 50 hours out of it, and the story line wasn't bad, nor were the characters. All for the cost of a cheap lunch. I'd say it is better than RPG Alphadia Genesis on some aspects, although not nearly as visually impressive. With Kreisia - the 2nd play through/new game+ is where it really shines. Although you have to play through again, you can skip all the same text and keep all your gears/levels, but a lot of things are unexplained in the 1st play through. The 2nd time through only the new content that wasn't revealed can't be skipped. So you get more depth on why the major players in the story did what they did, when they did, what they're thinking and then the bonus content, ultimate weapons etc. are all accessible This is what sets it apart as I actually wanted to play through it again and find out the behind the scenes. I believe this CXC company is the developer of both Kreisia and Alphadia Genesis so both are very similar. But overall both are the top 2 kemco games I've played, by a good bit. the two downsides to kreisia were the skill acquisition system was very not clear, i still can't tell if I need to equip old weapons and hack to unlock some or not, and then the leveling system. Once you hit 99, you loop over to 99 (+1), then (+2) etc. Pretty much going on forever, each time just bumping your stats up a couple of points. I didn't like this personally although I also didn't like that there was no 2nd play through or difficult/insane mode setting on Alphadia Genesis and that you cap out at 99 which happens very early on in the post game. At least that I've found?
An important info on AGP's. If you use them to continue a battle if all of your comrades are dead, be careful. The cost is 100 AGP, but if your just loading a previous save the 100 AGP will still be gone. So it has an effect on all your saves. I presume that if you're buying someting from the AGP store you can't just load a previous game if you bought the wrong item. This affect lasts forever. Which leads me to the question on which items i should spend my AGP's for?
I'm only halfway through post game so I don't know if the last two secret arena bosses will require other items. But certainly during the regular game condition earrings 3 seem far and away the best purchase. I purchased 3 during the game, and the power increase is substantial and noticeable. Also did not find any during the regular play through.
Wow, I must have missed some as only found 1. Another shame that there isn't another play through. Usually their 2nd play through has hidden passages revealed, without a mini map many of the levels are confusing late game and you can easily get lost so must have missed some. I found 1 Case x Charm, and the damage is phenomenal on my attackers. I believe it calculates ((# of enemies) + 2)* normal damage, so at least you are tripling the amount of damage you do, more with larger groups of enemies. Even if the calculation is not correct, it has been doing a lot more than Condition Earrings 3. However with Condition Earrings 3 has a big advantage, if you aren't looking for raw damage the speed & Vit +60% is a game changer for the battle arena and bosses, as with it your characters go before even the strongest monsters in the game. So if you want to negate enemy skills or spells before they get a chance it makes a big difference. Most of the big bosses first round is some spell or skill that reduces your HP or kills some of your party members, the + speed is a game changer here. I never tried invalid commune, but it could be huge as the top bosses all use skills that you can't learn. Negating that flame breath would be great but since I never found one, I can't vouch for it's being effective or not, just going off the description I only found 260 free AGP in the game, but figure there must be more, how much did others find?
Sorry meant I purchased 3. Edited original for clarity. Haven't found any. Still have post game dungeon to do though If math is right I got 660. 3x150 plus I have 210 left. I found 20 in every town and dungeon. Some larger places had more.
Can someone please make a list of all places where you found AGP's? A detailed walkthrough would be nice,too !
Finally finished post-game. I enjoyed this game. Definitely one of the better ones. Towards the end it started feeling a little easy though. Even the secret arena, only the 3rd boss was any trouble, and he was more frustrating than anything. Traveled around a bit looking for any super-powerful overworld enemies like Kreisia had but didn't find anything tougher than the green dragon on the metal island. In post-game I decided that guilty amulets may be better than condition earrings 3 when considering the AGP shop. They boost STR instead of VIT, and their drawback is rendered moot by the ultimate armor drawback. But at that point I was so overpowered anyway that it hardly made a difference. Earlier in game they'd be risky for sure.... For finding AGPs, a list would be handy. Since I'm already done I can't help with that, but I can offer some tips: In dungeons Spoiler they are exclusively in dead-ends. That is, places with no treasure chests and only one way in/out. So every time you find a dead end, zoom in to look. Every dungeon has one, some of the larger ones have multiple. In towns Spoiler they don't follow any pattern. But towns just aren't that large in this game. As you explore each new town, zoom in regularly and you'll find them. Again each town has one, with the exception of some really small places like the rest stop which I don't recall having one.
AGP shop: open menu, click System, below buttons there is link. Also some towns have vendor that does the same thing. Dark crystals: can't answer exactly but Spoiler 3 are pre-post game, in energi pandora or the 3 dungeons just before it. 3 are in the final post game dungeon
You were talking about that you bought three "condition 3 earrings" and how much AGP they cost, right? So 660 is the maximum of AGP's in the whole game?
I found 20 more in final dungeon so I'm up to 680. Could be more that I missed too, but I zoomed a lot....
Lol I was heading back to archleign to find the AGP vendor and stumbled across some more AGP Spoiler right by the AGP vendor in Archleign . So that puts us up to at least 700 free AGP I'll try to attach a screenshot of the AGP vendor in Archleign. He's in the building with the mug sign. Hard to miss
Could someone please make a list of all places where you can find AGP's? A detailed walktrough would be nice, too.